Protection measures of atmosphere

Protection measures of atmosphere are subdivided into three large groups:

First group includes measures of protection of atmosphere by decreasing the amount of contaminants, thrown out into atmosphere. It is the improvement of the quality of fuel, using of special liquids in fuel etc. Same group of measures includes perfecting of technological processes including development of the closed cycle production without making of harmful substances into atmosphere.

The second group includes measures of protection of atmosphere by dispersion, processing and neutralization of harmful wastes.

The third group of measures assumes prevention of the air contamination by rational placing of the “dirty” enterprises - sources of harmful wastes with consideration of natural conditions and potential possibility of the air contamination.

IV. Words to be learnt:

weathering – выветривание, эрозия

chimney – дымоход

to exhaust – выпускать

woodworking industry – деревообрабатывающая промышленность

to throw out – выбрасывать

improvement – улучшение

liquid – жидкость

dispersion – рассеивание

to assume – допускать, предполагать

consideration – рассмотрение, обсуждение


I. Find the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1. air pollution 1. измерять
2. to subdivide 2. учавствовать
3. development 3. пыль
4. measure 4. развитие
5. dust 5. промышленность
6. industry 6. подразделять
7. particulate 7. сосредоточенность
8. concentration 8. черная металлургия
9. colour metallurgy 9. загрязнение воздуха
10. black metallurgy 10. цветная металлургия
  11. частица
  12. мера

II. Make up the beginning of the sentences:

1. … are subdivided into three large groups.

2. … problem in the world today.

3. … to breathe in large cities with big amount of plants and transport.

4. … is polluted by about one thousand tons of industrial dust.

5. … is harmful for our health.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the natural sources of contamination of an atmosphere?

2. How does poisoned air influenced on people?

3. What do natural pollutants include?

4. What are the most harmful industries?

5. In what groups are measures of the protection of atmosphere subdivided?

IV. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Вулканы и лесные пожары являются природными источниками загрязнения воздуха.

2. Человеческая деятельность повышает концентрацию углекислого газа и метана в атмосфере.

3. Человеческий организм впитывает различные химические элементы во время дыхания.

4. Существует несколько видов загрязнений.

5. Много опасных отходов идет в воздух.

6. Вы можете найти загрязненную поверхность везде.

7. Ежегодно в атмосферу поступает тысячи тонн пыли.

8. Ученые считают, что кислотные дожди являются одной из причин загрязнения воздуха.

9. Исследования, проведенные учеными, дали хорошие результаты.

10. Необходимо усовершенствовать качество топлива.

V. Define the meaning and function of the pronoun one:

1. One must be sure of one’s ground?

2. One morning he received a long letter from Ann.

3. Two more buses came up and pulled in behind the first one.

4. When one knows what others suffer one’s ashamed.

5. He has interviewed my friends – the ones I have now and the ones who have been with me in former years.

VI. Define the forms of the Gerund. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Cooling may be caused by radiation, by contact with cold surfaces, by mixing masses of air of different temperatures.

2. The sole object of our expedition was exploring the floor of the Pacific Ocean.

3. Improved methods of observing atmosphere are developed.

4. There are reasons for believing that the floor on the Pacific is composed of basalt.

5. Nobody knew of their having return from the expedition.

6. Forecasting weather with great accuracy is not an easy matter.

7. A seismograph is an instrument for recording vibrations of the earth’s crust.

8. When large ice masses reach warmer lower altitudes they stop advancing and begin to melt.

9. Information on the ages of the animals in the catch is important for determining age at sexual maturity and mortality rates at different ages.

10. In recent years this has seemed of increasing significance as many stocks of commercially harvested fish have declined.

VII. Use the required form of the Gerund and insert prepositions where necessary:

1. Good-buy, and thank you ever so much … (to come) with me.

2. I was aware … (to plunge) into a network of fresh difficulties.

3. I had not asked for advice, I was quite capable … (to advise) myself.

4. That’s no reason … (to give up).

5. He was looking forward … (to take) the tickets.

6. He felt that life was worth … (to take) care of.

7. The night seemed very long. He shivered. He was ashamed … (to sleep) on the embankment.

8. Ann was such a friendly, pretty child, few people could resist … (to talk) to her.

9. She was on the permission to go for walks alone.

10. Nick couldn’t remember … (to ask) about it.

VIII. Define the functions of the Gerund. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The buyers examined the goods carefully before concluding the contract.

2. I suggested discussing this question.

3. We have put off discussing the matter until the director returns from Kiev.

4. The negotiations are still far from being ended.

5. We discussed different methods of teaching foreign language.

IX. State to what part of speech the verbs belong (gerund or verbal noun) and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The generating of electricity from solar energy presents a more difficult problem than using the sun’s energy for direct heating and cooling.

2. A new way of producing electricity is to generate electricity from heat energy contained in steam, hot water.

3. Examining the rocks under the microscope is the usual way to study them.

4. The expedition started the oiling of the necessary equipment.

5. They started the loading of the ship.

X. Define the gerundial complexes. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. She turned round on his entering the room.

2. She cant bear thinking of it or speaking of it. And you saying that reminded her.

3. But of course someone might have gone to the table without your noticing?

4. It was no good your doing things by halves.

5. I was too absorbed in my crying.

6. I can’t bear the thought of you deserting your post when your presence is so necessary.

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