VIII. Define the forms and functions of the Participle. Translate the sentences

1. Erosion can be controlled by a variety of techniques.

2. In 1986 minimum tollage was practiced on over 27 million hectares of land in the United States.

3. Man, like every other living organism, depends for his life on what the biosphere provides: water, oxygen, food and shelter.

4. Consuming a far greater amount of oxygen modern man supports fires, power plants and chemical processes.

5. Having read the article about air pollution we have discussed it at our lesson.

6. The students are discussing the problems of environmental pollution.

7. Measures taking by all nations change the ecological situation.

8. The biosphere is strongly affected by all sorts of human activity.

9. Having discussed the new material students began to make the experiments.

10. In the United States synthetic fertilizer is the greatest source of nitrogen used by farmers.

IX. Use the appropriate form of participle of the verb in brackets:

1. The Volga River (to use) long for internal traffic.

2. From two till five o’clock she (to do) a report “A man and nature”.

3. Prehistoric man withdrew from the biosphere only oxygen (to require) for respiration.

4. (to pay) great attention to the question of nature conservation, we take care of our home.

5. The major fishmeal and fish oil (to produce) countries are Peru, Chile, the USA, Denmark and Norway.

6. Scientists investigate a number of problems (to concern) the seas and oceans.

7. Some vessels (to equip) with shipboard computers.

8. It comprises diseases (to transmit) by contaminated water.

9. The air (to surround) people contains enormous quantities of water in the form of vapour.

10. The term first (to introduce) by the German biologist E.Henkel.

X. Read the text and discuss the problem of erosion in groups of 5 students:

Erosion control

Erosion can be controlled by a variety of techniques. There are six major strategies:

Minimum tillage. Minimum tillage is a way of farming that reduces the physical disruption of the soil caused by plowing or cultivating crops for weed control. Typically, farmers plow their fields before planting a new crop. With special implements, however, they can plant right over the previous year’s crop residue. Because fields are protected much of the year by crops or crop residues, soil erosion can be decreased substantially – in some cases by as much as 90%. Minimum tillage also reduces energy consumption by as much as 80% and conserves soil moisture by reducing evaporation.

Contour farming. On hilly terrain, crops can be planted along level lines that follow the contour of the land. This is called contour farming. Rows are planted across the direction of water flow on hilly or sloped land. This reduces the flow of water across the land, resulting in tremendous reduction in erosion and a marked increase in water retention.

Strip cropping. Strip cropping involves planting strips of alternate crops in fields that are subject to soil erosion by wind or water. Strip cropping can be combined with contour farming to further decrease erosion.

Terracing.Terracing involves the construction of small earthen embankments on sloped cropland. These are placed across the slop to check water flow and minimize erosion. Terraces are expensive to construct and often interfere with the operation of large farm equipment.

Gully Reclamation.Gullies are a danger sign of rapid soil erosion. To prevent gullies from farming, farmers must reduce water flow over their land. Already formed gullies can be stopped by seeding barren soils with rapidly growing plants, including trees.

Shelterbelts.Shelterbelts block the wind and, therefore, decrease soil erosion and damage to crops caused by windblown dirt particles. In the winter they reduce the amount of blowing snow, thus allowing snow to build up in fields. They also provide habitat for animals, pest-eating insects, and pollinators. They have the added benefit of saving energy by reducing heat loss from homes and farm buildings.

X. Read and learn the dialogue:

B.: Is the Mediterranean actually dying from pollution?

A.: Yes, it is, I would say. If pollution continues at its present place I think that the northern half will be almost dead in 10 years. It would take only 15 years for the whole Mediterranean to become dead as far as marine life is concerned.

B.: Under the best conditions, how long would it take the Mediterranean waters to be renewed?

A.: If you stop all pollution of the Mediterranean now, it would still take about 100 years for the sea to become clean.

B.: Is the Mediterranean polluted everywhere?

A.: Not exactly, because there are several kinds of pollution. Surface pollution, mainly from petroleum product, you find everywhere. Then there is the vast human and industrial pollution generated by the densely populated coasts.

B.: Is anything being done about water pollution?

A.: There is not much that can be done.

XI. Comment the opinion of Winston Churchill:

“To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years.

To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day”.


I. Read and translate the following group of words:

Sanitary cleaning, treatment of solid domestic waste, basic environmental problems, municipal solid waste handling, average annual norm, lack of commercial enterprises, municipal landfills, decline of population.

