Посчитайте, что получается в ответе.

- minus , + plus, = is

31+28 = 18 - 9 =

45+23 = 52+38 =

56 284 – 10 214 = 930 112 – 230 012 =

79-17 = 87-13 =

35 485 + 12 000 = 518 000 + 300 947 =

81+34 = 10+12 =

24 670 – 13 170 = 736 800 + 100 200 =

100-60 = 41+59 =

Прочитайте даты.

a) 1890, 1967, 1600, 1982, 2001, 1734, 1805

b) 1.09.1984; 7.11.1990; 5.07.1945; 22.04.1907; 10.02.1834; 30.03.1657; 16.12.1790

Прочитайте числительные в следующих предложениях.

1. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616 in Straford-on-Avon.

2. He wrote 37 plays.

3. Jack London was born on the 12th of January 1876 and died in 1916.

4. On April 12, 1961 the whole world learned about Gagarin's flight into space.

5. Ancient Egypt existed more than 5000 years ago.

6. Now more than 6 020 000 people live in the world.

7. Germany consists of 16 federal regions. Germany occupies the square of 350 910 sq. kilometers. In Germany there are 79 980 000 people.

8. England occupies 244820 square kilometers. The population of England is 57 861 000 people.

Глагол to Be

1. Поставьте глагол to be в нужной форме.

1.The weather … very nice today.

2. I … not tired.

3. This … a dog. The dog … black. These … cats. These cats … nice.

4. This case … very heavy.

5. These cases … very heavy.

6. The dog … asleep.

7. Look! There … Carol.

8. I … hot. Can you open the window, please?

9. My brother and I … good tennis players.

10. Ann … at home, but her children … at school.

11. I … a student. My sister … an architect.

12. We … in Krasnoyarsk now.

13. You … my friend.

14. This lady … rich.

15. These babies … nice.

16. This man … my father. I … his daughter.

17. You … a bad child.

18. We … at the University.

19. You … good students.

2. Употребите is или are.

1. His new clothes … very expensive.

2. The police … looking for the criminal.

3. Your pyjamas … on the bed.

4. The information … very helpful.

5. My shorts … made of silk.

6. Mice … small animals.

7. Where … the scissors?

8. Who … that woman?

9. Who … those men?

10. Where … my glasses?

11. Her hair … blond, eyes … blue and teeth…. white.

3. С помощью глагола to be сделайте предложение отрицательным или утвердительным.

1.Paris / the capital of France

2.I / interested in football

3.I / hungry

4.It / warm today

5.Rome / in Spain

6.I / afraid of dogs

7. my hands / cold

8. Canada/a very big country

9. the Amazon / in Africa

10. diamonds / cheap

11. motor racing / a dangerous sport

12. cats / big animals

Закончите следующие словосочетания.

1.Catherine is not in class, she …

2.My mother is not old, she …

3.Our friend is not ill, he …

4.The children are not at home, they …

5.Tom is not absent, he …

6.How are you? – Thank you, I …

7.How is your father? – Thank you, he …

8.Give me some cola, please. I …

9.My brother isn't married, he …

10. We are not busy today, we …

11. I think they aren't right, they …

12. Sorry, the boss isn't in, he …

Прочитайте и переведите историю о Майке. Сочините свою историю.

Hello, I'm Mike. I'm 18 and I'm from Krasnoyarsk. Now I'm a student of Siberian State Aerospace University. I'm glad about my study because I'm a very good student. I'm always present at lessons. I'm absent only when I'm ill, but when I'm well I'm very busy. Even when my lessons are over I'm not free: I prepare my homework or study English. I'm free only at weekend. I'm good at Maths and at Physics. Unfortunately I'm not good at Chemistry. But I'm not afraid of exams. I'm also interested in English and I'm fond of sports. I am often right, but when I'm wrong I'm angry, and when I'm angry I'm not happy.

6. Переделайте следующие предложения в вопросительные как показано в примере. ( пример: Your mother is a doctor. – Is your mother a doctor? )

1. You are in Paris now.

2. Spain is in Europe.

3. They are your friends.

4. Jane is our cousin.

5. This is your brother.

6. It is warm today

7. These are his parents.

8. His sister is married

9. Your mother is a doctor.

10. You are sixteen.

11. Your friends are at the Institute now.

Дополните следующие предложения так, чтобы получились вопросы.

1. Your mother at home ?

2. Your parents at home ?

3. This hotel expensive ?

4. You interested in art ?

5. The shops open today ?

6. The park open today ?

7. I right ?

8. You hungry?

9. It cold today?

Напишите положительный или отрицательный короткий ответ.

1. Are you married? – …

2. Are you tall? – …

3. Is it cold today? – …

4. Are you a teacher? – …

5. Is it dark now? – …

6. Are you tired? – …

7. Are your hands cold? – …

8. Are you hungry? – …

9. Is your father tall? – …

10. Is it sunny today? – …

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