Поставьте предложения в Past и Future Simple

1. Our city is often visited by foreign guests. 2. Many new magazines and newspapers are published in our republic. 3. His lecture is listened to with great attention. 4. Our laboratory is equipped with modern computers. 5. Many new department stores are built in Minsk. 6. The children are given interesting work.

6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени в Passive. Переведи­те предложения.

1. Elizabeth (knock down) by a car yesterday. 2. A doctor (call) and she (take) to hospital. 3. After she (examine) by a doctor, she went home. 4. She (give) a medicine and woke up two hours later. 5. Now her temperature (take) every two hours. 6. She (visit) by her parents every day.

Переспросите своего собеседника и не согласитесь с ним.

1. He is sent to Moscow every year. 2. This song was written by our students. 3. She was taught to play the piano at a music school. 4. Ann was asked to come earlier. 5. We were invited to his birthday party. 6. The sisters were allowed to swim in the river. 7. He was offered a new job. 8. My little brother was promised to buy a bicycle. 9. His new book will be published next year. 10. Some new works by our pupils will be shown at the local art gallery.

Перефразируйте предложения, употребив страдательный залог.

1. We gave our friend many interesting books for his birthday. 2. I returned the book to the library in time. 3. The teacher explained to us many important things. 4. They sent a telegram to him yesterday. They congratulated him with a gold medal. 5. His coach advised him to take up swimming. 6. The captain of the team offered her to take part in the competition. 7. We have just finished our work. 8. He has already solved his problems. 9. The guide proposed us to see this cathedral.

Поставьте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. The teacher allowed Ann to be absent from her English class on Monday. 2. We listened to the speaker very attentively. 3. The students will discuss my report next week. 4. The workers will build a new school in the village next year. 5. Someone wants you on the phone. 6. Mrs Brown moved out all the small furniture into another room. She covered the rest of the furniture with large sheets. She took the pictures down from the walls, washed the glasses, and put them away in a cupboard. Then she took down the old curtains and rolled up the carpet. ,

Переведите предложения. Определите время глагола-сказуемого.

1. А new teacher was being waited for when the director came into the teachers’ room. 2. The school-mistress was leaving the school when a man came up to her. 3. A new school will soon be built for the children of our district. 4. The music school was still being built in our street when I came back from the army. 5. Some members of the British Parliament seemed asleep; others were talking to those who were sitting next to them. Members were coming in and out all the time and the bill was still being discussed. 6. The bell rang up but the texts were still being translated.

Переведите на английский язык.

1. Наша школа построена в прошлом году. 2. Около школы было посажено много цветов и деревьев. 3. В этом году было куплено много компьютеров и телевизоров для школы. 4. В будущем году будет построен большой плаватель­ный бассейн. 5. В сентябре все получат новые учебники.

12. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы. В ответах используйте гла­голы, данные в скобках.


– What happened when you broke the window in the classroom? (to pay). – I was asked to pay for it.

1. What happened when Mike shouted during the meeting? (to leave). 2. What happened when you hurt your friend? (to excuse, to help). 3. What happened when the teacher saw your homework? (to rewrite). 4. What happened when the militiaman stopped you for speeding? (to show my licence). 5. What happened when you came late? (to come earlier). 6. What happened when you lost your book from the library? (to pay a fine).

Sequence of Tenses


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