In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂].

Africa about Columbus

cinema absent commander

sofa a dog gorilla

mother forsake to go

father surprise to come

either concern long ago

II. Read the sentences. Follow the tonetic marks.

1. They are both of a hair. Они одного поля ягоды.

2. A day after the fair. Слишком поздно.

3. I must have been mistaken. Я, по всей вероятности, ошибся.

4. If I were you, I should not do it. На вашем месте, я бы не делал этого.

5. There must be no delay. Нельзя медлить.

6. Her tone was matter-of-fact. Её тон был бесстрастным.

7. Never judge from appearances. Не судите по внешности.

8. Man can die but once. Двум смертям не бывать, а одной не


9. Tell them that someone was Скажите им, что их тут кто-то спрашивал.

asking for them here.

10. I have known her from a child. Я знаю её с детства.

III. Match the following English idioms, proverbs and sayings with their Russian

equivalents. Make up situations to illustrate their usage.

1. next of kin a. быть на ножах с кем-либо

2. ask for it b. линия поведения

3. line of conduct c. немедленно, экспромтом

4. once for all d. лезть на рожон

5. at loggerheads with smb. e. раз и навсегда

6. out of hand f. ближайший родственник

IV. Practise the pronunciation of the following rhyme and learn it by heart.

Dust of Snow

by Robert Frost

The way a crow Has given my heart

Shook down on me A change of mood

The dust of snow And saved some part

From a hemlock tree. Of a day I have rued.

Section 3

I. Test. Tick the words you recognize in the sentences you hear:

1. a) has; b) h∂s

2. a) can; b) c∂n

3. a) was; b) w∂s

4. a) does; b) d∂s

5. a) am; b) ∂m

6. a) them; b) th∂m

II. Listen and repeat:

W∂s she dreaming? Yes, she was.

W∂s she thinking about South America? Yes, she was.

W∂ her brothers and sisters asleep? Yes, they were.

D∂ they like reading? Yes, they do.

H∂ve you read about South America? Yes, I have.

D∂s your friend like reading? Yes, he does.

∂m I talking to myself? Yes, I am.

∂ we working hard? Yes, we are.

H∂s your friend been to South America? Yes, he has.

C∂n you swim? Yes, I can.

III. Listen to the dialogue and learn it by heart. The words in italics are weak forms

and have the sound [∂] here.


In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - A: I’m going to the post office.


In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - B: Can you buy something for me at the supermarket?


In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - A: But the supermarket is a long way from the post office.

In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - tobacconist’s mile library. B: No. Not that supermarket. Not the one that’s next to the cinema.

tobacconist’s. swimming pool.

In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - I mean the one that’s near the fruit shop.


A: Oh, yes. Well, what do you want?

In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - In the columns. Pay attention to the positional length of [∂]. - B: Some cigarettes and a box of matches and an envelope.

cigars tin of sweets address book.

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