Oil and Gas Fields Development

Oil and gas field development is a complex work consisting in drilling of the field and lifting of oil and gas to the surface. Oil fields are developed in accordance with special development projects based on the natural conditions of the well.One of the most important problems in the development projects consists in the optimal spacing of the production wells, which is dictated by the geological conditions of the field and is based on hydrodynamic and economical calculations. When developing an oil field two interrelated processes occur: flow of oil and gas through porous rock of the stratum and lifting of the oil and gas to the surface.The methods of lifting the oil to the surface are called the methods of well exploitation. All known methods of oil well exploitation can be classified into two basic groups: exploitation of a flowing well and mechanical exploitation.

In flowing wells the fluid (oil and gas) is lifted to the surface by the natural formational pressure. In mechanical oil wells the fluid is lifted by various engineering equipment located directly in the well, for example, by means of air-gas lifts and subsurface pumps. In air-gas lift wells the oil is lifted by injecting a compressed gas or air into the well. Injection of gas and water into the well is the best method of maintaining the formational pressure, ensuring high rates, of oil production. In Russia more than 70 per cent of oil are produced using this method.

Water is pumped into special injection wells which are drilled in accordance with the given system of oil field development. Injection of water into the wells is called also water flooding. In Russia edge water flooding was first used on a large scale in developing the Tuymazin oil field.

Artificial maintenance of the formational pressure made it possible to increase the distance between production wells, the result of which is a smaller number of wells and a cut in oil field expenditure.

The experience gained in operating the Tuymasyn oil field has been used in all large oil fields of the Ural-Volga oil area. The system of development introduced at the Romashkin oil field (Russia) made it possible to increase oil production in a short period of time and save large sums of money due to the reduction of well drilling work and the cost of the equipment.

17. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is meant by oil and gas field development? 2. What are special development projects based on? 3. What does one of the most important problems in the development projects consist in? 4. How can all known methods of well exploitation be classified? 5. In Russia more than 70% of oil is produced using the injection of gas and water into the well, isn’t it? 6. Where was edge water flooding first used in Russia? 7. What did artificial maintenance of the formational pressure make it possible? 8. Due to what was it possible to increase oil production in a short period of time?

Перескажите текст, используя вопросы упражнения 17.

19. Прочтите слова, запомните их:

deposit – залежь swift – быстрый
unique – уникальный raw material – сырье
size – размер largescale – крупный
demand – спрос petrochemical combine – нефтехимичес- кий комбинат
ton – тонна condition – условие
to extract – добывать prevail – преобладать
cubic – кубический to create – создавать
deposit – месторождение drilling – бурение
oil field – нефтепромысел permafrost – вечная мерзлота
swampy - болотистый to solve – решать
out-of-the-way – отдаленный oil-processing – нефтеперерабатываю-щий
despite – несмотря на to utilize – использовать
harsh - суровый well-head gas – попутный газ

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