My Experience in Gardening

My family has got a small weekend house not far from the town. It’s set in the picturesque place near the river. Our garden is not very big, but still we have got plenty of work there. Working in the garden is our family’s hobby. It gives us a lot of moments of pleasure and excitement. Isn’t it amazing to put a seed into the ground and watch it grow, blossom and give fruit? But at the same time garden means a lot of work, because it needs a lot of care.

In spring when the nature awakens from its long winter sleep, we have to whitewash the trees, protecting them from harmful insects, to cut away useless branches. If we want to grow some vegetables, we must put some fertiliser, sow the seeds into the soil and water them carefully. Very often we grow seedlings of tomatoes, egg-plants in our small greenhouse and then plant them out. It helps us to grow the crop earlier. Summer is a busy time for a gardener. It is necessary to water plants, protect them from bugs. All the gardeners adore autumn, because they can see the results of their work: they gather nice crops, pick fruit and vegetables.

Last autumn I had a wonderful chance to acquire some habits in planting trees. My father made up his mind to plant 2 or 3 good apricot saplings. It was the end of October, the most favourable period for planting fruit trees. I prepared all necessary garden tools: spades, a rake, a ridging hoe, a fork, a gardener’s knife and others. After finding the most suitable place for the young plants Daddy began to dig a hole. Mummy started doing the watery fertiliser and I brought a water hose and waited patiently for other instructions.

When the hole was ready my Mummy put some fertiliser into it and placed one the saplings into the hole. She asked me to hold it straight and she accurately, standing on her knees spread its roots. Daddy began to throw the earth into the hole till it was full. After ramming the earth around it Mummy did a deep pit round the tree. Then it was my turn to take part in planting and I began watering to quench the thirst of the young apricot tree. That day I enjoyed helping my parents in the garden. I understood the importance of my Daddy’s words: ”Gardening takes much time and efforts but it brings you a great pleasure and satisfaction”.

Answer the questions.

1) Where is the weekend house situated?

2) What is family’s hobby?

3) What do the gardeners do in spring / summer / autumn?

4) What fruit tree did the family decide to plant?

5) What is the most favourable period for planting?

6) What garden tools were necessary for their work?

7) What did everybody do in the garden?

8) How do you understand father’s words: “Gardening takes much time and efforts but it brings you a great pleasure and satisfaction”?

Read the following instructions and put them in the correct order.

___ Spread the roots.

___ Place the sapling into the hole.

_1_ Find a suitable place for the sapling.

___ Water the young tree.

___ Fill the hole with the soil.

___ Put some fertilizer.

___ Ram the earth around the sapling.

___ Dig the hole.

11. Give some tips on how to plant a tree. Use:

First … Then … After that … At last … Finally …

12. What do plants need to grow? Sun, water, air and soil are those natural factors that influence plant’s growth. Which in what way? Match the titles to the corresponding paragraphs.






It provides a base which the roots hold on to as a plant grows bigger. It also provides plants with water and the nutrients they need to be healthy. It also gives nutrients that help plants grow strong.


It provides warmth and energy for plants to survive. Plants use this energy to make their own food energy in the leaves.


It is very important to plant growth. It helps the plant move nutrients from the soil up through its stems and leaves. It also keeps the plant moist and flexible, and helps the plant make its own food.


It is important because plants take in carbon dioxide to use during photosynthesis and give off oxygen as a result.

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