II. Translate from Russian into English the following words of the same root:

Чистка – чистить – вычищенный – очиститель; обработка - обрабатывать – переработанный; накапливать – накопление – накопленный – накапливающийся – накопитель; транспорт – транспортировать – транспортировка – транспортабельность – транспортабельный; управление – управлять – управляемость; полномочия - уполномочивать – уполномоченный.

III. Read and translate the text:

Waste disposal

The sanitary cleaning of settlements and further treatment of solid domestic waste are one of the basic environmental problems in Ukraine. According to data provided by the State Committee on Housing and Communal Service of Ukraine, every year about 40 million m3 of waste is accumulated by households in towns and settlements, which then is transported to municipal landfills. The primary method of municipal solid waste handling is its storage at landfills and unmanaged solid waste disposal sites (SWDS) together with industrial waste of the III and IV class of hazard. There are no specialized enterprises handling municipal solid waste in rural areas. In these areas, waste is stored in natural relief formations; and as a result, can create underground and superficial pollution. The average annual norm of waste accumulation per one inhabitant in the Ukrainian cities is the following: Kiev – 292 kg, Kharkov – 185 kg, Odessa – 250 kg. Municipal services of waste cleaning and handling cover about 52% of country’s population.

According to information provided by the state Committee on Housing and Communal Service of Ukraine and requirements to managed SWDS, the majority of SWDS are unauthorized; frequent violations of waste utilization and disposal regimes are observed.

There is a lack of commercial enterprises dealing with complex processing of secondary raw materials, although there are modern technologies for municipal solid waste processing.

Domestic wastewater in Ukrainian cities and settlements goes to communal sewage disposal plants. Industrial wastewater also goes to communal public owned treatment plants, if its concentrations will not damage the drainage systems and according to their physical-chemical features they are suitable for co-purification.

The decline of industrial development in Ukraine and, as a result, decrease of industrial wastewater, as well as a decline of population has resulted in a decrease of methane emissions from wastewater systems.

IV. Words to be learnt:

waste – отходы

settlement – поселение

domestic waste – бытовые отходы

household – семейство

landfill – мусорная свалка

industrial waste – промышленные отбросы

hazard – риск, опасность

inhabitant – житель

unauthorized – запрещенный, несанкционированный

wastewater – сточная вода

drainage – дренаж


I. Find the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1. waste 1. обработка
2. treatment 2. сельский
3. to accumulate 3. управление
4. rural 4. иметь дело с
5. handling 5. домашний
6. to deal with 6. дренажное устройство
7. average 7. отходы
8. domestic 8. обеспечивать
9. drainage system 9. накапливать
10. to provide 10. средний
  11. держать
  12. доказывать

II. Make up the beginning of the sentences:

1. … is accumulated by households in towns and settlements.

2. … handling municipal solid waste in rural areas.

3. … cover about 52% of country’s population.

4. … dealing with complex processing of secondary raw materials

5. … they are suitable for co-purification.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the basic environmental problems in Ukraine?

2. What is the primary method of municipal solid waste handling?

3. What is the average annual norm of waste accumulation per one inhabitant in the Ukrainian cities?

4. Where is waste stored?

5. What is the result of the decline of industrial development in Ukraine?

IV. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Люди создают несанкционированные свалки.

2. Очень много зеленых насаждений в центре города.

3. Проблема экологии – это глобальная проблема.

4. В сельских местностях нет специальных учреждений по обработке твердых отходов.

5. Большинство мест по удалению твердых отходов не имеют разрешения.

6. Необходимо создать предприятия для повторной обработки сырья.

7. Ни одно из государств не может игнорировать проблему защиты природы.

8. У каждого государства свои проблемы: контроль за отходами, загрязнение водных и воздушных ресурсов и т.д.

9. Транспорт – это один из источников шума.

10. правительство использует различные методы хранения радиоактивных отходов.

V. Underline and define the Participial Constructions. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Having spent much money for building new purification plants the researchers solved a number of environmental problems.

2. When heated, water changes into an invisible gas.

3. Water is never absolutely pure in nature, the amount of impurities depending upon the locality.

4. Conservation measures, adopted to the conditions in this area, were established in 2008 and became applicable from the 1st January 2009.

5. It goes round and round, the total amount of water on the earth never changing.

6. Since ancient times Nature has served man, being the source of his life.

7. When we drink water it is almost immediately coursing through our system, the body being purified of poison which is carried off in solution.

