The money allocated to the production of this film is insufficient

(Деньги, выделенные на производство этого фильма, недостаточны)

The money allocated to the production of this film is insufficient - The money allocated to the production of this film is insufficient - V3 + N

It was a poorly-paid job. (Это была низкооплачиваемая работа)

2) как часть пассивной конструкции структурах be + V3, can/may/must + be + V3 .

3) как обстоятельство в структурахV3 + subject, when/though + V3 + N.

Exercise 7. Translate into Russian and define the type of the pattern and the function of the past participle (V3).

1) the resources are allocated to the production of ...

2) the money allocated to the production of this film is insufficient

3) value added tax

4) the science concerned with economic systems is ...

5) much of our experience is related to economics

6) when interviewedhe refused to answer the question about ...

7) the class divided into groups took part in ...

8) 15 divided by 3 is 5

9) (when) asked about his job the man didn’t answer

10) the decision taken by the manager is ...

11) the debt is to be paid off by Monday

12) a poorly-paid job

13) paid off debts

14) (though) exhausted by sleepless nights the student went on with his


15) courses are runthroughout the year

16) a fully qualified teacher

17) he got involved in that business

Exercise 8. Work in pairs. Student A asks a WHY-question based on C, student B completes the answer choosing from D. The first has been done for you.

A: Why is economics connected with political science?

B: Economics is connected with political science because economists

are concerned with the organization of society.

C   D
    Economics is connected with political science (engineering, psychology, law, history, statistics.)   because   the decisions that people take are affected by legal restrictions.   current events are affected by past decisions.   allocation of resources requires technical information on the ways in which resources can be used.   economists want to answer questions that begin with “how large ...” and involve analysis of numerical information.   economists are concerned with the organization of society.   economists are concerned with the behaviour and decisions of individuals.  

Exercise 9. Point out which of the words with the same root belong to N (noun), V (verb), Adj (adjective), Adv (adverb) classes. Be guided by suffixes as structural signals. Translate these words into Russian looking them up in a large English-Russian paper or electronic dictionary.

1) distribute – distributive – distribution – distributor

2) prediction – predict – predictable – predictability

3) determine – determination – determinative – determined – determinate – determinately

4) product – production – producer – productive – produce – productivity

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