A) Study the following words and word combinations on the topic

cradle - колиска

abundance - достаток

picturesque - мальовничий

to attract — приваблювати

Kyiv-Pechersky Monastery — Києво-Печерська Лавра (монастир)

Askold's Grave — Аскольдова могила

Church of St. Andrew — церква св. Андрія

the Park of Immortal Glory — парк Вічної Слави

tomb — могила

Unknown soldier — Невідомий солдат

eternal fire — Вічний вогонь

research — науково-дослідний

beach — пляж

perfectly — чудово, цілком, зовсім

to integrate — скла­дати єдине ціле, об'єднувати

attractive hotels — за­манливі готелі

administrative buildings — адміні­стративні будівлі

to take a bus ride through smth. — здійснити автобусну екскурсію...

to stroll in a shade of trees — прогулюватися в тіні дерев

valley — долина

primeval forests — праліси

ravine — яр, ущелина

to resemble — мати подібність

to be completely destroyed — бути повністю зруйнованим

restoration - від­новлення, реконструкція

to envisage — розглядати

abundance — ве­лика кількість

shrub — кущ, чагарник

warrior — вояк, боєць

during the reign — в час правління

remarkable — чу­довий, видатний

the embodiment of the talent and assiduity — втілення таланту та працьовитості

to astonish — дивувати

magnificence — пишність

splendour — блиск, пишність, краса, шляхет­ність

interior decoration — внутрішні прикраси, інтер'єр

exceptionally valuable — ви­ключно цінний

unique architectural forms — унікальні архітектурні форми

mosaic — мозаїка

fresco — фреска, фрес­кове малярство

to restore — віднов­лювати, реставрувати

skill - майстерність

to border - межувати

eminent statesman - видатний державний діяч

B) do some activities to know the words on the topic better

1) pastures a) печери

2) meadows в) яри

3) invasions c) предки

4) deeds d) вуличні торговці

5) wisdom e) лати, зброя

6) forefathers f) флот

7) monks g) благодійність

8) caves h) луги

9) ravines і) в'язниця

10) insurance companies j) ворожі навали

11) street vendors k) подвиги

12) armory 1) пасовиська

13) fleet m) монахи

14) charity n) страховi компанії

15) dungeon o) мудрість

Part II

16) to bury р) дзвонити

17) to erect q) створювати

18) to burn to ashes r) увічнювати

19) to conquer s) ховати

20) to witness t) споруджувати

21) to create u) завойовувати

22) to toll v) бути свідком

23) to commemorate w) згоріти дотла

Match the following English words with their synonyms

1) medieval a) to change

2) contemporary b) monarchs, kings and queens

3) to alter c) writer and poets ......

4) sovereigns d) ancestors

5) site e) church-yard

6) men of letters f) soldiers

7) cemetery g) from the Middle Ages

8) forefathers h) present day

9) warriors i) place

Consult a dictionary, translate, transcribe and practice pronunciation:

lie (in), v medieval, adj. extend, v

ancient, adj. come out, v shrub, n

cliff, n side by side, adv. junction, n

warrior, n strip, n primeval, adj.

stroll, v settlement, n

Words Word combinations Expressions
1) долина 2) розташований 3) царювання 4) виходити (на)... 5) межувати 6) хор 7) воїн 8) загарбник 9) курорт 10) зразок 1) центральний район 2) головна вулиця 3) визначний пам'ятник 4) слов'янський народ 5) героїчні вчинки 6) незалежна держава 7) визначні зразки старовинної архітектури 8) державний діяч 9) житлові багатоповерхові будинки 10) будівлі середньовіччя 1) стояти пліч-о-пліч 2) сідати в автобус 3)виходити через ворота 4) вставати з руїн 5) простягатися в усіх напрямках 6) бути розташованим 7) заснувати поселення   8) гуляти (блукати) вулицями

2. Read the texts, translate them, do all activities after them and be ready to speak about Ukraine’s capital


Kyiv is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine its population is equal to 4 million people (2006 est.). The city lies in north-central Ukraine on the Dnieper River in a rich agricultural and industrial region.

The central area of Kyiv is on a high cliff along the western bank of the Dnieper. There are medieval buildings and modern structures standing side by side. Industrial districts and rows of modern apartment blocks extend in all directions from the centre of the city.

As one takes a bus ride through Khreshchatyk or strolls in the shade of trees, it is difficult to believe that ages ago this was the sight of a deep valley covered with primeval forests and numerous ravins. Actually it was the valley called Khreshchataya, which later became Khreshchatyk, the main street of the capital. In 1037 St. Sophia Cathedral, an outstanding monument of ancient Rus' and world culture was built on the site of the battle against the Pechenigs in which the Kyiv warriors were victorious. It was founded during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Leaving St. Sophia Cathedral through the gateway, one comes out into Sophiyivs'ka Square. It is bordered to the right by a strip of trees and shrubs while in the centre of the square there is the monument to Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi, the 17th century outstanding Ukrainian statesman and military leader. The monument to Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi was built by sculptor Myhailo Mikeshyn.

Landmarks of Kyiv include St. Sophia's Cathedral and the Golden Gates of Yaroslav the Wise, both built in the 1000s. The Monastery of the Caves, which has the network of catacombs, also dates from medieval times. The Mariyins'kyi Palace and the Church of St. Andrew were built during the 1700s. There are many institutions of higher learning, schools, colleges, the National Academy of Sciences, the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv etc.

Kyiv is a major manufacturing and transportation centre. Its factories produce aircrafts, cameras, chemicals, clothing, precision tools, watches and other products. The city is a road and rail junction and a river port.

Slavic people established a settlement in Kyiv; perhaps as early as the AD 600s Kyiv prospered as a traditional centre. By the 1100s Kyiv was one of European's greatest centres of commerce and culture. Mongol invaders destroyed most of the city in 1240. Kyiv was rebuilt in the 1300s.

As Kyiv's history is full of dramatic events and heroic deeds, there are many other places of interest such as the monument to Volodymyr, Kyiv-Pechersky Monastery, Askold's grave and others.

In 1991 Kyiv became the capital of independent Ukraine.

Imagine that your foreign friend has come to the city of Kyiv. Make a dialogue, using the following words and expressions:

The Rus' Primary Chronicle; during the reign; buildings with wall painting and mosaics; the Brick Golden Gate; remarkable models of ancient architecture; Batyi's hords plundered the city; the first tramline (1892); great damage; brutally murdered at Babyi Yar; to rise from the ruins anew; new residential districts; Paton and Moscow automobile bridges; the National Scientific Library (over 10 million volumes); the National Parliamentary Library; goverment-funded museums; the museums of art: National Art, Ukrainian Decorative Folk Art, Western and Eastern Art; Museum of Ukraine's Literature; Shevchenko Museum; the Dovzhenko Artistic Film Studio (1928); Monuments to T. Shevchenko (1939), I. Franko (1956), O. Dovzhenko (1964), M. Zan'kovets'ka (1974), H. Skovoroda (1976), M. Lysenko (1965); professional theatres; the House of Organ and Chamber Music; the Operetta Theatre; Dumka Chorus; Veriovka State Choir; the State Banduryst Kapelle.

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