Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на притяжательный падеж существительных

1. Моего брата зовут Пётр.

2. Дом моего брата находится около стадиона.

3. Сын моего брата любит играть в футбол.

4. Мы часто видим друзей моего брата на стадионе.

5. Родители его друзей также часто приходят на стадион.

6. Учителя Петра любят смотреть на игру.

7. Ребята тренируются в школьном спортивном зале и на спортивной площадке.

8. Мы получили месячный отпуск и решили путешествовать пешком.

9. Каждые десять километров мы делали часовой отдых.

10. Муж моей сестры – врач.

11. Комната Елены – очень большая и светлая.

12. Я говорил с секретарем директора вчера.

13. Я хочу прочитать сегодняшнюю газету.

14. Он не слышал следующий вопрос учителя.

15. Джейн работает в офисе моего дяди.

16. Ребенок разбил вазу бабушки.

17. Она – подруга моей матери.

18. Мне нравится новый дом Майка.

19. Я открыл двери автомобиля.



1. Сделайте правильный выбор “a” or “the”:

1. The students are going to write … test. … test consists of five tasks.

2. My son got … bad mark at … school yesterday, but … mark did not upset him.

3. We have … new student in the class. … student has come from Moscow.

4. They gave … party last night. Everybody enjoyed … party.

5. I found … kitten in the street yesterday & brought it home, but my mother is against … kitten.

6. He met … girl at the disco. … girl was a wonderful dancer.

7. My uncle built a new house. … house is small but rather comfortable.

8. I saw … beautiful dress in … shop, but … dress was too expensive for me to buy it.

9. You asked me … question but I think you should know … answer yourself.

2. Сделайте правильный выбор“a/an” or “the”

1. What … witty man! 2. What … good children!
3. What … miserable weather! 4. What …fantastic dress!
5. What … wonderful news! 6. What … strange answer!
7. What…valuable information! 8. What… informative article!
9. What … beautiful hair she has! 10. What… wonderful flowers!

3. Сделайте правильный выбор “a”, “the”, “ – “ (с существительными, обозначающими виды приёма пищи):

1. Let’s settle all business matters before … lunch!

2. I usually have a cup of tea with sandwiches for … breakfast, a substantial meal for … dinner, & something light for … supper.

3. Something is burning! – Oh, I’ve forgotten about … supper again!

4. Mum, is … dinner ready?

5. How much did you pay for … dinner?

6. You usually have … breakfast at 8, don’t you?

7. They had … delicious lunch at the cafe.

8. How many people will be present? How much wine shall we have for … supper?

9. Most people watch TV after … supper.

10. When … tea is ready we’ll call you.

4. Сделайте правильный выбор“the” or “ – “: (с существительными, обозначающими названия континентов, островов, стран, городов, гор, водных пространств)

1. …Adriatic Sea is an arm of … Mediterranean Sea.

2. … Swiss Alps are … good place to go to if you like skiing.

3. … Chicago River flows south towards … Gulf of … Mexico.

4. … Panama Canal connects … Atlantic & … Pacific Oceans.

5. … Volga flows from … Valdai Hills to … Caspian Sea.

6. We get … tea mostly from … China & … Ceylon.

7. … Alaska is … biggest state in … USA.

8. Where are … British Isles situated?

9. Show me … Europe, … Asia, … North & … South America, … Africa on the map, & don’t forget about … Australia.

5. Сделайте правильный выбор “the” or “ – “: (с существительными, обозначающими названия улиц, площадей, кинотеатров, гостиниц, театров, аэропортов, музеев)

1. … Arbat Street is the most famous street of … Moscow.

2. … National Gallery faces … Trafalgar Square.

3. When did you arrive at … Heathrow Airport?

4. … Bolshoy Theatre is famous for its ballet performances.

5. Whenever the Greens come to … London they stay at … Hilton Hotel.

6. Tourists coming to … London often do the shopping in … Oxford Street.

7. … London Zoo is situated in … Regent Park of London.

8. You can find a beautiful collection of Modern Art in … Tate Gallery.

9. What is … British Museum famous for?

6. Сделайте правильный выбор “a/an”, “the”, “ – “: (с существительными, обозначающими время суток)

1. It was … evening.

2. It was … warm summer evening.

3. … evening was very pleasant.

4. Let’s meet in … evening, I’ll be very busy in … afternoon.

5. It was … early morning.

6. It snowed at … night.

7. We started early in … morning.

8. … night came, … day broke, but there was no sign of the plane.

9. Don’t worry, we’ll get home before … sunset.

10. The children were shivering though it was … warm night.

7. Сделайте правильный выбор “the” or “ – “: (с существительными, обозначающими времена года)

1. … Russians like … good hard winter with plenty of snow & frost.

2. Nature is so beautiful in … winter.

3. In this country … spring is always wet, … summer is unbearably hot, … autumn is wet & muddy, & … winter is cold & snowy.

4. Do you still remember … spring when you first told me of your … love?

5. Nothing can be more beautiful than motoring across the green fields in … early spring.

6. It was … late autumn.

7. … autumn of 1993 was very warm & sunny.

8. … spring make people feel young.

9. I like … summer better.

10. What do you usually do in … autumn?

8. Сделайте правильный выбор “a/an”, “the”, “ – “:

1. This trip costs … lot of money.

2. She let us down. What … shame! What … shock!

3. I don’t believe you. You are saying … lie!

4. Did you have … good time at … picnic?

5. He made … mistake.

6. Could you give me … lift to the school?

7. Have … look at … sky. It looks like rain.

8. I assure you I’m telling … truth!

9. In … England we drive on … left side.

10. In … summer we don’t go to … school.

11. I like to stay at … home on … cold nights.

12. Christmas is on … 25th of … December.

13. Tom didn’t go to work yesterday.

14. He lives in … north of … Africa.

15. I’d like to be in … center of everything.

9. Сделайте правильный выбор“a/an”, “the”, “ – “:

1. Do you play … piano?

2. … boys like to play … football. … boys of …our school are playing … basketball in the gym.

3. Where are …children? – They are out of … doors. … weather is fine today.

4. What … games does your sister like to play? – She likes to play … tennis.

5. When we want to write … letter, we take … piece of … paper & … pen. We first write our … address & … date in … right–hand corner. Then on… left–hand side we write … greeting.

6. … Neva flows into … Gulf of … Finland.

7. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.

8. … Urals are not very high.

9. … Kazbek is … highest peak of … Caucasus.

10. … Baikal is … deepest lake in … world.

11. …Lomonosov was born in … small village on … shore of … White Sea.

12. … Nile flows across … north–eastern part of … Africa to … Mediterranean Sea.

13. What … color is your … new hat?

14. Is there … refrigerator in your … new kitchen?

15. I am … accountant. I work at … office. I go to … office in … morning. As … office is far from … house I live in, I take … bus to get there.

16. What … bus do you take to get to your … work?

17. On … Sunday our family went to … country. We got up at … sunrise & quickly had … breakfast.

18. We played … volleyball & tennis all … day long.

19. We returned to … town late in … evening. When we came … home, we had … supper & went to … bed at once.

20. Look at … sky. It is covered with … dark clouds.

21. What … nice day we spent yesterday in … country!





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