III. Раскройте скобки, употребив прилагательное или наречие в соответствующей степени сравнения.

1. The service in this restaurant isn’t as (good) asit used to be.

2. We can certainly offer (low) prices than any other local supplier.

3. (Far) ahead one plans, (many) problems one can anticipate and thus avoid them.

4. A company studies the market in order to develop (appropriate) marketing mix.

5. In the IT sector people have to work (hard and hard) to get promotion.

6. We have the second (large) market share in Europe.

7. Korea is one of (fast) developing countries in the world.

8. The first round of negotiations was easy. The next will be (difficult).

9. Our new product is a little (expensive), but the quality is much (good).

10. Pollution is a great disaster of the modern world. Everything is full of dangerous wastes nowadays. Air and soil are as (polluted) as water in seas, rivers and lakes.

11. The conference was a little disappointing. It was (interesting) than I expected.

12. There was a small adjustment in the product to make it (acceptable) to the consumers.

13. A franchising contract is one of(long) and (sophisticated) that investors will ever sign.

14. This device uses much(little)electric energy than the previous one. It is far (economical).

15. Trends in oil prices are about supply and demand fundamentals. It really is as (simple) as that.



I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. Where (are you going / do you go)? – To the meeting. Would you like to join me?

2. Do you need these papers? – No, I (have read / have been reading) them already.

3. Is it Mr. James? He (looks / is looking) so different in a suit.

4. It is clear to me that his time for action (has come / comes).

5. Look, I (am / am being) sincere with you. Your chances to get this job are low.

6. The company (is owning / owns) a great number of hotels and restaurants.

7. We are all here now except Mr. Thomas who still (is having / has) lunch.

8. Have you seen my organizer? I (am searching / have been searching) for it all morning.

9. What’s the matter? Why (are you looking / have you been looking) at me like that?

10. Is Mr. Anderson in the office? – I don’t know. I (haven’t seen / don’t see) him all day.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. What time … your working day …?

a. is; starting b. do; start c. does; start d. has; started

2. It … harder and harder nowadays to find a well-paid job.

a. gets b. has been getting c. has got d. is getting

3. How long … you … this information?

a. have; had b. do; have c. have; been having d. are; having

4. It’s the first time I … on a business trip abroad.

a. am b. have been c. am being d. be

5. What are you listening to? – It seems to me I … a strange noise outside.

a. hear b. am hearing d. have been hearing d. has heard

6. It … years since I felt satisfied with my job as much as I did last week.

a. have been b. is c. are d. has been

7. Jill came to our company three years ago and … here ever since.

a. works b. work c. has worked d. is working

8. No matter how long the holiday is, I always … I want a few days more.

a. feel b. am feeling c. has felt d. feels

9. Mike … to our customer on the phone for half an hour now.

a. is talking b. talks c. has talked d. has been talking

10. Linda is very disappointed. She … her test.

a. has failed b. is failing c. fails d. failed

11. Mrs. Hastings’s secretary … on the phone! No wonder it’s practically impossible to get through.

a. is constantly talking c. constantly talks

b. has constantly been talking d. is constantly talk

12. How long … on this problem so far?

a. do you work c. are you working

b. have you work d. have you been working

13. Has he agreed to your offer? – No, he still … it over.

a. has thought c. has been thinking

b. thinks d. is thinking

14. Who … your office lately?

a. has cleaned c. cleaned

b. has been cleaning d. is cleaning

15. Her eyes are red. … on the computer?

a. Is she working c. Has she been working

b. Has she worked d. Does she work

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в одном из настоящих времён:

1. It’s the first time he (come) in due time.

2. A good brand (guarantee) a certain level of quality to customers.

3. I (learn) the English language since last year.

4. Consumer goods prices (rise) rapidly in the past few months.

5. I (not see) you for ages. What you (do)?

6. The technician (repair) the copy-machine. He (work) at it for an hour or so.

7. I (know) Mr. Smith all my life and we always (be) good business partners.

8. This notice is too high for me to read. What it (say)?

9. Don’t rush me. I (work) as fast as I can.

10. He (apply) for jobs without success for months now.

11. I (study) hard of late. I’ve got exams next week.

12. It’s only ten o’clock but the secretary already (make) ten business calls.

13. Collin says she (be) very tired recently. She (work) almost sixty hours a week for the past month.

14. My boss (not believe) in the importance of women’s education.

15. I (think) about it the last three days, it’s such a bother to me. So it (be) really a relief to talk it over with you.

