The spring water of Moscow

An unusually hot summer has come to Moscow city and region. However, the 8,000,000 cities have no problem with water. It is supplied without any interruption to all apartments.

According to experts. Moscow how has over 600 liters of water per resident per day, counting also the water used by industry.

The water comes to Moscow from 12 reservoirs. Half of them were built within the system of the canal that connects Moscow with the Volga and the other - in upper reaches of the Moskva River.

A reservoir is a huge sophisticated hydro-technical system. For example, the Vazuza system, the first part of which became operable in 1977, stretches for hundreds of kilometers over the Moscow, Smolensk and Kalinin regions. It embraces two reservoirs, a network of canals, pumping station, dams and high capacity pollution – control installations.

The reservoirs, besides storing water for the city perform one other important function. By accumulating spring breshets they prevent the Moskva from overflowing during spring time floods.

Construction work will soon start on another the 13th hydrosystem. The Volga will be dammed in the vicinity of Rzhev. And in the near future it is planed also to use the Oka.


according to – согласно

sophisticated – сложный

freshet = flood – паводок, половодье

2. Дайте эквиваленты на английском языке, следующим словам:

снабжать квартиры водой, без перерыва, соединить Москву с Волгой, верховье Москвы-реки, протянутся на сотни километров, насосная станция, установки для борьбы с загрязнением, выполнять важную функцию, предотвратить разлив, окрестности Ржева.

3. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Вода поднимается во все квартиры без перерыва.

2. Система каналов соединяет Москву с Волгой.

3. В верховье Москвы-реки была построена система каналов.

4. Первая очередь Вазузской системы протянулась на сотни километров через Москву, Смоленск и Калинин.

5. Вазузская система включает в себя два водохранилища, сеть каналов, насосные станции, дамбы и установки для борьбы с загрязнением.

6. Они предотвращают разлив Москвы-реки.

4. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is reservoir?

2. Why has Moscow no problem water?

Lesson 9.

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Moscow waterworks.

Every day Moscow waterworks treat and supply approximately four million cubic meters of water. The system incorporates five by – drocentres, four water treatment plants – the biggest in Europe, and more than 4,500 km of water mains 0. It takes 500 million kwh annually to pump the water and convey it to consumers.

The Moskva River’s total flow is 29 cubic metres per second. Of this the waterworks system consumes 24. The balance is obviously much too small to maintain the normal regiment of the river. To mend the situation, water is discharge into the Moskva River from the Khimki Reservoir at a rate of 30 metres per second.

Moscow waterworks services may be conventionally subdivided into three units: water pumping, treatment and distribution; the operation and maintenance of the network; overhaul and repairs.

To bring water to the high requirements of the State Standard for Drinking Water it is purified by means of chlorination, filtration and disinfections. Water quality is under the continuous supervision of hidrobiological laboratories.

The stringent hygienic protection of water supply sources helps us to maintain the State Standard. Before being piped into the distributive mains, water is subjected to yet another chlorination. In future chlorination will be replaced by ozonification, and experimentation in this field is now under way.

The average daily per, capital household consumption in Moscow is 360 litres. Considering the personal water consumption at the place of work, the total per capita rate is approximately 560 litres a day. It is intended to bring this average up to 1,000 litres. This will call for the construction of a new hydrosystem on the Vazuza River, a tributary of the Volga’s upper reaches. The new system will have a daily capacity of 1,7 million cubic metres of high – purity water, and bring the Moscow waterworks capacity up to a daily rate of 6,5 million cubic metres.

A project is being prepared at present to use telemechanics and computer techniques to automatize the operation of: the water supply system in Moscow.


waterworks (pl) – система водоснабжения, водопроводное сооружение,водоочистная станция.

incorporates – объединить

water treatment plants – водоочистное сооружение

water mains – водопроводная магистраль

to mend – улучшать

to pump – накачивать

overhaul – капитальный ремонт – repairs (pl)

maintenance – обслуживание

operation – работа, эксплуатация

under supervision of – под руководством

strict – строгий

to be under way – вестись в полном разгаре

2.Ответьте на вопросы

1. How much water do Moscow waterworks treat and supply?

2. What does the system incorporate?

3. Why is water discharged into the Moskva River from the Khimki Reservoir at a rate of 30 cu m per second?

4. What units may Moscow waterworks be subdivided into?

5. What helps us to maintain the State Standard?

6. What is the average daily per capita household consumption in Moscow?

7. What will call for the construction of a new hydrosystem on the Vazuza River?

3. Напишите краткое изложение текста.

4. Составьте предложения из данных словосочетаний.

Wet season, to conduct the water, wall of concrete, to direct through, below the dam, instead of, the water can be released, to lay out a system of channels, primary distribution channels.

Lesson 10.

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст

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