8. Being a solvent of most substances water is indispensable in chemistry and medicine.

9. Rain falling on the ground, the soil absorbs the water.

10. Having read many articles about our atmosphere we learned some interesting data.

VI. Translate into English using Participle I or Participle II:

1. Они вышли на дорогу, которая вела в лес.

2. Катя смотрела на увядшие растения, которые росли у стены.

3. Весь вечер я читала статью, вырезанную с экологического журнала.

4. Он увлеченно рассказывал о городах, в которых ему удалось побывать.

5. Просмотрев экологическую газету, он понял, что экологические проблемы приобретают глобальный характер.

6. Он спокойно сидел в кресле, думая о предстоящей командировке.

7. Если хотите, я позабочусь, чтобы доклад был приготовлен.

8. Я хочу, чтобы мои указания относительно предстоящей командировки выполнялись в точности.

9. На следующий день мы отправились по маршруту, который дал нам начальник.

10. Этот студент привык, чтобы за него все делали другие.

VII. Read the text and state the main idea of the text:


The control of Pollution Act sets out a wide range of powers and duties for local and water authorities, including control over wastes, air and water pollution and noise. It introduced a new system for comprehensive planning of waste disposal operations so as to ensure that disposal is carried out to satisfactory standards and that, where practicable, waste materials are recovered and recycled. The Act also increased the penalties for a large number of pollution offences.

As a result, the level of water pollution has been reduced. Discharges of polluting matter into rivers, lakes, estuaries and some coastal waters are already controlled be law.

Responsibility for clean air rests primarily with local authorities. In “smoke control areas” the emission of smoke from chimneys constitutes an offence.

Controls are also in force on emission from motor vehicles. Considerable progress has been made towards the achievement of cleaner air and better environment, especially in the last 20 years or so. London no longer has the dense smoke-laden “smogs” of the 1950-ies.

Local authorities also have the power to inspect their areas for noise nuisance and to deal with it. Transport is one of the main offenders in noise pollution, and control measures are aimed at reducing noise at source, through requirements that aircraft and motor vehicles be quieter and by protecting people from its effects.

X. Read and learn the dialogue:

A: And what do you do with food wastes?

B: We've got special receptacles for storing it. We dump such wastes when we are far from land

A: Then, how can you explain those cores of apples and pears floating near your stern?

B: About half and hour ago a pleasure boat passed by our ship. I think this was done by her passengers.

A: Maybe, though I'm not quite sure.

XI. Discussion:

1. Are you an ecologically-minded person?

2. What can you say about the ecological situation in Ukraine?

3. What can be done by the government and local authorities to improve it?

4. What can be done by each individual to protect the environment?


I. Read and translate the following group of words:

Air pollution, wood fires, dusty storms, weathering, natural source, poisoned air, liquid manner, carbon dioxide, toxic wastes, pulp paper industry, quality of fuel.

II. Translate from Russian into English the following words of the same root:

Важный-важность-важно; различие-различать-различный; производство-производить-производственный; промышленность - промышленный-промышленник; цвет-цветной; мера-измерять-измеренный; развитие-развивать-развивающийся-развитый; обработка - обрабатывать; предотвращение-предотвращать; возможность–возможный- возможно.

III. Read and translate the text:

Air pollution

Pollution is probably the most important problem in the world today. There are many different kinds of pollution. One of those is air pollution. The natural sources of contamination of the atmosphere are volcanoes, wood fires, dusty storms, weathering etc.

People produce most of the waste that cause air problem. Such waste can be in the form of gases or to be particulates (particles of solid or liquid manner).

Millions of chimneys, buses, cars, plants, factories and other industrial enterprises exhaust fumes and harmful substances into the atmosphere. Poisoned air is the main reason why it is hard to breathe in large cities with big amount of plants and transport.

Human activity increases the concentration of such gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor in the atmosphere. Scientists expect to see a doubling of carbon dioxide over pre-industrial levels around the year 2065.

Every year the atmosphere is polluted by about one thousand tons of industrial dust. Among industries especially toxic wastes are made by enterprises of colour metallurgy, chemical and black metallurgy, woodworking and pulp paper industry.

Various chemical elements are intensively absorbed by our organism during breathing. It is harmful for our health. Air pollution is especially harmful for quality of genofond.

Scientists say that air pollution is the cause of acid rains, global warming and greenhouse effect.

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