Task 1. Переведите на русский язык.

1. There is a man in the room. 2. There are many trees in the garden. 3. There is a shop near my house. 4. There is a good theatre in this town. 5. There are cups on the table. 6. There is a letter on the shelf. 7. There are many cars in the street. 8. There is a ball under the table. 9. There are two chairs in the kitchen. 10. There are twenty students in my group. 11. There is a difficult rule in this textbook. 12. There are new words in this text. 13. There is a big picture on the wall. 14. There are many people in the park. 15. There is a newspaper on the table.

Task 2. Вставьте is или are.

1. There … many old buildings in this street. 2. There … a magazine on my desk. 3. There … flowers in the garden. 4. There … many sights in this city. 5. There … a computer on the table. 6. There … a big park near my house. 7. There … red apples in the plate. 8. There … a map on the blackboard. 9. There … a nice dress in this shop. 10. There … much money in my pocket.

Task 3. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. There are many things in her bag. 2. There is a nice vase on the table. 3. There are eleven players on the field. 4. There is a knife in the kitchen. 5. There are three rooms in my flat. 6. There is a difficult text in this book. 7. There are two windows in my room. 8. There is an interesting film in my collection. 9. There are many sweets in this box. 10. There is an expensive car near my house.

Task 4. Вставьте is или are.

1. There … a secretary and two businessmen in the office. 2. There … my parents and my wife in the car. 3. There … a passport and a visa in my bag. 4. There … two dogs and a cat in the room. 5. There … an apple and two oranges in the plate. 6. There … my partners and my friend in the bar. 7. There … a photo and three pictures on the wall. 8. There … many birds and wild animals in the zoo. 9. There … a good restaurant and two cafes in this street. 10. There … five letters and a telegram in the mailbox.

Task 5. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Look at this office. There are two tables and two chairs in it. There are some documents on the table. There is a shelf above the table and there are some magazines, files and papers on the shelf. There is a telephone and a fax on the table. There are two computers and a notebook on the tables. There are some certificates, photos and pictures on the walls. There aren’t any flowers in the office.

Task 6. Вставьте was или were. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. There … some milk in the fridge. 2. There … some bottles on the table. 3. There … some money in my pocket. 4. There … a spoon and a fork on the plate. 5. There … some shoes on the floor. 6. There … a good film at the cinema. 7. There … many mistakes in his essay. 8. There … much food at the café. 9. There … three businessmen at the meeting. 10. There … our professor at the conference.

Task 7. Поставьте оборот в Future Indefinite. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. There … a meeting tomorrow. 2. There … a conference next week. 3. There … a business trip next month. 4. There … a great party next weekend. 5. There … an important football match in two hours. 6. There … a book presentation tomorrow. 7. There … a wonderful performance next week. 8. There … a great show soon. 9. There … a concert in five minutes. 10. There … an exhibition next month.

Тема 8. Глагол to have

Глаголto haveвPresent, PastиFuture Indefiniteимеет следующие формы:

Present Past Future
  I, you, we, they have He, she, it has     I, he, she, it, you, we, they had     I, he, she, it, you, we, they will have  

Примеры образованияутвердительных, отрицательныхивопросительных формвPresent, PastиFuture Indefinite

+ Ihave a car. He has a car.

-I have no car./I haven’ta car/ I don’t have a car.

He has no car./ He hasn’t a car./ He doesn’t have a car.

? Have I a car?/Do I have a car? Has he a car?/ Doeshe have a car?

+ She had a car.

- She had no car./She hadn’t a car./ She didn’t have a car.

? Had she a car?/ Didshe have a car?

+ We will have a car.

- We will not (won’t) have a car.

? Will we have a car?

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