Лучший способ учиться

1. You _______ try to speak English as much as possible.

a) should b) can’t c) have to

2. My husband ______ speak Danish.

a) should b) can’t c) have to

3. _______ you please open the window?

a) could b) can’t c) have to

4. Passengers _______ go through security before they get on the plane.

a) should b) can’t c) have to

5. ______ I borrow your newspaper please?

a) should b) can c) have to

Праздники и традиции

1. Who _______ the dinner? It smells great!

a) cooks b) is cooking c) are cooking

2. I _______ like tea.

a) don’t like b) am not liking c) liking

3. Eva ______ home to spend Ester with us this year.

a)comes b) is coming c) come

4. My parents _____ to stay with us every Christmas.

a)comes b) are coming c) come

5. _______ what this sign means?

a)Do you know b) Does you know c) Are you knowing


1. I met my _____ friend yesterday.

a)good b) better c) best

2. Dorothy is _______ in her family.

a)the youngest b) younger c) young

3. This is __________ theatre in London

a)old b) older c) the oldest

4. He has _______ time than me.

a) bigger b) much c) more

5. Moscow is ______city in Russia

a) the largest b) more large c) the most large


1. Join to gym and _______ results in a few weeks.

a) you’ll see b) you’re planning to see c) you see

2. I_______ speak to Miss Stacy please.

a) ’d like to b) ’m planning to c) ’m going to

3. I’m sure you _______ to find a hotel easily.

a) ’ll be able to b)’ ll be planning to c) ll’ be going to

4. I’m afraid you _______ wait. There are 10 people before you

a) ’ll be able to b)’ ll planning to c) ll’ have to

5. I_______ call my Mum.

a) ’d like to b) ’m planning to c) ’m going to

Знаменитые люди

1. I _________ here until I was 18.

a) lived b) have lived c) live

2. Happy Anniversary! How long _______ married?

a) were you b) have you been c) has you been

3. She _______ in that house all her life and she doesn’t want to move.

a) lived b) have lived c) has lived

4 They ________their house three times last year.

a) moved b) have moved c) has moved

5. Where is Tom? He _______home.

a) went b) have gone c) has gone

Страны и культуры.

1. I saw ____ beautiful vase.

a) a b) the c) -

2. _____dogs are very good pets.

a) a b) the c) -

3. _____Dead Sea is not really a sea, but a lake.

a) a b) the c) -

4. _____ Yellow River is the second longest river in China.

a) a b) the c) -

5. What do you know about _____Venice?

a) a b) the c) -

Современное и традиционное

1. If we______ have time, we’ll go and see Sarah.

a) - b) will c) shall

2. If the weather ______good, we’re going play tennis later.

a) - b) will be c) is

3. If you _____ very good, I might buy you an ice cream.

a) are b) will be c) is

4. I’ll tell you if anything unusual ________happens.

a) - b) will c) is

5 I’ll phone you when we______arrive.

a) - b) will be c) are


1. People _________ to wash much.

a) use b)didn’t use c)----

2. Barbers________ to take out teeth.

a) used b) use c)----

3. I __________ along when I saw a friend of mine.

a) was driving b)were driving c) drove

4. I ________ home at 6.30 this evening.

a) was driving b)were driving c) drove

5. I ________the road when I slipped on some ice.

a) was crossing b)were crossing c) crossed

Самые лучшие вещи в жизни

1. The chocolate ________ in Switzeland.

a) is made b) makes c) are made

2. Hundreds of cars ________every week

a) is stolen b) are stolen c) stolen

3. I really enjoy _______ sport on TV.

a) watching b) watch c) watched

4. My mother hates _______ at night.

a) drive b) driving c) ----

5. ________you like reading?

a) Would b) Do c) Does

12. Мне это нужно!

1. All the tickets ______ over the Internet.

a) is sold b) are soled c) sell

2. The rooms _______ every morning.

a) clean b) cleaned c) are cleand

3. The bread _____ in a large bakery outside.

a) is made b) are made c) made

Лучший кандидат.

1. He_______ as a doctor for forty years.

a) have been working b) has been working c) worked

2. She _______ for ten years.

a) have been teaching b) has been teaching c) teached

3. Tom __________ since 1996.

a) have been teaching b) has been teaching c) teached

4. I ________ in this house for over a year.

a) have been living b) has been living c) lived

5. They _______ each other for more than 50 years.

a) have been knowing b) have known c) known

Дом моей мечты

1. Could you get me ______ milk?

a) some b) any c) no

2. There aren’t ______ cinemas where I live.

a) some b) any c) no

3. There’s ____ bread left.

a) some b) any c) no

4. I haven’t got ______money at the moment.

a) much b) many c) no

There aren’t _______ place for children to play.

a) enough b) many c) no


1. Patrik felt ill because he ______ all the chocolates.

a) had eaten b) eat c) ate

2. When I looked out of the window the rain ______.

a) has stopped b) had stopped c) stopped

3. I left the house and ______to the station.

a) gone b) had gone c) went

4. He said the weather ______ be lovely.

a)would b) will c) -----

5. Tom felt bad because he ______ all the aweetes.

a) had eaten b) eat c) ate

Представьте себе

1. If my brother were here now, he would ____ what to do.

a)know b) knew c) known

2. If I were you, I would ____for someone else.

a) looked b)look c) looking

3. If I were you, I would ____an eye on that boy.

a) keep b) kept c)keeping

4. You would soon get bored if you ______ in the country.

a) live b)living c)lived

5. If I had a ticket, I’d ______ with you.

a) come b) came c) coming

Литература по теме:

1. NewCuttingEdge.Pre-intermediate. Student’s book/ Sarah Cunningham, Peter

Moor –Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2005

2. New Cutting Edge. Pre-intermediate. Work book/ Sarah Cunningham, Peter

Moor –Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2005

3. New Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Student’s book/ Sarah Cunningham, Peter

Moor –Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2005

дополнительная литература

4.Шах-Назарова.В.С.Английский для вас:Учеб.-М.:ВЕЧЕ,2004

5. Cutting Edge. Pre-intermediate. Student’s book/ Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor

– Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2001

6. Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Student’s book/ Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor –

Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2001

7. Cutting Edge. Pre-intermediate. Work book/ Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor –

Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2001

8. КатцнерК. Русско-аглийский словарь.-М., 2004

9. Новый англо-русский словарь\ Мюллер В.К. и др.-М.:Высш.шк.2003

10. Минаева Л.В. Англо-русский словарь/ -М.,2004

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