Group В Read about Shilpa Shetty

SHILPA SHETTY SAYS, ‘Here in England my perfect weekend begins at my home in the countryside with my husband Raj Kundra. On Fridays, we usually watch TV, but sometimes friends or family come to play cards - poker. I love poker. We get a takeaway pizza - pizza goes best with playing cards - and I drink green tea. I love green tea.

On Saturdays, I get up late, at about 10.45, and then I have a long bath. Sometimes I watch TV in the bath or listen to music. I like staying in the country at weekends - I love walking barefoot on the grass. We go to a pub for lunch - I like the puddings, especially sticky toffee pudding. I prefer to have Saturday evening at home.

We like watching cookery programmes; Jamie Oliver is my favourite. I like cooking Indian food, but not at weekends.

On Sundays, I love shopping and gardening. I always buy my clothes from small boutiques, and I love visiting garden centres. I love flowers. My homes in Mumbai and England are always full of beautiful white lilies. I don’t cook on Sunday, we prefer eating out and sometimes, if we have time, we go to a spa hotel for a swim and a massage. It’s a great way to end a perfect weekend.’


Answer the questions about your person.

1) Does he/she stay in the town or country at weekends?

2) Who does she/he like to be with?

3) What does he/she do on Friday evening?

4) What does she/he like doing on Saturday morning?

5) Where does he/she go shopping?

6) What does she/he do on Sunday?,

7) Does he/she like playing cards?

8) Does she/he like cooking?

Compare Jamie and Shilpa weekends.

• What things do they both like doing?

• What things are different?

On a piece of paper write down two things you like doing at weekends.

Give the paper to another student. Read aloud the activities. Who is it?



Look at the picture of the restaurant.

What do you think it is like?

atmosphere:cosy, friendly, relaxed

prices: high, reasonable, low; expensive/cheap restaurant

dishes: delicious, tasty, spicy, wonderful

service: excellent, fast, good

staff: polite, friendly, fast

Describe a restaurant that you really like. Why do you like it?

Group В Read about Shilpa Shetty -


· Where might you read a restaurant review?

· What kind of information might you find in it?

Read the review below, check and replace the adjectives in bold with alternate ones from exercise 2.


I never get tired of visiting Pierre's restaurant in Preston Street. It is a family-run French restaurant with a cosy atmosphere and a great choice of food.

At first, you might think the prices at Pierre's are a

Bithigh, but all the food is home-made from traditional French recipes with fresh, quality ingredients. I chose a delicious fish dish, but Piene's also serves some excellent meat dishes and tempting desserts!

As well as serving excellent food, Pierre's has extremely polite staff. The service is excellent, too.

Pierre's has agreat atmosphere and top-class cuisine. A visit to Pierre's is a dining experience to remember and perfect for a relaxed evening with family and friends.

Think about a restaurant that you've been to recently. What did/didn't you like about it? Why?


Portfolio: You work for a local newspaper and your editor has asked you to write an article reviewing a new restaurant that has just opened.

Write your article, describing your experience at the restaurant and saying whether you recommend it or not and why using paragraph(s):

· location,

· type of restaurant,

· atmosphere,

· food,

· service,

· price,

· staff,

· recommendation.



Which of the following ingredients do people use for two traditionaldishes?

•potatoes • sheep's heart • sheep's stomach •oatmeal • lamb • liver • carrots • leeks • lungs•meat • vegetables

Read to check.

Great Haggisis a delicious dish that you can only find in Scotland. Many people don't even want to try it when they hear what ingredients it has in it! It contains sheep's heart, lungs and liver, which you mix with oatmeal, then put into a sheep's stomach and boil for about three hours! The Scots traditionally eat it on special occasions and it is an important part of Scottish culture. The Scottish poet Robert Burns even wrote a poem about it called Address to the Haggis.

Irish stewis the most famous Irish dish. Wherever you are in Ireland, you are sure to find a restaurant that serves its own Irish stew recipe. Irish stew always has meat, potatoes and vegetables in it and usually includes carrots and leeks. The meat is typically lamb, but you could use beef or rabbit instead.The ingredients cook together slowly in a large pot. Irish stew is a delicious meal.

3. Read the text again and mark the statements T"(true) or F (false).

1) Most people like haggis.

2) Scottish people usually eat haggis at special celebrations.

3) You can cook haggis in different ways.

4) You can use various kinds of meat to make Irish stew.

5) Irish stew takes quite a long time to make.


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