16. My neighbour (try) to find a job since she graduated from university.

17. I know that since January he (be) in charge of the management division.

18. On some occasions the hall (hold) up to 300 people, though you’d hardly believe it.

19. I (type) this report since yesterday and I’m only halfway through.

20. Since I last stayed at this hotel, they (put) their prices up.

21. Sorry about the mess! The workmen (install) new equipment in the office all morning.

22. I (not like) the new office manager, she continually (bother) me with silly questions.

23. The BSEU students often (attend) courses in foreign languages to get a better command of the English language.

24. I see you (write) letters of complaint all the morning. Is it the last letter you (write) now?

25. I have an appointment with Mr. Trench. Can I see him? – I’m sorry, you can’t, he still (have) his lunch.


I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. How long ago (had you taken / did you take) extension courses?

2. Mr. Billbord (had been thinking / thought) his decision over during the lunch break.

3. My assistant (typed / was typing) a letter when the telephone (rang / was ringing).

4. When (did she choose / had she chosen) to take a course in management?

5. Mr. Bronx (was / had been) the Chief Executive of the company for twenty years before he (had retired / retired).

6. Yesterday I (phoned / had phoned) the bank about my overdraft.

7. When I (looked / was looking) for the documents, I suddenly remembered I (left / had left) them in my briefcase at home.

8. The applicants were happy to hear that they (passed / had passed) the centralized test successfully.

9. When I (arrived / was arriving) at the office Ms Flick (waited / was waiting) for me.

10. While I (had / was having) lunch I (looked / was looking) through the financial newspapers and (saw / had seen) that the company’s investments (grew / had grown) by 10%.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. They … a lot of useful contacts during their business trip to India.

a. made b. have made c. was making d. had made

2. We … completely satisfied as not all our requirements had been met.

a. didn’t be b. weren’t c. hadn’t been d. haven’t been

3. What … the managing director … you when you were in his office?

a. did; tell b. has; told c. had; told d. was; telling

4. He … to work at this time yesterday morning.

a. drove b. had driven c. was driving d. has been driving

5. Mrs. Smithson was furious. She … for her assistant for half an hour.

a. waited c. had waited

b. was waiting d. had been waiting

6. Mr. Wilson was preparing his presentation while his secretary … a report.

a. is typing c. was typing

b. has been typing d. had been typing

7. He … his grammar for two hours yesterday.

a. has been practising c. practised

b. was practising d. had been practising

8. I … about changing my present job for some time before I finally decided.

a. was thinking c. thought

b. had thought d. had been thinking

9. My boss was in despair. His documents … .

a. had disappeared c. have disappeared

b. disappeared d. were disappearing

10. After the Nickersons … the company, they … to make a lot of employees redundant.

a. bought; had started c. had bought; started

b. bought; started d. have bought; have started

11. We … a reliable firm, so we … Samsung.

a. were wanting; had chosen c. had wanted; chose

b. wanted; had chosen d. wanted; chose

12. I … the missing file while I … for some other documents.

a. found; was looking c. found; had looked

b. had found; looked d. was finding; was looking

13. Mr. Johnson … as an engineer for ten years before he … a supervisor.

a. works; has become c. worked; had become

b. had worked; became d. has been working; became

14. By that time she … any more explanation, she … everything.

a. hasn’t needed; understood c. didn’t need; understood

b. hadn’t needed; had understood d. didn’t need; had understood

15. When I met him last week, it was the first time we … each other since we … from the university.

a. have seen; graduated c. saw; had graduated

b. had seen; graduated d. didn’t see; had graduated

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в одном из прошедших времён:

1. I already (hear) the latest news before he (communicate) it to me.

2. At the time I (be) twenty-one I (study) English for three years.

3. By the time he (find) what he wanted he (waste) all his personal savings.

4. Fred (not give) any explanation why he (be) late for work.

5. He (keep) his job although the manager (threaten) to dismiss him several times.

6. I (send) her an e-mail just to see how things (go).

7. When we (get) to the airport, we (hear) that they (cancel) all the flights.

8. I always (suspect) that the contract (not be) lawful.

9. My colleague (read) a book in management while I (look) through some economic magazines.

10. Pollyanna (confess) that she (make) an error and (apologize).

11. She (start) writing the introduction to the quarterly report after she (clarify) some points.

12. Susie was upset as she (not manage) to prepare for her English exam.

13. The chairman’s main fault was that he constantly (interrupt) the speakers before they (finish).

14. Their share price (rise) steadily before the merger was announced.

15. They (close down) the factory because it (yield) losses for years.

16. We (make) a careful study of the provisional agreement before we (sign) the contract.

17. When I (get) back after lunch, my secretary (tell) me that somebody (phone) when I (be) out.

18. I (not see) the figures before the meeting, so it (put) me at a disadvantage during the discussion.

19. The Head of Sales (explain) his proposal to the Board of Directors when the Marketing Director (interrupt) him.

20. Our company operates all over Belarus. We (set up) new branches in Moscow and Kiev last year.

21. When the consultant finally (arrive), everyone was rather annoyed with him as he was late and we (wait) for a very long time.

