Department of Computer Engineering

The Department was set up in 1961 and was known then as the Department of Mathematical and Calculating Machines and Devices. The first enrollment of students in the course was made in 1958.

Since 1965 it is known as the Department of Computer Engineering. The Department offers Bachelor’s degree in the field of information science and computer engineering; Engineer’s degree in the fields of computer, complexes, systems, and networks; computer-aided design systems; software for computer technology; statistics; master’s programs in the areas of high-production computer systems; computer networks and telecommunications; computer analysis and data interpretation; and digital signal processing.

Along with general engineering and special subjects, future specialists in systems engineering study the principles of computer organizion and functioning, the work of its elements and devices, the methods of their interaction and control, and methods of computer design as well as methods of joining them in complexes, systems, and networks; they learn to professionally work with them, use and maintain the devices/machines as well as effectively apply these to their academic, research, and practical work.

The major subjects taught are: Mathematical Analysis; Advanced Calculus; Programming; Basics of Computer Engineering; Physics; Engineering Drawing; Numerical Methods; Electronics; Information Technologies; Programming Technology; Theory of Formal Languages; Computer Graphics; System Software; Computer Simulation; Computer, Systems and Network Organization; Databases; Information Science; Multi-User-Operating Systems; Artificial Intelligence Systems; Peripherals; Microprocessor Systems; and many others.

Profound knowledge of general engineering subjects, deep and fundamental knowledge of various computer and information systems and technologies facilitates the adaptation of the graduates to the demands of the national economy in this fast changing world. The qualification acquired helps the graduates to find good jobs and pursue successful careers in the field chosen.

Department of Data Collection and Data Processing Systems

The Department of Data Collection and Data Processing is one of the oldest NSTU Departments. It gave rise to the development of the other departments and the Faculty on the whole. In its present state, the Department was set up in 1995 on the basis of the Information and Metering Technology Department formed back in 1957.

During all these years, the Department awarded degrees in engineering to more than 2000 of its graduates.

The Department offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the field of instrument engineering and Engineer’s degree in biotechnology and medical apparatuses and systems and in information and metering technology.

The main tasks of the department are to train professionally qualified engineers capable of designing, investigating, and developing the up-to-date data collection and data processing systems both for industry (degree in information and metering technology) and medicine (degree in biotechnology and medical apparatuses and systems), to do research in the above fields and on this basis train researchers, with M.Sc., Cand.Sc., and D.Sc. degrees being awarded.

The Department opened a double degree (jointly with Novosibirsk Medical Institute) in engineering and medical science; it started work in the field or energy conservation (development of new heat metering systems, stands for testing heat metering devices and systems, etc.); work aimed to develop new medical devices and systems is being extended (the unique in Russia operating magnetocardiograph based on the superconductivity effect and a family of cardiomonitors have been designed).

The Departments is an active participant in the Federal Presidential Program Integration of science and higher school. Within the framework of this program, a federal research and educational center for biomagnetic research has been set up in the Department.

Major subjects taught are Mathematical Analysis; Advanced Calculus; Information Science; Physics; Fundamentals of Computer Engineering; Computer Architecture; Theory of Electric Circuits; Electronics; Circuit Engineering; Theory and Signal Processing; Software Engineering; System and Applied Software; Design and Computer-Aided Design (CAD); Measurements Basics and Metrology; Physical Values Measurements; Microprocessors and Micro-controllers; Automatic Control Theory; Design of Devices and Systems; Computer Networks; Data Collection and Data Processing Systems.

The Departments offers the following elective courses: Systems of Measuring Heat Power; High Precision Measurements and Measurements of Super-small Values; Present-Day Circuit Engineering of leading Foreign Companies; Applied and Legal Metrology; Certification; for the degree in information and metering technology: Fundamentals of Physiology and Biophysics; Electronic and Medical Systems; Medical Information Systems; Methods of Medical and Biological Research; and Medical Diagnostic Devices and Systems for the degree in biotechnological and medical apparatuses and systems. Some courses taught in addition to the curriculum are offered as well. Among these are Diagnostics and Technical Maintenance of IBM PC-type Computers, Microsoft Office Technologies, Programming in the LabWindows (CV) Environment. The graduates can pursue their careers at the enterprises of fuel and energy complex, in machine building and instrument making, in produc-tion and maintenance of medical facilities, in research organizations and labo-ratories, in information and computer centers, and in computer service industry.

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