That can Help Fight Climate Change

That can Help Fight Climate Change -

Read, translate the following text and be ready to fulfil the tests:

The consequences of climate change could mean that long periods of draught could be experienced. During these periods, there could be an increased risk of fire. Another consequence that could be significant is frequent rainfall which can increase the risk of flooding. Concrete can be used as a material in new construction projects to help meet the new building regulations and to help protect people and the environment from the consequences of climate change. Concrete is a material that is used in all types of construction. It is a robust and versatile material that can be used in the construction of housing, roads, schools, hospitals, dams and ports.

For example, concrete is a durable material that can be used in the construction of flood barriers or in drainage systems that are designed to manage flash flood waters that are a result of heavy rainfall. It can also be used to help protect coastlines from changes in sea level. Water conservation projects such as dams and reservoirs can use concrete as well. Concrete does not only help protect against flooding. If used in the construction of buildings, it can provide protection against flying debris during other extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and tornadoes.

There are other eco-friendly benefits with the material. For example, if concrete is used in the construction of buildings, it can reduce the need for air conditioning because concrete has a high thermal mass and minimizes overheating during heat waves. Less air conditioning means reduced energy consumption and, therefore, reduced CO2 emissions. In addition, antibacterial concrete can be used to control bacteria growth in hospitals and laboratories. An argument against using concrete to fight the effects of climate change in projects is that one of the main ingredients in concrete is cement. Cement actually occurs naturally; however, the quantities that are available in nature are not sufficient to meet demand. Cement is therefore manufactured. Unfortunately, the process used to manufacture cement is energy intensive and has a high initial carbon footprint.

To reduce the CO2 emissions, the cement industry is taking steps to make the manufacturing process more efficient and eco-friendly. For example, waste is used as an alternative fuel and a raw material in the production of cement. If energy is recovered from waste material, fewer natural resources are required in cement production which will help in conservation efforts. In summary, experts predict that extreme weather events will continue to be a part of our future. Despite the high initial carbon footprint associated with cement production, concrete is a good material to be used in construction projects to help with sustainability initiatives to fight the effects of global warming. It can be used to help protect the environment from the consequences of climate change, can last and work for decades, and can enable more efficient uses of natural resources.

Read, listen to the pronunciation and memorize the active vocabulary to the text:

Active Vocabulary

1. consequence следствие, последствие, результат

2. draught (здесь) неблагоприятные перемены

3. flooding затопление, наводнение, прилив

4. versatile универсальный, многоцелевой, разносторонний, изменчивый

5. flash (здесь) внезапный, быстро возникающий и проходящий

6. debris отходы; мусор, (горн.) дебрис, обломочный материал

7. eco-friendly экологически дружественный, экологически чистый, экологичный, экологически безвредный

8. thermal mass количество тепла, теплоёмкость

9. energy consumption энергопотребление, расход энергии

10. emission излучение, испускание, эмиссия, выделение, выброс

11. sufficient достаточный; обоснованный

12. carbon footprint углеродный след (количество углерода [углекислого газа], выбрасываемого в атмосферу при производстве какой-либо продукции); выбросы парниковых газов в атмосферу; (негативные) экологические последствия какой-либо деятельности

13. energy intensive энергоёмкий (о производстве или технологии)

14. fuel топливо, горючее; заправлять(ся) топливом

15. raw material сырьё; сырьевые материалы

16. to recover восстанавливать, извлекать, утилизировать, получать обратно

17. to require требовать, нуждаться, являться необходимым

18. to predict предсказывать, прогнозировать

19. despite несмотря на, вопреки

20. sustainability устойчивое развитие, жизнеустойчивость, экологичность, долговременность, неистощительное использование и развитие, способность к самодостаточному развитию

21. global warming глобальное потепление (повышение средней мировой температуры в результате парникового эффекта и разрушения озонового слоя)

22. environment окружающая среда, внешние условия; окружающая обстановка; окружение, оборудование, режим работы, условия эксплуатации



Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. a). Concrete can be used as a material, owing to which hauling and project costs are reduced.

b). Concrete can be used as a material in new construction projects to help protect the environment from the consequences of climate change.

c). Concrete can be used as a material reducing the CO2 emissions.

2. a). Concrete is a material that cannot be recycled economically, without compromising the essential material properties.

b). Concrete is a material, most commonly used after clay and stone.

c). Concrete is a material that is used in all types of construction.

3. a). If concrete is used in the construction of buildings, it can reduce the need for air conditioning because concrete has a high thermal mass.

b). If concrete is used in the construction of buildings, it can reduce energy consumption.

c). If concrete is used in the construction of buildings, it can last and work for decades.

4. a). An argument against using concrete to fight the effects of climate change in projects is that the chemical reaction may occur between the alkaline water and the aggregate that causes a volumetric expansion.

b). An argument against using concrete to fight the effects of climate change in projects is that one of the main ingredients in concrete is cement.

c). An argument against using concrete to fight the effects of climate change in projects is that there can be contamination of aggregate by detrimental substances or other harmful materials.

5. a). The process used to manufacture cement is efficient and eco-friendly.

b). The process used to manufacture cement meets the new building regulations.

c). The process used to manufacture cement is energy intensive and has a high initial carbon footprint.


Match words in columns A and B (synonym match):


1. consequence a). discomfort b). criteria

c). disappearance d). outcome

2. robust a). similar b). hard

c). precise d). safe

3. consumption a). input b). order

c). emergence d). collapse

4. to occur a). to carry out b). to utilize

c). to eliminate d). to originate

5. demand a). request b). waste

c). appeal d). behaviour

6. to reduce a). to crack b). to achieve

c). to decrease d). to employ

7. to recover a). to present b). to extract

c). to manipulate d). to refer

8. durable a). strong b). stiff

c). compressive d). essential

9. sufficient a). elastic b). ample

c). static d). possible

10. versatile a). complete b). proof

c). diversified d). careful


Select the best possible answer out of the choices from the list to the statements (multiple choice):

1. Less air conditioning means reduced energy consumption and … .

a. a number of other eco-friendly benefits.

b. increased overheating during heat waves.

c. therefore, reduced CO2 emissions.

d. raised resource efficiency.

2.Concrete is a material that.… .

a. can maximize economic and environmental performance.

b. that will not compromise the health of the environment or the building’s occupants.

c. is not notably contaminated.

d. is used in all types of construction.

3. Antibacterial concrete can be used … .

a. in the design and construction of “sustainable buildings”.

b. to control bacteria growth in hospitals and laboratories.

c. for renovation and deconstruction of dwelling houses.

d. for adopting green building strategies.

4. Waste is used as an alternative fuel … .

a. and a raw material in the production of cement.

b. and can be recycled economically.

c. and can optimize life-cycle economic performance.

d. and can reduce operating costs.

5.To reduce the CO2 emissions, … .

a. “green” construction methods should be implemented in building processes.

b. limestone should not be used in concrete manufacturing.

c. the cement industry is taking steps to make the manufacturing process more efficient and eco-friendly.

d. the modernization of the building’s infrastructure should be more extensive.


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