V. Translate from Russian into English

1. Геологоразведка и добыча полезных ископаемых характеризуются бурением скважин для определения наличия и извлечения запасов нефти и газа.

2. Наиболее значительными отходами этих операций являются буровые растворы и буровой шлам.

3. Извлекается примерно 14000 баррелей буровых растворов и шлама из скважины глубиной около 3 км.

4. За установочным бурением (development drilling) следует стадия добычи, при которой могут сбрасываться тысячи баррелей пластовой воды в день.

5. Объем водосброса (discharge volumes) может превышать в 10 раз объем добываемой нефти.

6. Основные компоненты буровых растворов и шлама включают глину, бентонит и барит.

7. Растворы на нефтяной основе содержат тяжелые металлы, углеводороды и чрезвычайно токсичны.

8. Буровые растворы и шлам на водяной основе, как правило, сбрасывают в море.

9. Это может вызвать такие экологические последствия как: изменения донной флоры и фауны, снижение уровня содержания кислорода, остаточное заражение (sediment contamination) тяжелыми металлами и углеводородами.

10. Пластовая вода характеризуется высоким уровнем содержания солей, углеводородов, металлов и радионуклидов.

11. Самая распространенная практика сбросов – сброс после сепарации нефти и воды.

12. Сбросы в море требуют разрешения (authorization) и должны соответствовать нормативным ограничениям.

13. Глубинная закачка (onsite underground injection) отходов и отработанной воды при шельфовых операциях может потребовать разрешения регулирующих органов.

14. Континентальный сброс может быть предметом различных (федеральных, региональных, местных) нормативных требований (regulatory requirements).

15. Правительство может запретить некоторые варианты процесса сброса и переработки отходов.

Text 5 Gas Impact on Fish and Other Marine Organisms I. Study information on biological impact of natural gas in the water environment and discuss in groups different stages of interaction between gaseous traces and marine organisms. What other factors can influence the direction and symptoms of the effect?   The first important feature of interaction between gaseous traces and marine organisms is the quick fish response to a toxic gas as compared with fish response to other dissolved or suspended toxicants. Gas rapidly penetrates into the organism (especially through the gills) and disturbs the main functional systems (respiration, nervous system, blood formation, enzyme activity, and others). External evidence of these disturbances includes a number of common symptoms mainly of behavioral nature (e.g. fish excitement, increased activity, scattering in the water). The interval between the moment of fish contact with the gas and the first symptoms of poisoning (latent period) is relatively short. Further exposure leads to chronic poisoning. At this stage, cumulative effects at the biochemical and physiological levels occur. These effects depend on the nature of the toxicant, exposure time, and environmental conditions. A general effect typical for all fish is gas emboli. These emerge when different gases (including the inert ones) oversaturate water. The symptoms of gas emboli include the rupture of tissues (especially in fins and eyes), enlarging of swim bladder, disturbances of circulatory system, and a number of other pathological changes. During toxicological studies of different gases, including methane and its derivatives, one must take into consideration the influence of other factors (especially temperature and oxygen regime) that can radically change the direction and symptoms of the effect. In particular, increasing temperature usually intensifies the toxic effect of practically all substances on fish because of the direct correlation between the level of fish metabolism and water temperature. Another critical environmental factor that directly influences the gas impact on water organisms is the concentration of dissolved oxygen. Numerous studies show that the oxygen deficit directly controls the rate of fish metabolism and decreases their resistance to many organic and inorganic poisons. This decrease sometimes depends more on the species characteristics and the rate of their gas metabolism rather than on the nature of the poison. From the physiological perspective, such a phenomenon is explained by the fact that the level of hemoglobin in fish blood and the rate of blood circulation through the gills increase under oxygen deficit. Thus, in spite of the lack of research, especially under chronic exposure, the observations of both fish behavioral responses and fish mortality suggest a relatively low resistance of ichthyofauna to the presence of natural gas in the water environment. The high speed of primary responses, their clear manifestation, and their relatively short latent phase indicate a possibly damaging impact on the central nervous system of fish. Some data show the likelihood of higher resistance of zooplankton and benthos to the impacts of methane and its homologues. Text 6 Environmental Innovation in the Oil and Gas Industry I. For questions 1- 20 read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C or D best fits each space.

Canadian (1)__________ have found a new way to reduce energy consumption and (2) _________often released by the oil and gas industry. When natural gas emerges from gas (3) _________, it is saturated with water. This water can (4) _________ corrosion that can lead to pipeline leaks and formation of hydrate plugs (ice-like solids composed of water and natural gas) that shut off the (5) _________ of gas. Gas companies remove the water using glycol dehydrators. Water from the gas is (6) __________ in the glycol (an organic chemical often used as antifreeze.) The glycol is then heated, a process known as reboiling, (7) __________ the glycol from the water. The water is released into the atmosphere (8)_________ steam, while the glycol is saved for reuse. This process requires a lot of energy as its key ingredient and often emits (9) _________ compounds, like benzene (a carcinogen), into the atmosphere.

Canadian Environmental Technology Advancement (10) _________(CETAC), located in Calgary, Alberta, saw an opportunity to reduce energy consumption in glycol dehydrators and contacted RCL Environment Group Ltd. and Amine Experts to (11) ________ an easy-to-use process optimization model. Glycol dehydrators are initially setup at optimal rates. However, over time, gas (12) ________ rates and pressures can fluctuate as wells decline and new wells are brought on stream.

Over 3000 glycol dehydrators (13) ________ in Canada, providing dramatic opportunities for energy consumption and emission reductions. (14) ________reducing glycol circulation rates, less demand is placed on the related reboiler burners. Optimization of glycol dehydrators (15) ________ reduce energy by as much as 25 per cent and simultaneously reduce benzene emissions without additional capital expenditure. The model developed with CETAC's (16) _________ is gaining rapid acceptance in the (17) ________ oil and gas industry.

The oil and gas industry's (18) ________ of this optimization model could also be seen as favourable by regulatory agencies. Benzene is identified in the Canadian (19) ________ Protection Act as a toxic substance. The optimization of glycol dehydrators is a good example of voluntary (20) _________of benzene emissions.

  A. B. C. D.
1. investigations naturalists researchers science
2. agents emissions delivery heat
3. wells holes ballon boiler
4. begin damage prevent cause
5. flow direction speed barrier
6. put absorbed stored developed
7. getting mixing forming separating
8. with by as below
9. useless light harmful gaseous
10. coordination centre core certificate
11. develop discover consider bring
12. deposit absorption composition production
13. operate locate make establish
14. on to by the
15. must can need ought
16. helping offer support decision
17. upstream main exploratory transporting
18. method operation working use
19. natural petroleum environmental resources
20. stoppage reduction solution act


  1. Булатов A.И. Русско-английский словарь по нефти и газу.

-2-е изд., стереотип. – М.:РУССО, 2000 – 424с.

  1. Булатов A.И. Современный англо-русский и русско-английский словарь по нефти и газу. -2-е изд., стереотип. – М.:РУССО, 2006. – 752с.

3. Интернет-ресурсы:


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