Task 7. Вставьте соответствующую форму местоимения.

1. This is (моя) … car. 2. This is (мой) … friend. 3. This is (наш) … partner. 4. This is (ваша) pen. 5. This is (его) … house. 6. This is (их) … flat. 7. This is (ее) … bag. 8. This is (мое) … window. 9. This is (наша) … dog. 10. This is (ваш) … computer.

Task 8. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями, соответствующими личным местоимениям, указанным в скобках.

1. This is … (she) book. 2. This is … (I) bag. 3. This is … (you) pen. 4. This is … (they) pencil. 5. We read … (he) book. 6. They have … (we) address. 7. … (she) car is in the garage. 8. We spend … (we) free time in the country. 9. … (they) flat is in this house. 10. … (he) mother is at home. 11. … (you) photo is here. 12. … (I) teacher is in the classroom.

Task 9. Подставьте соответствующую форму местоимения.

1. Mary is ill. … temperature is very high. 2. Michael and John are lazy students. … marks are very bad. 3. Our lost dog is back. … are very happy. 4. … father is a sportsman. She likes sport too. 5. His nose is red. … is a clown. 6. Their hands are always dirty. … are miners. 7. Your music collection is very big. … are a music lover. 8. We are very sad. … car is broken. 9. He is a doctor. … job is very interesting. 10. My dinner is ready. … am hungry.

Task 10. Переведите на русский.

1. Where are my books? They are in your bag. 2. Our school is new. Its classrooms are large. 3. Where are their exercise-books? They are on my table. 4. Show me your passport, please. 5. Girls, your tickets are here. 6. Is her son a student? 7. It is his car. And where is your car? 8. Where is their key? It is in my pocket. 9. Our supermarket is great. Its departments are modern. 10. Her notebook is in my office.

Task 11. Замените пропуски соответствующими местоимениями.

1. Give (мою) … book to (ей) … . 2. (Он) … can see (их) … car. 3. (Они) … can’t see (их) … . 4. This is (наш) … bus. 5. (Я) … don’t know (ее) … name. 6. (Я) … don’t know (их) … . 7. This is (его) … friend. 8. Take (его) … with you. 9. Invite (их) … to your birthday, please! 10. He wants to see (моих) … friends. 11. (Мои) … friends are French. 12. (Его) … name is Mark. 13. (Наши) … cars are outside. 14. (Их) … friends are in America. 15. Take (ее) … bag from the shelf. 16. She is with (моей) … wife.

Тема 4. Указательные местоимения

Единственное число Множественное число
This – это, этот, эта That – то, тот, та These – эти Those - те

Task 1. This или these

1. … are children. 2. … is a book. 3. … are glasses. 4. … are white teeth.

That или those

1. … are good people. 2. … is a knife. 3. … are deep rivers. 4. … is an apple.

Task 2. Используйте в следующих словосочетаниях соответствующие указательные местоимения this (these), that (those).

… table, … books, … pens, … piano, … rule, … games, … parks, … water, … sisters, … computer, … towns, … toy, … apple, … people, … children, … teacher, … women, … ball, … geese, … house, … flats.

Task 3. Произнесите с правильной интонацией. Переведите на русский. Обратите внимание на употребление указательных местоимений.

1. This is a dress. This dress is red. 2. That is a car. That car is black. 3. This is a book. This book is white. 4. That is a bag. That bag is brown. 5. This is a pen. This pen is blue. 6. That is a table. That table is green. 7. This is a wall. This wall is yellow. 8. These are beautiful girls. These girls are beautiful. 9. Those are good cars. Those cars are good. 10. These are nice dresses. These dresses are nice. 11. Those are big houses. Those houses are big. 12. These are little children. These children are little. 13. Those are strong men. Those men are strong.

Task 4. Вставьте нужную форму указательных местоимений this (these), that (those).

1. … are pens. 2. … is a table. 3. What are … people? 4. … are books and … are exercise-books. 5. … book is very interesting. 6. … is a new car. 7. … house is very big and nice. 8. Take … notebook. 9. Who is … woman? 10. … is our teacher. 11. … texts are difficult. 12. It’s very cold in … room. … window is open. 13. I see a picture. … picture is very nice. 14. I want to see my friend … week. 15. … town is not very big. 16. … way is short and … way is long. 17. … tea is strong. 18. … are English books. 19. Show me … photo. 20. … is a new dress.

Task 5. Вставьте нужную форму указательных местоимений this, these, that, those.

1. … is an old umbrella. And … is a new one. 2. … apples are green. And … apples are red. 3. I don’t like … cake. Give me … one on the plate. 4. … film is boring. I want to see … one. 5. … dress is expensive. And … dress is cheap. 6. … are my children. And … are my brothers.

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