22. Before Miss Wong (become) Mr. Harris’s personal assistant she already (work) in the company for five years.

23. As soon as I (speak) to the customer, I (realize) there had been a misunderstanding.

24. The Seller (send) us an apologetic letter explaining why they (not do) what they (promise).

25. While I (negotiate) the contract, my boss (phone) me to say that I should insist on absolutely different terms.


I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I think Jane (will get / is getting) the job. She has a lot of experience.

2. Ann isn’t free on Saturday. She (will work / is working).

3. I can’t meet you tomorrow afternoon. (I’m having / I’ll have) business lunch with our perspective customers.

4. They (will have moved / will be moving) to their new office by January.

5. Tomorrow (I’ll interview / I’ll be interviewing) candidates all morning.

6. When the contract (is / will be) ready, I’ll let you know.

7. (I’m seeing / I’ll see) the Chief Executive on Tuesday. It was arranged last week. – I wonder if he (will recognise / recognises) you. You haven’t seen him for over a year.

8. I’ve just checked your flight details. Your plane for Tokyo (leaves / is leaving) at 9 p.m. – Can you find out what time the airport bus (leaves / will be leaving)?

9. Remember to give her the faxes when she (comes back / will come back). – OK. I (am not going to forget / won’t forget).

10. I don’t want to go to that official reception alone. (Are you coming / Will you come) with me?

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. Their new advertising campaign probably … .

a. will succeed c. will have succeeded

b. will be succeeding d. is succeeding

2. Have you seen the financial statement yet? – No, but I … at home this evening so I can study it then.

a. stay b. will stay c. am staying d. will have stayed

3. Don’t forget to turn off the lights before you … .

a. are leaving b. leave c. will leave d. is going to leave

4. Can I have the detailed account about the company’s activities this afternoon? – I don’t think I … it by then.

a. will be finishing c. will have been finishing

b. will finish d. will have finished

5. I’ve just been to the council meeting. It looks like they … a new shopping centre in our town.

a. will be building c. will built

b. are going to build d. will have built

6. As soon as you … Mrs. Minks tomorrow, could you ask her to ring me up?

a. will see b. see c. saw d. would see

7. We can’t send the goods until we … a firm order.

a. receives b. will receive c. don’t receive d. have received

8. Unless they … more reasonable, we’ll have to break off the negotiations.

a. aren’t b. will be c. are d. won’t be

9. The stuff didn’t know if the time-table for the following week … changed.

a. has been b. will have been c. would be d. was being

10. By the time all the papers are ready, the deadline … .

a. will pass b. passes c. will have passed d. has passed

11. Do you know what time … ?

a. does the conference finish c. the conference will finish

b. the conference finishes d. is the conference finishing

12. Have the management made plans to review salaries? – They … salaries as usual in the end-of-year review.

a. will look at c. is going to look at

b. will be looking at d. will have looked at

13. Don’t phone me tonight. I … for my English exam.

a. will study c. study

b. will be studying d. will have studied

14. We’re late. The meeting … by the time we get to the office.

a. will already start c. will already have started

b. will be already starred d. have started

15. … to the stationer’s later? If so, could you buy a bundle of A4 paper for me?

a. Are you going c. Will you go

b. Have you gone d. Will you be going

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в одном из настоящих или будущих времён:

1. By the end of the year Mr. Greenshaw (work) in this company for 5 months.

2. Did you post that letter for me? – Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I (do) it right now.

3. I (see) Nick tomorrow, so I can give him your message

4. Do you think you still (do) the same job in ten years’ time?

5. When we (get) back to Minsk we (travel) for nine days.

6. We (repay) the bank loan by September.

7. I (let) you know as soon as I (finish) the statement analysis.

8. The manufacturers guarantee that customers (be) gratified with this product.

9. If you need to contact me, I (stay) at the Hilton Hotel until Friday.

10. In the future video-conferences probably (replace) many international meetings.

11. Mr. Stanton (not be) satisfied until he (be) promoted to the Chief Executive’s position.

12. I’m not expecting any messages, but if someone (to ring) while I (be) out, could you say that I (to be) back at 6 o’clock?

