SHOPPING. A.Make a class survey to find out whether the students in your group are "shopaholics" or not

A.Make a class survey to find out whether the students in your group are "shopaholics" or not. Tick yes or no, as appropriate:


  Do you…   Yes nnj No
a) always pay cash when you go shopping?      
b) feel guilty when you spend a lot of money?      
c) only go shopping when you have something specific to buy?      
d) usually know how much you have in your purse / wallet?      
e) sometimes waste money?      
f) often owe people money?      
g) always pay off bills in full at the end of the month?      
h) have overdraft facilities at the bank?      
i) save money regularly?      
j) sometimes go shopping intending to spend a lot of money?      
k) hide what you bought from your parents / partner / flatmate?      

B.Score 1 point for each of the following answers:

a) no b) no c) no d) no e) yes f) yes g) no h) yes i) no j) yes k) yes

8-11: You are a shopaholic and need help!

4-7: Sorry! You have some problems.

0-3: You are careful with money.

C. Interview your partner suggesting the following questions and come up with the conclusion:

1. When you go into a shop: a) you usually know exactly what you want. b) You only want to look. c) You always look carefully and come back later to buy. 2. You prefer to go shopping: a) in small local shops where you know people. b) large stores in the city centre. c) anywhere which is cheap. 3. You mainly go shopping for: a) food or drink. b) clothes or shoes. c) CDs or books.
4. You usually go shopping: a) alone. b) with family. c) with friends. 5. You think first about: a) the price. b) the quality. c) the name. 6. You take advice from: a) shop assistants. b) friends or family. c) nobody.

D.Compare the answers and decide which description fits you best.

Fun Shopper You really enjoy it! And it’s more interesting for you if you go with a friend. Practical Shopper You get the best and the cheapest. Reluctant Shopper You hate doing it! You are happier when someone tells you what to buy.

It is interesting to know

& Reading

Read the text and be ready to discuss it.



For thousands and thousands of years, people produced most of what they needed for themselves. They grew or hunted for their own food, and made their own simple tools. But little by little they learned that they could have more varied goods by trading.

Little is known about the beginnings of trade. Perhaps it was English flint, used to make primitive tools, and much traded in Europe thousands of years before Christ. Or was it the Egyptians, as early as 3000 ВС, travelling down the African coast as far as the Zambezi River in search of gold, silver, and slaves?

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