Negotiation а. перевешивать


Задание №1

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

1. Jason won’t come with us this evening.

2. What does this sign mean?

We usually meet at the sports centre every Monday afternoon.

I promise, I shall come to you place next Sunday.

John and Mary are playing chess at the moment.

Задание №2

Исправьте грамматические ошибки в предложениях:

Steve will go fishing tomorrow.

I visit my grandparents every week.

Will you clean the carpet, please.

Peter is looking for a new house these days.

5. Do you believe this information?

Задание №3

Составьте предложения из следующих групп слов:

1. to/ going/ conference/ attend/ marketing/ are/on/you/the?

Are you going to attend on the marketing conference?

2. does/ his/ often/ coffee/ he/ for/ secretary/ not/ a/ ask.

He does not often ask secretary for a coffee.

3. phone/ making/ is/ appointment/ now/ the/ he/ on/ an.

He is making an appointment on the phone.

4. on/ leaving/ business/ Brussels/ he/ for/is.

He is leaving for business on Brussels.

5. extra/ nobody/ hours/ to/ wants/ work.

Nobody wants to work extra hours.

Задание № 4

Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. Mary met her husband while she was working in the States.

2. Last month the company cancelled three major orders.

3. The government used to provide much more help for disabled people than they do now.

Задание № 5

Переведите на английский язык:

Вчера он был очень занят. Он пошел в банк поменять деньги. Когда он выходил из банка, у него зазвонил мобильный телефон. Звонил клиент, чтобы пригласить на бизнес-ланч. Он поблагодарил клиента и принял приглашение.

He was busy very mush yesterday. He went to change money to the bank. When he was leaving the bank his mobile phone rang up. His client rang to invited out him to business lunch. He thanked the client and accepted the offer.

Задание № 6

Переведите на русский язык:

France is not as big as Canada.

Франция не такая большая, как Кананда.

Their car was twice as expensive as ours.

Их машина в два раза дороже, чем наша.

The Park Hotel is less expensive then the Plaza.

Парк Отель менее дорогой, нежели Плаза.

The King George Hotel is the least expensive of all.

Кинг Джордж Отель наименее дорогой из всех.

Much more people are opening their own business these days.

Все больше людей открывают собственный бизнес в наши дни.

Call me if you need further information.

Позвони мне, если тебе понадобится дальнейшая информация.

This document is even more valuable than that one.

Этот документ гораздо более ценный, нежели тот.

These partners are the most unreliable I have ever had.

Эти партнеры самые ненадежные из всех, что я когда-либо встречал.

Задание № 7

Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательные в нужную степень сравнения:

1. Не is a far more intelligent person than the previous personal manager.

2. The most we go into the matter, the much complex it becomes.

3. The local wages are a bit higher then they used to be two previous years.

4. His last business trip was the most successful of all.

5. Reliable quality is as essential for customers as low prices.

Задание № 8

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Эта проблема намного важнее той, которую мы обсуждали вчера.

This problem is much more important then the one that we discussed yesterday.

Сейчас объем продаж быстро снижается, поэтому наша компания старается найти новые, более перспективные, рынки сбыта.

Now sales volume is going down quickly that because our company tries to find new more long-term outlets.

Пока менеджер по продажам ждал телефонного звонка, клиенты подтвердили заказ факсом.

While sales manager was waiting phone call clients confirmed an order by fax.

Задание № 9

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к тексту.


The great advantage of globalization is that it increases competition. Companies and firms have to order their affairs carefully so that they compete in a global market. But that is outweighed by a large number of disadvantages.

The first one is that it hurts the local government's ability to deal with issues like welfare benefits, wages and taxes mainly because the corporation is able to say to the British Government or to the French Government or to the American Government, "Look unless you lower your taxes on us, we'll be moving off to South East Asia or Latin America", and so on. And so it takes out of the hands of the government the ability to control their own welfare system and provide a decent infrastructure for their people. Now this is not so bad as long as there is some negotiation between governments and companies. But more and more in recent years, companies have started to rule the roost. There is an opinion that the corporation is the most important institution in our lives. They can now dictate to governments and some kind of give-and-take between governments and corporations is of great importance.

Another problem is one of unemployment in the Western world. As companies want to improve their profitability, they are going to be looking for the low-cost, low-wage centres. And we're just about to see a major change in the global economy, bесаusе of the addition of China and India to the global labour market. There are great advantages in this but there are a lot of problems as well because China and India are going to provide a skilled population. Also, they are going to provide fairly good infrastructures for the companies that are going to go out there. So we are going to see a flight of capital from the West which is going to be sudden and dramatic. If this is too sudden and is not managed properly we could find very severe employment problems in the Western world.

Nowadays more and more companies are struggling to become global. But being a global company means not only the improvement but also problems. Fortune Garments, one of Hong Kong's oldest trading groups, which makes high quality clothing, has become global: it has over 3000 suppliers in 17 countries and employs stuff from all over the world in its head office and factories. It is expanding rapidly in foreign markets with sales over $ US 1.8 bn.

Fast delivery, innovative design, and reliable quality are essential for success in the fashion business. Fortune Garments' Chairman, Michael Chau, is proud that his company can usually accept a major order and deliver the goods to a customer within four weeks. However, globalization has brought problems in the company's overseas plants, and this is having a bad effect on its share price. As the result the company can become the target of a takeover if it doesn't sort out its problems soon.

Задания к тексту:

1. Найти русские эквиваленты к английским словам и выражениям:

negotiation а. перевешивать

Addition b. серьезный

Decent с. довольно

Issue d. дело

Dramatic e. дешевый

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