13. By the time I (qualify) I (study) management for five years.

14. Next year (be) the company’s centenary year.

15. Prices (go up) if the exchange rate (change). What you (do) if that (happen)?

16. Sue has applied for the job but she isn’t qualified for it. I (be) surprised if she (get) it.

17. Supposing the marketing campaign (not be) a success. What we (do)?

18. The board meeting (begin) at 9.30 or 10.30?

19. The international trade exhibition (open) on 9 April and (finish) on 1 May.

20. Tom is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this, he (spend) all his money before the end of his holiday.

21. Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. I (prepare) the annual report then.

22. We (have) our weekly meeting tomorrow instead of Thursday next week.

23. When we (have) notice from the manufacturers, we (inform) you that the goods (be) in stock.

24. Will you ask Mr. Black if his company (take part) in the exhibition next month?

25. You (not be) able to enter the teaching block if you (not have) your identity card.


I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I am studying management at the Belarusian State Economic University, and so … my colleague.

a. is b. does c. was d. were

2. My subordinates usually … five days a week, and this week they … six days.

a. work; work c. are working; are working

b. are working; work d. work; are working

3. When Mr. Lyndon arrived, the Managing Director … lunch, but stopped in order to talk to him.

a. was having b. had c. were having d. had been having

4. The company … for office managers now.

a. advertised b. has advertised c. was advertised d. is advertising

5. Don’t worry … late tonight.

a. if I’ll be b. if I am c. when I’ll be d. if I be

6. What time … the accident …?

a. did; happen b. has; happened c. had; happened d. was; happening

7. I … a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.

a. will have b. am having c. have d. would have

8. We had many difficulties but we … them.

a. have overcome b. overcame c. had overcome d. will overcome

9. At 9 a.m. on Tuesday the Public Relations Manager … the delegation in the office.

a. will receive c. will be receiving

b. is receiving d. would receive

10. I … always … if the service is bad in restaurants.

a. –; complain c. will; be complaining

b. am; complaining d. will; complain

11. At first I thought I … the right thing, but I soon realized that I … a serious mistake.

a. did; made c. have done; have made

b. had done; had made d. did; had made

12. This … the third time I … you one and the same question.

a. has been; asked c. is; am asking

b. is; have asked d. has been; had asked

13. Next week Kate McKenna … to the USA on business.

a. is going b. is going to go c. goes d. will go

14. How long … you … here? – Since I graduated from the university.

a. have been working c. did work

b. had worked d. do work

15. I … agricultural fairs a lot, but I don’t any more.

a. was used to attend c. was attending

b. used to attending d. used to attend

16. … you … the bank when you go out? I need to top up my mobile account.

a. Will; have passed c. Will; be passing

b. Do; pass d. Are; passing

17. The economic situation is already very bad and it … worse.

a. is getting b. gets c. got d. would be getting

18. He is broke. He … all his money into some hoity-toity business.

a. put b. has put c. had put d. puts

19. I think it … a hard time for our enterprise.

a. is going to be b. will be c. have been d. had been

20. Everything is going well. We … any problems so far, fortunately.

a. didn’t have b. weren’t having c. haven’t had d. don’t have

21. We … a lot of orders from other firms at this price and more orders … now.

a. have got; are coming c. got; came

b. get; will come d. got; are coming

22. The participants … the matter before the chairman … .

a. will be discussing; will come c. will have discussed; comes

b. will discuss; come d. discuss; will come

23. It … an invention which … the foundations of modern information technology.

a. was; laid c. had been; lied

b. has been; lies d. is; has been lying

24. I … the Chief Executive himself today, but I … to his deputy.

a. didn’t see; spoke c. don’t see; speak

b. haven’t seen; have spoken d. didn’t see; have spoken

25. I … ill since I … up this morning.

a. am feeling; got c. feel; have got

b. had felt; have got d. have been feeling; got

26. She … promoted because she … a lot of good work.

a. has got; is doing c. had got; has done

b. got; had done d. got; was doing

27. By next summer you … English for two years.

a. will study c. will have been studying

b. have studied d. are studying

28. She … at the parcel long-enough, before she … that it was for her boss.

a. had been looking; had understood c. was looking; understood

b. had been looking; understood d. was looking; had understood

29. He … through advertising brochures when I … the room yesterday.

a. had been looking; entered c. was looking; entered

b. looked; had entered d. was looking; was entering

30. After we … the specimens of your products, we came to the conclusion that they … our requirements.

a. had examined; met c. have examined; meets

b. examined; had met d. had examined; meet


I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. The Belarusian State Economic University (has been founded / was founded) in 1933.

