Faculty of automation and computer engineering

The Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering is one of the largest NSTU faculties. The faculty was set up in 1963. It comprised three departments at that time. These were the Department of Automation and Teleautomatics; Electric Metering Technology; and Mathematical and Calculating Machines and Devices.

Since 1994 the Faculty has been located in the seventh teaching block, being the only faculty occupying a separate building.

At present the faculty comprises six major departments awarding degrees. These are the following ones: Department of Automation; Department of Instrumentation; Department of Automated Control Systems; Department of Computer Engineering; Department of Data Collection and Data Processing Systems; Department of Network Information Technologies.

Students are given an opportunity not only to obtain the most up-to-date knowledge in the area chosen, but also to carry out research and participate in engineering developments. The Faculty has about 40 instructional and research laboratories and computer classrooms, among these “SIEMENS” training centre and “AEG-Modicon-Schneider” training centre.

The Faculty offers multi-level system of training awarding Bachelor’s, Master’s and Engineer’s degrees. The Bachelor degree is awarded after 4 years of study, Engineer’s degree after 5.5 years, and Master’s degree after six years of study.

The teaching staff are 110 teachers and professors. The faculty offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the fields of automation and control; instrument engineering; information science and computer engineering; and biomedical engineering. Engineer’s degrees are awarded in the fields of biotechnical and medical apparatuses and systems; control and informatics in engineering systems; off-line information and control systems; computers, complexes, systems, and networks; computer-aided data processing and control systems; computer-aided design systems; software for computer technology and computer-aided systems; computer-aided systems information security.

Besides, some departments give training in additional area thus expanding the student’s major field.

More than 1000 international students study at the Faculty.

Students acquire fundamental knowledge and practical training in various fields of science and engineering related to data processing, theory of control, design of various instruments and devices.

Department of Automated Control System

The Department of automated control system was organized in 1971.

The Department offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the field of «Information Science and Computer Engineering and Engineer’s degree in the field of Automated Data Processing and Control Systems».

The field of Automated Data Processing and Control Systems is one of the most up-to-date direction of training which is in increasingly high demand nowadays. The major subjects taught are Mathematical Analysis; Computer Science, Algorithmic Languages and Programming; Fundamentals of Computer Engineering; Operations Research; Software Engineering; System Modeling; System Software; Fundamentals of Automated Control; Knowledge Bases and Expert Systems; Databases and Data Banks; Fundamentals of Automated Control System Development; Distributed Information and Computing Systems; Information and Software Development Technology; Communications in an Organization; Innovations Control; Decision Making Methods; Distributed Data/Information Processing Systems; Industrial Information Systems; Theory of Systems Development; Decision Theory; Information Technology System Design; Information Control Systems.

Department of Automation

Department was established in 1966 as the Department of Automation and Teleautomatics. The Department awards Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the field of Automation and Control and Engineer’s degrees in Control and Informatics in Engineering Systems.

Automation and Control is a field of science and technology which combines an aggregate of facilities, methods, and techniques for human activity created for automatic control of production lines and processes, mobile objects, off-line multivariable engineering, administrative, financial, and other systems.

Modern civilization is swiftly moving towards the creation of information society. In the every-day life, people deal, to a greater extent, not with physical objects but with various control and information systems which in the near future will encompass all the fields of production, education, culture, and every-day life at the global, national, and regional scale.

The science of control is an integral and one of the major parts of modern scientific revolution; it came into existence as a result of comprehension and generalization of various fields of science. Due to this synthesis, the science of automatic control gives people facilities and methods for finding and implementing effective management strategies.

Information, databases, local computer network, algorithm, feedback, optimization, and adaptation are the key ideas of the modern science of control and software, computers, electronic and microprocessor devices, automatic controllers are the basic concepts of automatic control technology. These components form the automatic control systems. The systems are the most important part of any engineering installation. Industrial, transport, bioengineering, or any other up-to-date technology include computers, electronic telecommunications, and microprocessors. It is this very triad that is at the basis of the major fields of study offered by the Department.

Future specialists on control and information science study mathematics, physics, electronics, control theory, system simulation, microprocessor technology, and other engineering subjects along with technical and program facilities for database control systems, computer-aided design systems, expert systems, artificial intelligence systems, multi-media systems, information systems, computer networks and telecommunications, information protection system, and data processing distributed systems.

Besides the fundamental engineering and scientific education, study of English, management and marketing in the up-to-date science-intensive production, and law is foreseen.

Major subjects taught are: Higher Mathematics and Advanced Calculus; Physics; Information Science and Programming; Electronics and Circuit Engineering; Microprocessor and Computer Technology; Electromechanical Systems; Automatic Control Theory and Simulation; Identification and Filtering PC Software; Information Technologies; Design of Automatics Systems and Facilities; Control Systems; Control Systems Identification; System Identification and Mathematical Modeling; Statistical Estimation.

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