Алгоритм выполнения задания. Прочитать и перевести слова и выражения (10 баллов)

Прочитать и перевести слова и выражения (10 баллов)

We ordered 20 minutes ago – Мы заказали 20 минут назад

I asked for it rare – Я заказывал недожаренную

It’s terribly salty – Ужасно соленое

I don’t like to complain, but – Не люблю жаловаться, но

It’s quite uneatable – Это невозможно есть

It’s very sorry –Очень жаль

My apologies, sir – Мои извинения, сэр

I’ll change it for you – Я поменяю это для вас

Can I get you something else? – Принести вам еще что-нибудь?

I’ll see what can I do – Посмотрю, что я могу сделать

This is David – Это Давид

He is responsible for – Он отвечает за

This is your station – Это твое место

These are the knifes – Это ножи

On the early shift – На утренней смене

Apology – Извинение

Complain – Жаловаться

Change – Менять

Draughty – На сквозняке

Immediately – Немедленно

Taste – Пробовать

Undercooked – Недоделанный

Uneatable – Несъедобный

Flat – Ровный

Lift – Поднять

Blender – Блендер

Bones – Кости

Colander – Дуршлаг

Commits – Кухонный рабочий

Daily – Ежедневно

Deep fryer – Фритюрница

Equipment – Оборудование

Flan – Форма

Frying pan – Сковородка

Handle – Ручка

Lipstick – Губная помада

Stale – Черствый (о хлебе)

Overdone – Пережаренный

Wonderful – Чудесный

Assistant – Помощник

Oven – Печь

Mincer – Мясорубка

Задание № 2


Алгоритм выполнения задания

2.1 Прочитать диалог (10 баллов).

Man: Waiter, we ordered our drinks 20 minutes ago. Waiter: I'm terribly sorry, sir. I'll see the wine waiter for you.   Man: My steak is overdone. I asked for it rare. Waiter: I'm sorry, sir,I'11 change it for you.   Man: Waitress, this is the worst soup I've ever tasted It's terribly salty Waitress: I ІІ take it back to the kitchen, sir Would you like to order something else?     Woman: Waiter, you must have the slowest service in town Waiter: I'm sorry, madam We're short-staffed tonight. I’ll be with you in a moment.   Woman: I’m sorry, but I asked for my dessert without cream. Waiter: So sorry, madam. One moment and I’ll change it for you.     Man: I don't like to complain but this dish is completely uneatable. Waitress: I’m sorry, sir. What exactly is wrong? Man: The meat is completely uncooked. Waitress: I'll speak to the chef immediately, sir Can I bring you something else?     Man: Look at this glass, waiter. There's lipstick on it. Waiter: My apologies, sir. I’ll get you a new one.     Woman: Waiter, this is the draughtiest spot in the restaurant Can you find us another table? Waiter: One moment, madam. I’ll see what 1 can do. Listening two Guest: Waiter! Waiter: Yes, sir? Guest: This knife is dirty. Waiter: I'm very sorry, sir. I’11 get you another one       Waitress: Yes. how can I help? Guest: We’ve been waiting for our wine for over twenty minute Waitress: Гт sorry about that. sir. I'll speak to the wine waiter immediately.   Guest: Can we have some butter? There's none left. Waitress: I’ll get you some, madam.   Waiter: Is there anything wrong, Guest: There certainty is. 1 his fish is uneatable. Waiter: What's the problem, sir'' Guest: Well, to start with, it's undercooked, and then it's cold, too Waiter: I'm sorry about that. I 11 have it replaced.     Head Chef: All the food for the restaurant is prepared and cooked in this kitchen. Now, let me introduce you to John, the pastry cook. John, this is David, the new commis. Pastry Cook: Hallo, David. David: Hallo. Head Chef: John bakes fresh bread and rolls daily, and also prepares all the hot desserts. David: I see. Head Chef:Allthe ovens and hobs are here, behind the preparation area. That’s Tim, the assistant chef, over there. He’s very busy right now. He’s responsible for all the side orders, hot soups, and hot starters. This is where I work. I do the main courses – meat, fish and pasta. This is your station – you’ll work with me. You’ll help with the sauces for the pasta, and you’ll also help the assistant chef with the salads. And these are the knives – you’ll need to sharpen them daily. If you are on the early shift, you start at seven and finish at the three with a one – hour break.            

Задание № 3

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