2. Highly qualified specialists (are trained / are being trained) at numerous departments of the Belarusian State Economic University.

3. The material base of the university (had been restored / was restored) by the end of the 1950s.

4. Another date for the meeting (will be set / will being set) next week.

5. At present our company (is being reorganized / is reorganizing).

6. Further information can (be obtained / being obtained) from your immediate superior.

7. I hope the papers (will have received / will have been received) by tomorrow afternoon.

8. New software (was installed / has been installed) on my PC yesterday.

9. She (was appointed / appointed) Head of the Information Systems Department two months ago.

10. Why (has he given / has he been given) a promotion?

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. The papers … by the Managing Director yet. He is on a business trip.

a. haven’t been signed c. haven’t signed

b. aren’t signed d. weren’t signed

2. The details of the deal … at the board meeting now.

a. are finalised c. have been finalised

b. are being finalised d. are finalising

3. A new government … to overcome the economic slump.

a. formed b. has formed c. was formed d. have been formed

4. Promotional gifts … at the presentation.

a. is handed out c. has been handed out

b. will be handed out d. have handed out

5. A discount may … to make a consumer pay immediately.

a. have been offered c. will be offered

b. is offered d. be offered

6. The stock exchange … twice a day.

a. is monitored c. has monitored

b. were monitored d. will monitored

7. The mail … yet.

a. hasn’t received c. wasn’t received

b. hadn’t been received d. hasn’t been received

8. To improve the effectiveness of marketing strategy a market … into separate definable elements.

a. has split c. is split

b. splits d. has been split

9. This model is of a new design and only a few units … so far.

a. have been manufactured c. are manufactured

b. were manufactured d. had manufactured

10. The financial status of an enterprise … in its financial account.

a. is reflected c. is being reflected

b. has reflected d. was being reflected

11. The project … within the framework of the agreement.

a. will build c. will be built

b. will have been built d. are built

12. The talks … from 2 till 3 p.m. yesterday.

a. were being held c. had been held

b. were held d. have held

13. When an individual or a company borrows money from a bank, the money must … back by a specific date.

a. to pay c. being paid

b. be paid d. have been paid

14. He told me not to worry as the letter … by 6 o'clock.

a. will have been sent c. will be sent

b. has been sent d. would have been sent

15. The contract was signed after the terms of payment and delivery … .

a. are discussed c. were discussed

b. have been discussed d. had been discussed

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в соответствующей форме активного или пассивного залога:

1. A personal file (keep) on every member of staff from the moment they are taken on.

2. The employees should constantly (encourage) to display initiative.

3. A small increase in our company’s profits (report) last year.

4. After a sharp decline in annual income they (take) over by a major competitive.

5. The press release (issue) to all advertising agencies after the product (launch).

6. An effective advertising campaign (need) to launch a new product line.

7. The central office of this joint-stock company (locate) in Minsk.

8. At the moment his claims (examine) by the Chief Executive.

9. By next year, everybody in the company (give) a pay-rise.

10. Credit cards (accept) in your shop?

11. The flight (delay) by two hours due to accident threat.

12. Delivering the goods by air is rather costly, but they (require) urgently.

13. She (inform) about the results of the research as soon as it (finish) next month.

14. Some manufacturers (accuse) of dumping – selling goods abroad at a lower price than they (sell) domestically.

15. What Belarus (export)?

16. The Board of Directors usually (elect) by stockholders.

17. Their share price (rise) steadily before the merger (announce).

18. We (spend) a lot of money on advertising campaign.

19. Yesterday Mr. Higgins (tell) to come at two o’clock on the dot.

20. The office worker (dismiss) as he (steal) company property ever since he (appoint).

21. He (work) as a consultant for three different companies in the same field of activity, but (fire) from the first two.

22. Although strategic decision-making generally (entrust) to senior officials, the board members are responsible to the shareholders for any errors that might (make).

23. It (report) yesterday that the sides (reach) an agreement on the terms of the contract.

24. Our performance (help) by the failure of our main rivals that wound up their business in May.

25. The division of a market into identifiable groups (describe) as market segmentation.

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