The principle of scientific substantiation of prices


Thus, planning is a systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals. Planning is necessary to ensure proper utilization of human & non-human resources. It is all pervasive, it is an intellectual activity and it also helps in avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks, wastages etc.


It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals.


It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned. Staffing has assumed greater importance in the recent years due to advancement of technology, increase in size of business, complexity of human behavior etc.


It is that part of managerial function which actuates the organizational methods to work efficiently for achievement of organizational purposes. It is considered life-spark of the enterprise which sets it in motion the action of people because planning, organizing and staffing are the mere preparations for doing the work.

5. Controlling

It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if any to ensure achievement of organizational goals.

3. Ви працюєте у відділі маркетингу. Директор компанії попросив Вас виступити з повідомленням для практикантів щодо основних складових маркетингової політики компанії.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Anna Litovska I work in the marketing department. Today I'll tell you about the main components of the marketing strategy of the company.

The constituent parts of a marketing strategy are based on a thorough and objective understanding of the current situation. They usually include:

· The scope of the business: the customer groups you serve, the benefits they are seeking and which you deliver, and the technology you use. This may provide you with what some companies call a 'vision' or 'mission statement', a set of words explaining what your business is about and where it is going.

· Marketing objectives: eg market share, sales or market share growth, market entry, increase awareness, etc.

· Target segments and positioning: the specific customer groups or segments you are targeting and your business' position in those segments. For further information on segmenting and targeting customers see the Related Items section below for a link to the Factsheet: Segmentation, targeting and positioning.

· Marketing mix: the products, price, place (distribution) and promotion that you are using as 'marketing tools' to deliver benefits to your customers and beat competitors. Implementation: includes action plans, budgets, timescales and resources.

The best marketing strategy is not going to help if it you cannot implement it. When you have finished your marketing strategy, it is worth checking that you have the operational capacity and processes capable of fulfilling the extra orders, delivering on time and providing any extra services reliably and efficiently.

4. Компанія планує вийти на ринок із новим товаром чи послугою. Обґрунтуйте його необхідність.

The importance of new product development is a result of the necessity for developing new products if a business is to survive. In other words, new product development is tied to the ability of a business to remain competitive and also to the longevity of such a business. Any business that does not realize the importance of new product development will not last very long as a consequence of the fact that business is all about innovation and change, making it absolutely necessary for businesses to adapt to those changes in order to remain relevant.

New product development may be geared toward the conceptualization of a new idea regarding a completely new line of products currently not in the market, or it could be aimed toward upgrading products that may be in the market already.

Whatever the case, the development of new products is an essential part of the application of business strategies by companies.

5. Проконсультуйте представника іноземної фірми щодо особливостей торгівлі гуртом і вроздріб у вашому регіоні.???

Wholesale is the sale of goods, usually in quantity, for the purpose of resale to consumers. Wholesale is the price that retailers pay for items from the suppliers. Retail is the price that consumers pay for items from retailers. Wholesale is cheaper as retailers buy items in large quantities to sell for profit to consumers.

Wholesalers may be defined as the middlemen who operate between the producers (from whom they purchase goods) and the retailers (to whom they sell goods).

Retailing refers to all the transactions which involve sale of goods or services to the ultimate consumers. A retailer is a middleman who procures goods from the wholesalers and sells it to the final consumers. They have a much stronger personal relationship with the consumers and deal directly with the people of varied tastes and temperaments. The retailers provide important services and solve the problems of the manufacturers and wholesalers on the one hand and the consumers on the other hand.

Wholesalers and retailers are the two important types of middlemen forming a part of the distribution channels. They specialize in providing a wide range of services for both the producers as well as the consumers. They greatly increase the efficiency of exchange and lead to reduction in total cost of distribution of products. They provide ready delivery of goods to the consumers at places convenient and accessible to them. They also provide after sale services and handle consumer grievances. Wholesalers and retailers also act as a communication channel by providing information about the products to the consumers, on the one hand, and the consumer feedback to the producers on the other hand.

6. Вам необхідно написати статтю про податкову систему України. Розкрийте основні поняття і сфери дослідження цієї проблеми.???

My task is to write an article about tax system in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Tax System has developed radically since Ukrainian independence until the present. The first major reform to the tax system was undertaken in 1997 with the main aim of increasing budget revenues, by reducing the number of tax exemptions and simplifying and streamlining compliance procedures. The law of Ukraine “On the State Tax Service of Ukraine” (with amendments) determined the status of the state tax service in Ukraine, its functions and legal bases. The system of the State tax service comprises the: State tax administration of Ukraine, state tax administrations in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions, Kyiv, Sevastopol; state tax inspections in regions, cities (except Kyiv and Sevastopol).

The structure also includes special divisions on the tax law-breakers control (tax militia). Depending on the number of tax-payers and other local conditions, the administration may set up interregional, joint state tax check-outs and corresponding divisions of tax militia. The State Tax Administrations (STA) is led by the Head, who is appointed to and dismissed from office by the President of Ukraine in accordance with legislation. The Head runs STA and personally accounts to the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the tasks’ fulfillment incumbent on the administration. The Head distributes the responsibilities among the deputies of the Head and the leaders of the structural divisions of STA. According to the Article 2 of the Law “On State Tax Service of Ukraine” the principle tasks of the administration are:

– to control tax administration, calculation, recurrent and timely payment to the budget, compulsory payments, and also non-tax incomes, established by legislation (further – taxes, other outgoings);

– to submit, in the established order, offers to improve tax legislation;

– to introduce standard acts and methodological recommendations concerning taxation;

– to form the state register of natural persons-tax-payers and other compulsory payments, and legal entities – data bank on tax-payers;

– to explain legislation taxation to tax-payers;

–to avoid infringements of the law, which belong to tax militia competence, take measures to investigate and stop them.

It is clear that the Ukrainian Parliament and Government have accomplished significant developments in developing the tax system However, it is evident that Parliament and the Government must continue working to improve the tax system. A clear and friendly tax environment is the cornerstone upon which the investment climate in Ukraine will flourish to its full potential.

7. Ви берете участь у засіданні круглого столу. Основна тема: «Ціни в ринковій економіці». Питання для обговорення: «Принципи й етапи ціноутворення».

Panel discussion – засідання круглого столу

Question for discussion (topic under review) - питання для обговорення

One of the four major elements of the marketing mix is price. Pricing is an important strategic issue because it is related to product positioning. Furthermore, pricing affects other marketing mix elements such as product features, channel decisions, and promotion.

Principles of pricing - is the main provisions (rules, laws) that continuously operate and specific to the whole system of prices and are in its basis. There are 5 main principles of pricing:

The principle of scientific substantiation of prices

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