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Филиал НОУ ВПО «Санкт-Петербургский университет управления и экономики»

Кафедра «Гуманитарные науки»






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Ст. преп. А.О.Дудник, ст. преп. Овсянникова Н.С.

Методические рекомендации обсуждены на заседании кафедры гуманитарных наук «_23_»_сентября____2013_г. протокол № 2

Заведующий кафедрой к. ф.-м. наук, доцент

Т.П. Фунтикова ________________


Задания контрольной работы
1. Работа с текстом
2. Грамматика
Список литературы
Правила оформления работы
Методические рекомендации по выполнению контрольной работы и подготовке к зачету (экзамену)
Вопросы к тестированию

Задания контрольной работы

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Работа с текстом

Письменно ответить на вопрос каждой темы (3-5 предложений).

ТЕМА 1. Досуг и стиль жизни

1. What do you know about korfball?

2. What do you know about Tai-Chi?

3. What do you know about samba?

4. What do you know about surfing?

5. What do you know of any unusual ways of keeping fit?

ТЕМА 2. Важные первые свершения.

1. What was the first feature film about?

2. When did the first feature film appear?

3. Who was the first person to appear on TV?

4. Where did the first feature film appear?

5. Who was the inventor of television?

ТЕМА 3. Лучший способ учиться. Профессии.

1. What things are most important for learning a language?

2. What’s the secret of successful language learning?

3. What helps you to wake up in the morning?

4. The British education system.

5. The education system in your country.

ТЕМА 4. Праздники и традиции

1. Birthday traditions in China.

2. Birthday traditions in Japan.

3. Birthday traditions in Argentina.

4. What birthday traditions do you know?

5. Birthday traditions in your country.

ТЕМА 5. Внешность

1. Are the ideas of beauty the same everywhere?

2. What was the idea of beauty in the times of Queen Elizabeth I of England?

3. What was the idea of beauty in Rubens’ time?

4. What was the idea of beauty in the eighteenth century?

5. What is the modern idea of beauty?

ТЕМА 6. Путешествия.

1. What will be the best thing about European City Tour?

2. What will be the best thing about African Safari Tour?

3. What will be the best thing about Florida Tour?

4. Describe your dream holiday.

5. What things are most important to you on holiday?

ТЕМА 7. Знаменитые люди

1.What did Dustin Hoffman do before he was famous?

2. What did Antonio Banderas do before he was famous?

3. What did Tom Hanks do before he was famous?

4. What did Michael Caine do before he was famous?

5. What did Ewan McGregor do before he was famous?

ТЕМА 8. Страны и культуры.

1. What do you know about the Black Sea?

2. What do you know about the Dead Sea?

3. What do you know about the Yellow River?

4. What do you know about Canada?

5. What do you know about Venice?

ТЕМА 9. Современное и традиционное.

1. How important is the Internet in your life?

2. What was life like in 1900?

3. Compare life in 1900 and in 2012.

4. What modern items replaced more traditional items?

5. How important is the telephone in your life?

ТЕМА 10. Здоровье.

1. Compare the average life expectancy in 1700 and today.

2. How many children did average American family have in 1800?

3. What health problems did people in the eighteenth century have? Why?

4. How did doctors treat illnesses in the eighteenth century?

5. How did they treat toothache in the eighteenth century?

ТЕМА 11.Самые лучшие вещи в жизни

1. When does an interest become an obsession?

2. What do people collect?

3. What things can people collect?

4. What kind of hobbies do people have?

5. What’s the difference between an interest and an obsession?

ТЕМА 12. Мне это нужно!

1. What do you know about world’s biggest brand “Coca-Cola”?

2. What do you know about world’s biggest brand “Rolex”?

3. What do you know about world’s biggest brand “Nokia”?

4. What do you know about world’s biggest brand “Mercedes”?

5. What do you know about world’s biggest brand “Samsung”?

ТЕМА 13. Лучший кандидат.

What personal qualities do you need to be a doctor?

What personal qualities do you need to be a football player?

What personal qualities do you need to be a writer?

What personal qualities do you need to be a sportsman?

What personal qualities do you need to be a teacher?

ТЕМА 14. Дом моей мечты

1. What do you know about Bill Gates’s home?

2. Describe Aaron Spelling’s Hollywood home.

3. What do you know about Elvis Presley’s home?

4. Describe Justo Gallego’s cathedral.

5. Describe any unusual home.

ТЕМА 15. Деньги

1. What does the word “borrow” mean?

2. What does the word “pay back” mean?

3. What does the word “afford” mean?

4. What does the word “waste” mean?

5. What does the word “save up” mean?

ТЕМА 16. Представьте себе

1. Will humans be able to live on the Moon?

2.What happened in Washington in 1963?

3. What was John Lennon’s song “Imagine” about?

4. What do you know about John Lennon and his song “Imagine”?

5. What do you know about Martin Luther King?

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Грамматика

Перепишите предложения, вставив правильный вариант из предложенных. Письменнопереведитепредложения.


Досуг и стиль жизни

1. “________ does this word mean?”

a) When b) What c) Who

2. “_______do you live?” “In Beijing.”

a) When b) What c) Where

3. _______your friend like snowboarding?

a) Does b) Do c) Is

4. ______you know my cousin?

a) Does b) Do c) Is

5. ______your brother at home today?

a) Does b) Do c) Is

Важные первые свершения.

1. The programmes ________ extremely popular.

a) was b)were c) did

2. Where ______you live in those days?

a) was b)were c) did

3. My father always _________ me to school when I was young.

a) took b) takes c) taken

4. We _______ in a very small house in those days.

a) lives b) lived c)live

5. Tom _______like the film.

a)wasn’t b)isn’t c)didn’t

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