Task 4. Read the texts about technologies and match them with the pictures (a-e)

-a- Task 4. Read the texts about technologies and match them with the pictures (a-e) - student2.ru 1. By all accounts, nanotechnology – the science of making devices from single atoms and molecules – is going to have a huge impact on both business and our daily lives. Nano devices are measured in nanometers (one billionth of metre) and are expected to be used in the following areas. Nanocomputers: chip makers will make tiny microprocessors with nanotransistors, ranging from 60 to 5 nanometres in size. Nanomedicine: by 2020, scientists believe that nano sized robots, or nanobots, will be injected into the body’s bloodstream to treat diseases at the cellular level. Nanomaterials: new materials will be made from carbon atoms in the form of nanotubes, which are more flexible, resistant and durable than steel or aluminium. They will be incorporate into all kinds of products, for example stain-resistant coatings for clothes and scratch-resistant paints for cars.
-b- Task 4. Read the texts about technologies and match them with the pictures (a-e) - student2.ru 2. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the science of making intelligent machines and programs. The term originated in the 1940s, when Alan Turing said: “a machine has artificial intelligence when there is no discernible difference between the conversation generated by the machine and that of an intelligent person”. A typical AI application is robotics. One example is ASIMO, Honda’s intelligent humanoid robot. Soon, engineers will have built different types of android, with the form and capabilities of humans. Another AI application is expert systems – programs containing everything that an “expert” knows about a subject. In a few years, doctors will be using expert systems to diagnose illnesses.
  -c- Task 4. Read the texts about technologies and match them with the pictures (a-e) - student2.ru 3. Imagine you are about to take a holiday in Europe. You walk out to the garage and talk to your car. Recognizing your voice, the car’s door unlock. On the way to the airport, you stop an ATM. A camera mounted on the bank machine looks you in the eye, recognizes the pattern of your iris and allow you to withdraw cash from your account. When you enter the airport, a hidden camera compares the digitized image of your face to that of suspected criminals. At the immigration checkpoint, you swipe a card and place your hand on a small metal surface. The geometry of your hand matches the code on the card, and the gate opens. You’re on your way. Does it sound futuristic? Well, the future is here. Biometrics uses computer technology to identify people based on physical characteristics such as fingerprints, facial features, voice, iris and retina patterns.
-d- Task 4. Read the texts about technologies and match them with the pictures (a-e) - student2.ru 4. Ubiquitous computing, also known as pervasive computing, is a new approach in which computer functions are integrated into everyday life, often in an invisible way. Ubiquitous devices can be anything from smartphones to tiny sensors in homes, offices and cars, connected to networks, which allow information to be accessed anytime and anywhere – in other words, ubiquitously. In the future people will interact naturally with hundreds of these smart devices (objects containing a microchip and memory) every day, each invisibly embedded in our environment and communicating with each other without cables.
-e- Task 4. Read the texts about technologies and match them with the pictures (a-e) - student2.ru 5. In the ideal smart home, appliances and electronic devices work in sync to keep the house secure. For example, when a regular alarm system senses that someone is breaking into the house, it usually alerts the alarm company and then the police. A smart home system would go further, turning on the lights in the home and then sending a text message to the owner’s phone. Motorola Homesight even sends images captured by wireless cameras to phones and PCs. Smart homes can remember your living patterns, so if you like to listen to some classical music when you come home from work, your house can do that for you automatically. They will also know when the house is empty and make sure all appliances are turned off. All home devices will be interconnected over a home area network where phones, cable services, home cinemas, touch screens, smart mirrors and even the refrigerator will cooperate to make our live more comfortable.

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