TEXT 6. Read and translate the text. Speak about your working day.

My Working Day

I am sure that every person prefers weekends to working days, but they are inevitable in our life. I have my working days from Monday to Friday. And they are practically the same. But in my opinion, everything depends on the person, so I do my best to make them more interesting.

My working day starts like this. I usually get up at 7 o’clock. Though I am not a lazy-bone, in autumn and winter it is always difficult for me to wake up early. I hate cold that's why I try to stay in bed as long as possible. Sometimes I lie for a while deciding whether to pretend being fatally ill, but then I give up this idea because only little children practice it and besides, this trick usually doesn't work. But in spring and summer I usually feel full of energy.

I think it wouldn't be fair to say that I do my morning exercises regularly. I have a shower, get dressed and brush my hair. Then I go to the kitchen. My mother is an early-bird and I know that breakfast is already on the table. A cup of tea, some ham or cheese sandwiches are enough for me to be full. After breakfast I snatch my bag. Frankly speaking I find my habit of packing the bag in the morning quite irritating, because I always leave something important at home, but I can't make myself do it in the evening. And then I rush for university. Unfortunately I live far from the university. It takes me about forty minutes to get there.

Our classes start at 8.30. Usually we have 3 or 4 periods a day and 15-minute breaks between them. And we are lucky to have a large break in the middle of the day which lasts half an hour. During this break we go to the canteen to have a snack. When I don't manage to do all my homework at home the large break is mainly the time when I have an opportunity to finish it.

At 15.30 when my classes are over I stay at the university to play volleyball. Our university administration arranged some extra-class activities like concerts, debate clubs and sports competitions. Honestly I’m not an active participant, but I take part in them from time to time. Usually I am back home later than 5 o'clock. On my way home I go to the baker's to buy some bread, biscuits and cakes. In the evenings I am busy doing my homework.

At about eight o'clock we usually have supper. I should mention that it is the only time when we can see each other and talk about different things. We share the news and discuss our plans.

When late evening comes and I have some free time left, which happens very seldom, I go for a walk with my friends. I rarely sit in front of the TV set, as I prefer meeting friends to watching TV. Besides I'm keen on music. Listening to music makes me feel relaxed. Sometimes it even helps me to do my homework. I am in the habit of doing two things together, for instance, listening to music and at the same time reading a book or writing a composition.

At about 11.30 I usually have a bath and then I go to bed. I usually fall asleep at midnight.

Generally I try to plan my working day. I think it helps not to waste time and do all the things at a time. And I'd like to say I'm happy to live a busy life. When you are busy life doesn't seem to be boring.

TEXT 7. Read and translate the text. Be ready to describe your flat and room.

My Flat

It goes without saying that all of us have our own ideas about home because it can't mean the same to all people. They say «East or West, home is best», «there is no place like home», the English say «My home is my castle». As for me I'm sure that homes are not just places. Home is your little world where you live according to your own rules and interests. After a hard day I return home and think «At last I’m in».

Though my house is far from the city centre I think that it is perfectly located. It is a short way to the bus stop and it is not a problem for me to get to any place in the city. It takes me about five minutes to get to the hospital, post office, pharmacy and hairdresser's. There are lots of shops and a market not far from my house, so it’s very convenient to do every day shopping.

Our three-room flat is on the 6th floor. It’s rather comfortable and well-planned. As you come in through the front door, you find yourself in our entrance hall. The first door on the right of the hall leads into my parents' bedroom. There isn't much furniture here. There is a double-bed, two bed-side tables with photos, a TV on the opposite wall and a wardrobe. There is also a lady table with lots of perfumes and a big mirror. It's the place where my mom makes up every morning. There is also a door to the balcony facing the yard.

My room is a bit basic but it’s OK. The walls are cream and there are patterned curtains at the window. It is also my study, so you can see a table with a notebook and a telephone and three bookshelves above. Under the table there’s a wastepaper bin and in front of it you can see my chair. In the corner of the room there is my bed with light green checked duvet. Between the bed and the window you can also find a wardrobe. In the middle of the room there’s a brown carpet on the floor.

Our living room is the largest and the busiest room in our flat. It is cosy and light. Every evening we gather together there, relax, discuss our problems and watch TV. The walls are papered white but the sofa and the armchair are red.

Our kitchen is rather spacious and well-equipped. We’ve got a fridge, a dishwasher, a microwave oven, a coffeemaker, a toaster, etc.

Next to the kitchen there is a bathroom and a toilet. Our bathroom is rather large. Its walls are covered with bright tiles, but the floor with grey ones. In front of the door there is a bath. Near it you can find a sink and a mirror over it with some shelves. There is also a back for clothes and a wash machine in this room. I'm sure that our bathroom is very stylish and nice.

So it's my flat, my «home, sweet home». Here I feel good and comfortable. Nobody can disturb me here.

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