Gel-forming confectionery goods


1. Jelly-candy.

2. Paste

Conserves – джем candied fruits - цу­каты

Molasses – патока strew – обсыпают

The carved – резной sheeted - пластовой

Cede – уступает fracture – излом

Lineaments – контуры ash content – зольность

Premises - по­мещения magnificent – пышное

Knock down – сбивают foundry goods – отливки

Patty – лепешечек congelation – застывания

Scantling - бруски cranberry – клюква

Mountain ash – рябина skimping – отсадная


The fruit and berry confectionery articles include: jelly-candy, paste, jam, conserves, jelly, candied fruits, and comfiture.

Basic raw material for the preparation of the articles of this group are sugar, molasses, fruits or berries, gel-forming substances, and also food dyes, aromatic substances, organic acids, essences and other.

Jelly-candy is the product of gelatinous consistency, obtained by boiling down in the vacuum- apparatuses of sugar- molasses syrup and fruit and berry puree or aqueous solution of the gelling substances. They form the obtained jelly-candy mass, cool, extract from the forms, they strew by sugar and they dry.

Two basic forms of the jelly-candy are distinguished: fruit and berry and gel.

Fruit and berry jelly-candy is obtained by the boiling down of the wiped through mass (puree) of fruits and berries with the sugar, by molasses. Depending on the form of basic raw material and method of molding fruit and berry jelly-candy is divided into the mold, the carved, and the sheeted.

Mold jelly-candy - article of small dimensions of various forms, manufactured on the basis of apple or cream puree; to some types are added other forms of puree, strewn by granulated sugar or covered with the fine-crystalline crust (Apple, Berry, Michurinskiy and other).

Carved jelly-candy - pieces of the rectangular form, obtained by the cutting of the layers of apple jelly-candy; surface is strewn by granulated sugar, powdered sugar or covered with fine-crystalline crust.

Sheeted (lump) jelly-candy is manufactured mainly on the basis of apple puree. Jelly-candy mass pours into the boxes or the boxes (pasteboard, polymeric), covered by parchment paper, in which it gradually jelly also on the surface thin fine-crystalline crust is formed (Apple, Fruit and berry sheeted, strawberry stratified, and other).

Gel jelly-candy on the gustatory qualities and the food nourishment value somewhat is cede to fruit and berry, since it does not contain or contains very little fruit and berry raw material. They obtain by its boiling down of sugar- molasses syrup with the introduction at the end of the melting of the gelling substances, and before the molding - coloring, aromatic substances and food acids.

Depending on the method of molding gel jelly-candy of mold and carved is distinguished.

Mold jelly-candy is let out in the form the small articles of various forms with the cushioning layer or without the cushioning layer of surface by granulated sugar. This jelly-candy has on the fracture the smooth, bright glassy surface. Carved gel jelly-candy is manufactured in the form lemon and orange lobules, in the form the bars with the corrugated surface, which consist of one or several layers. Figured has a form of berries, fruits, animals.

Requirements for the quality of jelly-candy. Taste, smell, and color of jelly-candy must be marked, without the outside aftertastes and the smells, characteristic of this form of jelly-candy. Consistency - gelatinous. View of fracture - clean, uniform, for the gel - glassy. Form - correct, figure - clear, lineaments - clear, without the deformations. Surface clean, evenly strewn by sugar- grove or powder or covered with the fine-crystalline bright crust. From the physical chemistry indices for each form is normalized moisture content, a mass fraction of the reduced substances, acidity, and ash content and other.

Is not allowed into sale the jelly-candy deformed, crushed, sugared, slightly elastic, with excessively acid and too sharp a taste and smell, with the sticky surface, or with the deviations with respect to the physical chemistry indices.

Jelly-candy is packed into the boxes, combined banks, packets from the polymeric materials. The packaging articles plot in a shipping container boxes with the mass not of more than 20 kg.

Jelly-candy is stored in the dry, clean, ventilation premises at a temperature 18-20ºC from the relative humidity of air 75-80%. The period of storage of jelly-candy depends on the form of raw material, method of molding, packing. Fruit and berry stratified, gel of mold and carved on the agar and pectin - 3 mo.; fruit and berry mold, packed into the cellophane or polyethylene packets - 2 mo.; gel of mold on the agaroid - 2 mo.; jelly-candy is diabetic - to 1 mo.; packaging into the boxes - 15 days.


Paste - lung and magnificent fruit and berry confectionery article. This structure contributes to ease and high comprehensibility.

Basic raw material for preparing the paste are sugar, egg whites, fruit and berry puree, and also gel-forming agent, honey, nuts, food dyes, aromatizes, organic acids and other puree. Fruit and berry puree with the sugar and by egg white they knock down to the formation of the magnificent mass, saturated by the smallest air bubbles. To the biased mass as the gel-forming basis glue syrup or apple jelly-candy mass are added in the hot form. Depending on this the paste bears the name of glue or boiled. Hot paste mass is formed either by the uniform distribution it in the form of layers or by way of foundry goods in the form small patty of different configuration. After congelation of paste mass paste they partially dry, strew by powdered sugar, cocoa- powder or glaze by chocolate.

Glue paste depending on the method of molding is subdivided into the carved, obtained via the cutting of layer to the scantling of rectangular cross section (White - pink, Cranberry, mountain ash); skimping (zephyr), obtained via the pairwise gluing of flat cakes with the start or without the start between them of filling - jelly-candy, honey, candied fruits (creamy, vanilla, White-pink, fantasy, fungi zephyr and other) and cast figured - in the form the figurines of animals, fruits, fungi, lumps and other.

Boiled paste is subdivided into the carved - in the form the articles of rectangular form (White-pink, fruit and berry) and stratified (lump) - in the form layers or the long loaves, which consist of the uniform mass or several layers (Union, Belevskaya). On surface finishing paste they manufacture that glazed by chocolate and strewn by powdered sugar.

Requirements for the quality of paste. Taste and smell - marked, that correspond to this designation, without the outside aftertastes and the smells; color - uniform; consistency - magnificent, soft, being easily yielded to breaking; structure - fine-pored; form is correct, without the bends of faces and edges; surface is not sticky with the fine-crystalline crust, evenly strewn by powdered sugar, by cocoa- powder. The articles, glazed by chocolate glaze, must be covered with the smooth or wavy layer of glaze, without the cracks, graying. They are normalized from the physical chemistry indices: humidity, density, acidity, a mass fraction of reduced substances and others

The inadmissible defects of paste are deformation; bends of form, accretions, solid, rough become sugared crust, wet, sticky surface, presence of outside and unpleasant aftertastes and smells.

Paste articles are let out piece, weight and packaging. They pack up zephyr and glue paste in box with the mass of net not more than 1 kg, into the bundles or the packets - not more than 250 g, they wrap into the cellophane or the polymer films. By weight articles plot with numbers in the boxes plywood, made of planks or of corrugated cardboard with the mass not of more than 6 kg.

Paste is stored in the clean, well ventilation accommodations at a temperature not higher than 20°C and relative humidity of air not higher than 75%.

Jelly-candy and paste is recommended the storing of with the relative humidity not more than 75%. Inadmissibly their storage together with the products, which have specific it smelled.

Guarantee period of storage of zephyr, zephyr in the chocolate and glue paste - 1 mo., boiled paste - 3 mo.

Control questions

1. What you do know fruit and berry confectionery articles?

2. What is the jelly-candy?

3. How is obtained fruit and berry jelly-candy?

4. Such requirements are presented to the quality of paste?

5. What is basic raw material for preparing the paste?

Lecture 18

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