Watch the video “Meetings, incentives, conferences exhibitions” and put the verbs in the correct form.

1. Meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions is a type of tourism in which large groups, usually (plan) in advance, (bring) together for a particular purpose.

2. Recently there (be) an industry trend towards using the term ‘meetings industry’ to avoid confusion from the acronym.

3. Most components of MICE well (understand), perhaps with the exception of incentives.

4. Incentive tourism usually (undertake) as a type of employee reward by a company or institution for targets (meet) or (exceed), a job well (do).

5. Unlike the other types of MICE tourism, incentive tourism usually (conduct) purely for entertainment, rather than professional or education purposes.

6. MICE tourism usually (include) a well-planned agenda (center) around a theme or topic, such as profession trade organization, a special interest group or an education topic.

7. Convention bureaus, MICE event locations normally (bid) on by specialized convention bureaus in particular countries and cities.

8. The process of marketing and bidding normally (conduct) well in advance of the event, often several years.

9. MICE tourism (know) for its extensive planning and demanding clientele.

Match the terms with their definitions.

Conference     Convention     Colloquium     Symposium   Seminar   Workshop   Panel discussion   Roundtables   Videoconference   Teleconference   Training a. an event used by an organization to meet and exchange views, or give publicity to an area of opinion on a specific subject b. an academic meeting where one or more content specialists speak about a topic and answer questions c. a general and formal meeting of a legislative body or social or economic group to provide information on a particular situation and to establish consent on policies among the participants d. three or more subject area specialists each give a brief presentation after which the audience has the opportunity to ask questions e. a form of academic discussion in which each person is given equal right to participate, as illustrated by the idea of a circular layout f. a lecture, presentation, and discussion under the guidance of an expert discussion leader allowing participants to share experiences in a particular field g. a conference which involves using telephone conference-call links to enable communication between people who are geographically separated h. experts discuss a particular subject and express opinions i. a conference that involves using video technology to enable communication between people who are geographically separated j. a training session in which participants develop skills and knowledge in a given field k. the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose

Complete the text with suitable words from the box.

What is a conference?

a.panel discussions b.exhibits c.event e.presentations f.brings together
g.workshops h.teleconferences i.attendees
j.venues k.issues l.conference

A 1) _______ is a gathering of people with a common interest or background, with the purposes of allowing them to meet one another and to learn about and discuss 2) ______, ideas and work that focus on a topic of mutual concern. The Latin roots of the word “conference” mean, literally, “Bring together.” A conference 3) ______ people and ideas. Conferences may be held in 4) _______ other than the workplaces and neighborhoods of their 5) ________. Some conferences are even held in another area of the country or the world.

A conference may also be held 6) _______, or something similar. 7) ________ bring people together through live video feeds, allowing people to discuss issues, hear presentations, network, and otherwise do many of the things they might do at a conference, without leaving their homes or offices. Similar situations can be set up using the Internet, projectors, and web cams and microphones.

The structure and contents of conferences can vary greatly, but a typical framework would include one or more 8) _________ of work and/or ideas about a given topic. These presentations may take the form of lectures, slide shows or films, 9) _______, 10) _________, and/or interactive experiences. In addition, many conferences include posters or graphic or multimedia 11) ______ that participants can view independently.

A conference may last a few hours or several days. It may be a one-time 12) ______, or a regular (usually annual) fixture on participants’ schedules. It may be held at the venue down the street, or in a hotel in Paris or Barcelona or San Francisco.

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