Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed Reservations - No-Shows

A. Non-guaranteed reservations

If a hotelier accepts a booking, he/she must keep the rooms available for the guests until 18.00 hours on the scheduled day of arrival. After 18.00 hours, he/she may dispose of the rooms.

B. guaranteed reservations

The guarantee given by the client or the travel agent is constituted by a payment in cash, cheque or credit card (or, in the case of the travel agent, a formal guarantee indicated on the reservation document or the voucher). Once the guarantee is granted, the hotelier will keep the room at the client's disposal until midday on the day following the scheduled date of arrival. Thereafter he may dispose of the room.

C. No-show

If the client does not arrive at the hotel before 18.00 hours, this will constitute a no-show. In this case, the conditions relating to late cancellations are applicable.

If the amount of compensation to be paid in the case of a late cancellation or no-show is not specified, it is accepted that it should be equivalent to the cost of the start rooms for a minimum of one night and a maximum of three nights per room.

Premature Departure

In the event of a premature departure or non-utilization of services ordered, the travel agent shall compensate the hotelier for the actual loss suffered, except in those cases where the hotelier is responsible for the premature departure or non-utilization of these services, or when the hotelier and the client have agreed, in writing, on any other solution.


1. Until what time must the hotelier keep the room available for the guests with non-guaranteed reservations?

2. What is the hotelier entitled to do with the reserved rooms after 18.00?

3. What are the guaranteed reservations constituted by?

4. Until what time must the hotelier keep the room at the client’s disposal when the guarantee is granted?

5. Which client is constituted as a no-show?

6. What conditions are applicable in this case?

7. What compensation should be paid to the hotelier if a late cancellation or no-show is not specified?

8. Why must the travel agent pay compensation in the event of premature departure?

Information Provided to the Hotel

The travel agent shall provide the hotelier with all necessary, relevant and detailed information on the services requested and send the rooming list minimum 7 days prior to arrival. The travel agent shall provide information concerning the group's arrival details.

Information to the Travel Agent and Client

The hotelier shall provide the travel agent with relevant, precise information concerning the category/standards, location and services of the hotel.

The travel agent is obliged to transmit to his/her client the information exactly as supplied by the hotelier.

Disposal of Rooms

The hotelier must keep the reserved room at the disposal of the client from 15.00 hours until 18.00 hours, on the day of arrival, unless the reservation has been guaranteed or a late arrival has been specified.

Unless otherwise agreed, a hotel room must be vacated by the client no later than twelve noon on the day of departure.

Obligations to the Client

For any reservation duly accepted and confirmed, the hotelier shall respect his/her contractual commitments.

Failing this, he/she shall compensate the travel agent for the loss actually suffered.

Should the hotelier not provide the client with the reserved accommodation he/she (the hotelier) has confirmed, this latter will, at his/her expense:

- secure accommodation for the client at the nearest equivalent hotel and pay where applicable, for any difference of price;

- notify the client or the travel agent, in advance of the client's arrival, where applicable, eventually pay for the client’s communication cost to notify his/her home or office of the change of hotel;

- the hotelier will also pay for the client’s transportation to the other hotel;

- pay for the client’s transportation back to the original hotel, if the client wishes to return to the hotel he/she has originally reserved when space becomes available.

Force Majeure

Whenever one of the parties to the hotel contract finds it impossible to fulfill his/her obligations owing to a case of force majeure, that is "circumstances that are unforeseen, irresistible and beyond his/her control", he/she is exonerated from their obligations without having to pay any compensation.

When the hotelier or travel agent finds him/herself unable to fulfill his/her obligation for reasons of force majeure, he/she shall immediately notify the other party in order to limit potential damages.

Settlement of Disputes

Any international dispute arising from a contract between a hotelier and a travel agent may be submitted for conciliation and arbitration to the IH&RA/UFTAA Liaison Committee.


1. What information shall the travel agent provide the hotelier with?

2. What is the deadline for sending the rooming list?

3. What information must be provided by the hotelier?

4. What are the time limits for keeping the reserved rooms?

5. What does the hotelier have to do in case of a breach of the contractual commitments?

6. What must the hotelier do if he doesn’t provide the client with the reserved accommodation which has been confirmed?

7. In what case can both the hotelier and the travel agent be exonerated from their obligations without having to pay any compensation?

8. How can the disputes arising from a contract between a hotelier and a travel agentbe settled?

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