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Пояснения к тексту:

to station on duty –размещать, расставлять (агентов) для исполнения служебных обязанностей (на дежурство)

to build up – здесь: постепенно создавать, строить, развивать(ся)

Greater London –«Большой» Лондон

Home Secretary – министр внутренних дел Великобритании

flying squad – «летучий отряд»

criminal records office – отдел регистрации преступлений и преступников


(2) At first the new police force encountered little cooperation from the public, and when Scotland Yard stationed its first plainclothes police agents on duty in 1842, there was a public outcry against these 'spies' The police force had gradually won the trust of the London public by the time Scotland Yard set up its Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in 1878. The CID was a small force of plainclothes detectives who gathered information on criminal activities. The CID was subsequently built up into the efficient investigative force that it now constitutes. It presently employs more than 1,000 detectives.

The area supervised by the London Metropolitan Police includes all of Greater London with the exception of the City of London, which has its own separate police force. The Metropolitan Police's duties are the detection and prevention of crime, the preservation of public order, the supervision of road traffic and the licensing of public vehicles, and the organisation of civil defence in case of emergency.

The administrative head of Scotland Yard is the commissioner, who is appointed by the Crown on the recommendation of the Home Secretary. Beneath the commissioner are a deputy commissioner and four assistant commissioners, each of the latter being in charge of one of Scotland Yard's four departments: administration, traffic and transport, criminal investigation (the CID), and police recruitment and training. The CID deals with all aspects of criminal investigation and comprises the criminal records office, fingerprint and photography sections, the company fraud squad, a highly mobile police unit known as the flying squad, the metropolitan police laboratory, and the detective-training school.

Scotland Yard keeps extensive files on all known criminals in the United Kingdom. It also has a special branch of police who guard visiting dignitaries, royalty, and statesmen. Finally, Scotland Yard is responsible for maintaining links between British law-enforcement agencies and Interpol. Although Scotland Yard's responsibility is limited to metropolitan London, its assistance is often sought by police in other parts of England, particularly with regard to difficult cases. The Yard also assists in the training of police personnel in the countries of the Commonwealth.

Перепишите следующие вопросы к текстам и дайте письменные ответы.

1) What were the CID's initial duties?

2) Which parts of London are covered by the Metropolitan Police?

3) Who is the administrative head of Scotland Yard?

12. Найдите английские эквиваленты для следующих выражений:

1) главное полицейское управление

2) завоевать доверие общественности

3) правоохранительные органы

4) чрезвычайное положение

5) пребывание на службе

6) отдел по борьбе с мошенничеством

7) преступная деятельность

8) собирать сведения


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