Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной временной форме

1. Last night when I (to have)_______________a shower, the lights (to go)_____out. I (to ask) ________my mother if she (to do)___________ it accidentally. She said she (to bring)____________a flashlight in a minute. So I (to save)_______________from the bathroom with her help.

2. When Helen (to hear) ________that her best friend (to deceive) _______________ her she (to turn)_______ pale.

3. Look here, Mike. Why you (to watch)_________________TV instead of studying. If you (to have) ________ your exam tomorrow you will definitely fail it. Don't say that I (not to warn) ____________________you.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Once ... poor woodman went to ... wood which was on ... bank of ... deep river. ... woodman was working ... whole day and got tired.

2. The centre of New York is built on ... island. ... first Europeans who colonized ... island bought it from ... Indians living there for $24.

Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необходимо.

1. When the ship was approaching ... Naples, all the tourists went ... on the deck to look ... the city which could be seen ... the distance.

2. When we went ... holiday my mother was never angry ... me ... my bad behaviour.

Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу.

Jane has met Terry in the street.

J: Hi, there_______________________________________________

T: Fine, thanks.

J: ______________________________________________________

ТТо the post-office. I want to send a parcel to my parents.

J: _------------------------------------------------------------------------------

T: No, they live in the States.


T: I have studied at this University for two years already.

J: ______-----------------------------------------------------------------------

T: I'll stay in London for the summer holiday. I won't go back to the States.

Вариант 2

I. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1. to have the right a. приниматьрешения

2. management skills b. руководитель

3. key to success c. делакомпании

4. favourablesolution d. управление высшего звена

5. to make decisions e. навыкиуправления

6. topmanagement f. исполнительная администрация

7. supervisor g. благоприятное решение

8. company's affairs h. нововведение

9. middle management i. внедритьметод (подход)

10. to implement the approach j. иметьправо

11. innovation к. управлениесреднегозвена

12. operating management 1. ключкуспеху

2. Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интерна­циональные слова:

personnel, company, president, vice president, alternative, analyze, problem, function, plan, organize, control, element, business, effective, motivation, staff, leader, communication.

3. Прочитайтеиозаглавьтетекст:

1. Management is the art of getting things done through other people. It includes the personnel who have the right to make decisions that influence company's affairs.

2. There are three management levels: top management, middle management and operating management. Top management includes the president, vice presidents, and the general manager. Middle management includes department managers and plant managers. Operating management includes supervisors, foremen, etc.

3. The most important responsibility of any manager is decision making. Successful management is a skill of choosing from alternatives.

4. Decision makings are divided into: recognizing the problem, defining and analyzing the problem, evaluating alternative solutions, choosing the most favourable solution and implementing the approach chosen.

5. Management functions are planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing and innovating. It should be noted that successful management is based on three basic elements: leadership, motivation and communication.

6. To operate a successful business one should have management skills because effective management is the key to business success.

Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме абзацы 2,4 и 5.

5. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы:


1. Whom does top management include?

2. What managers does middle management include?

3. What specialists does operating management include?

4. What steps is decision making divided into?

5. What are the management functions?

a. Planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing and innovating.

b. Department managers and plant managers.

c. Supervisors, foremen, etc.

d. Recognizing the problem, defining the problem and choosing the most favourable solution.

e. The president, vice presidents and the general manager.

6. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

1. Top management in­cludes ....

2. Middle management in­cludes ....

3. Decision making is di­vided into....

4. Management functions are....

a) department managers;

b) general manager;

c) supervisors.

a) planning and controlling;

b) recognizing the problem and choosing the right solution.

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