Make up word combinations and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

presidential legislative Cabinet of head Supreme state national armed Ministers anthem forces Court republic of the state flag branch

Match the words (phrases) with similar meanings.

1) the Supreme Council 2) Speaker 3) coat of arms 4) banner 5) decree 6) power 7) chamber 8) independence 9) parliament member a) act b) the Verkhovna Rada c) people’s deputy d) house e) national emblem f) sovereignty g) flag h) Chairman i) authority

Complete the following sentences with the corresponding dates.

1. The “Declaration of the State Sovereignty of Ukraine” was adopted on . . . . . 2. The independence of Ukraine was proclaimed on . . . . . 3. The Constitution of Ukraine was approved on . . . . . June 28, 1996 July 16, 1990 August 24, 1991

READING AND speaking

6. Discuss the following questions:

1) Who was the first President of Ukraine?

2) What kind of political system has Ukraine?

3) Is there a written constitution in Ukraine?

4) Who is the Prime Minister of Ukraine now?

5) When was the last election to the Verkhovna Rada held?

Read the text about the state system of Ukraine.

State System of Ukraine

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 brought Ukraine independence. The Ukrainian people realized their sovereign right to self-determination and, as a result of this, the new country - Ukraine - appeared on the World Map. The new Constitution was approved by the Verkhovna Rada on June 28th 1996. The Constitution enjoys the greatest legal power. It outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and duties. Under the Constitution the powers of the government are divided into three branches - the legislative, the executive, and the judicial.

By the form of governance Ukraine combines the elements of presidential and parliamentary republic.

The Verkhovna Rada (the Supreme Council or Parliament) is the highest legislative body in Ukraine. It is a unicameral assembly of 450 people’s deputies, who are elected for a term of five years on the basis of universal, equal suffrage by the secret ballot. The Verkhovna Rada`s main function is making laws. Law drafting work is performed by its Committees. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget for the period from January 1 to December 31 and controls the execution of it.

The President of Ukraine is the head of the state and acts in its name. He is the guarantor of the state sovereignty, territorial integrity of Ukraine, observance of the Constitution of Ukraine, civil rights and freedoms. The President signs the laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada and has the right to veto them. He is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The President is elected by direct majority vote for a term of five years with no more than two consecutive terms.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is the highest executive body. The Cabinet of Ministers is responsible to the President of Ukraine and under the control and accountable to the Verkhovna Rada. It carries out domestic and foreign policy of the state, develops and fulfils national programs on the economic, scientific and technological, social and cultural development of Ukraine. The Prime Minister operates the Cabinet of Ministers, directs its work to the fulfilment of the Program of the Cabinet of Ministers approved by the Verkhovna Rada.

Judicial power in Ukraine belongs exclusively to the courts. It is administered by the Constitutional Court, the sole body of constitutional jurisdiction in Ukraine, and by courts of general jurisdiction. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction. It consists of 5 judges elected for a 5-year term by the Verkhovna Rada. The main task of this body is to supervise all judicial activity.

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