III. Раскройте скобки, используя прилагательное в нужной форме.


0). Your car is (expensive) than mine. – Your car is more expensive than mine. Правильный ответ:0) more expensive.

1. Married women are much (happy) than single women.

2. Bill is (old) in the group.

3. I am (tall) than Ann from my group.

4. The bus is (cheap) than the train.

5. My room is (comfortable) in the house.

6. Paris is (beautiful) city in the world.

7. His second book is (bad) than the 1st one.

8. This area of the city is (clean) than the center.

9. It was (bad) experience in my life.

10. This is one of (funny) films at the festival.

IV. Выберите правильный перевод выделенных слов.

1. Я могу быстро считать в уме.
    а) may b) can c) must  
2. Я потратил много времени, но не смог перевести эту статью.
    а) can’t b) may not c) couldn’t  
3. Я освободился, и мы сможем пойти в кино на следующий сеанс.
    а) could b) will be able to c) may  
4. Чтобы не опоздать на занятия, я должен встать рано завтра.
    а) may b) must c) am to  
5. Ты не должен ничего объяснять. Все и так понятно.
    а) mustn’t b) needn’t c) shouldn’t  
6. Тебе следует учить слова каждый день.
    а) should b) could c) have to  

V. Вcтавьте соответствующие модальные глаголы из списка модальных глаголов, указанных ниже.

  a) can b) may c) had to d) must e) should

1. Traffic is so dangerous these days. You …….. drive slower.

2. What's wrong with you? You ….. tell me everything.

3. I am glad that I … do something for you.

4. …… I borrow your bicycle? - Yes, why not.

5. I couldn't come because I ……. go to work.

6. You ……. use your knowledge more effectively.

7. John …… take a taxi because he was late.

8. Men …….. take off their hats in a church.

VI. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова.

1. At home/ doesn't/ she/ lunch/ usually/ have.

2. This/ did/ university/ why/ enter/ you?

3. To/ people/ in the next/ fly/ other planets/ will/ century.

4. Made/ work/ a lot of/ their/ they/ mistakes/ in.

5. Are/ the teacher’s/ answering/ the students/ questions/ now.

6. At/ was/ 3 o’clock/ I/ last night/ watching TV.

7. Moscow/ for Great Britain/ just/ left/ the scientist/ has.

8. Discussed/ many/ by/ we/ details/ had/ of the plan/ the evening.

VII. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. It’s 5 o’clock. She _______ tea.
    a) has b) have c) is d) is having
2. My friend sometimes ____ basketball.
    a) is playing b) plays c) play d) was playing
3. He _____ the bus to the University every morning.
    a) catches b) is catching c) catch d) catching
4. They ____ an active part in the development of heavy industry some years ago.
    a) were taking b) took c) has taken d) have taken
5. Who ____ on this important problem at the Institute now?
    a) work b) works c) was working d) is working
6. At this time yesterday he ____ with his younger brother.
    a) is playing b) plays c) was playing d) played
7. The engineer ___ just graduated from the mining engineering department.
    a) is b) have c) was d) has
8. When the delegation entered the room we ____ the experiment.
    a) made b) were making c) was making d) make
9. Who ___ the new deposits of brown coal in 1987?
    a) have discovered b) discovers c) is discovering d) discovered
10. Look here! The professor in this auditorium ____ about coal beds and the function of ventilation.
    a) is speaking b) speaks c) spoke d) was speaking

VIII. Выберите правильный вариант предложения.

1. A) You will get the job if you learn English.
  B) You will get the job if you will learn English.
  C) You get the job if you will learn English.

2. A) We won’t go for a walk until the rain will stop.
  B) Until the rain stops we will not go for a walk.
  C) We go for a walk until the rain will stop.
3. A) If you will drink tea in the afternoon, it will relax you.
  B) If you will drink tea in the afternoon, it relaxes you.
  C) If you drink tea in the afternoon, it will relax you.
4. A) If you will study hard, you will pass your exam successfully.
  B) You will pass your exams successfully if you study hard.
  C) You pass your exams successfully if you will study hard.
5. A) She will not be wet if she takes her umbrella.
  B) She will not be wet if she will take her umbrella.
  C) She is not wet if she will take her umbrella.

Прочитайте текст. Выполните задания после текста.


1Everyone who visits New York City today wants to see Rockefeller Center. It is one of the most popular places of interest. But what is Rockefeller Center? Rockefeller Center is as big as a small city with thousands of offices, all kinds of stores, restaurants and small shops. The buildings are very large and very high. The style of the buildings is modern. There is little decoration. The architects who planned them tried to do two things. First they tried to make the buildings look like one group. Second they tried at the same time to make each building a little different in form from the others.
2There are many facts and stories about Rockefeller Centre. Here is one of them about John Rockefeller, who together with some other companions began to work for Rockefeller Center in 1930. It took about ten years to complete all of the original buildings.
3One day he was walking along the street where the construction had just begun. He wanted to see the work which was going on. There was a high fence around the construction site. He tried to look through the fence but could see nothing. Just then a policeman came along.
4"Move along," said the policeman. "You can't stand here. You must go away." "I was trying to watch the work," said Mr. Rockefeller. "Move along," repeated the policeman. "I am John Rockefeller," said Mr. Rockefeller. "Sure, and I am President Roosevelt” said the policeman, "Now move along, mister. And don't give me any more trouble."
5Mr. Rockefeller went to his office and gave an order to cut holes in all the fences at eyelevel. Today this is the general custom in New York City. These holes are for the convenience of anyone who wants to stop and watch the work as long as he or she likes.

Определите, какой заголовок (A-E) передает основное содержание соответствующего абзаца (1-5).

A) Необычная традиция города Нью-Йорка.

B) Несколько фактов из истории создания центра.

C) Неприятный разговор.

D) Смешное происшествие из жизни создателя центра.

E) Описание центра.

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