ГЛАГОЛЫ s h o u l d w o u l d



Кафедра іноземних мов

Рег. № 52/310 – 25.06.08

Методичні рекомендації

до практичних занять

з вивчення граматичних особливостей

перекладу науково-технічної літератури

з дисципліни англійська мова

статус дисципліни нормативна

для напряму підготовки всіх напрямів

галузі знань всіх галузей

факультету кібернетики, технологій та дизайну,


Херсон – 2008р.

Методичні рекомендації до практичних занять з вивчення граматичних особливостей перекладу науково-технічної літератури з дисципліни англійська мова

Укладач (і): Фоменко Н.С., канд. філол. наук, доц., Краснонос Л.М., ст.викл., кількість сторінок 65.

Рецензент: канд. філол. наук., доц. Возненко Н.В.


на засіданні кафедри _____

протокол № 10 від 28.05.08

Зав. кафедри ____________

Відповідальний за випуск канд. філол. наук., доц. Фоменко Н.С.

Вступ до методичних рекомендацій

Методичні рекомендації до практичних занять призначені для навчання студентів всіх напрямів факультетів кібернетики, технологій та дизайну та машинобудуванняперекладу науково-технічної літератури на англійській мові.

МР містять 15 граматичних тем: часи групи Indefinite (Active, Passive); часи групи Continuous (Active, Passive); функції дієслів to be, to have; часи групи Perfect (Active, Passive); модальні дієслова; умовні речення; безсполучникові підрядні речення; Infinitive, інфінітивні звороти; Gerund, герундіальний зворот; Participle I, II, дієприкметникові звороти; зворот there + to be; прикметник, порівняльні конструкції; займенники; іменник з лівим означенням. Кожна граматична тема містить різноманітні вправи, таблиці. Речення у вправах підібрані з сучасної англомовної літератури та Інтернету, що викликає у студентів інтерес до їх виконання.



PRESENT   V + s (3 л.ед.ч.) PAST   V + ed (2f.) FUTURE   shall/will + V
I   I   I  
you work you   we shall
we ( go ) he, she worked you work (go)
they   we (went) he, she will work
he, she works (goes) they   they (go)

Времена группы Indefinite служат для выражения отдельных и повторных действий в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.


I.Определите сказуемое, его время и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was 12 he began his study of mathematics and physics. Later on he continued his study at the University.

2. Einstein presented his theory of relativity in 1905. His famous equation says that energy equals mass times the square of the speed of light. The great discovery surprised the scientists of the world.

3. The people of our great country produced a lot of geniuses such as Lomonosov, Mendeleyew, Lobachevscy and others. Now our country has a great number of brilliant scientists in all fields of the knowledge.

4. Last Monday the teacher delivered a lecture on geometrical figures and their dimensions. Next week he will explain us the difference between the metric and imperial systems.

5. We had only a few laboratories at our institute some years ago. Now we have a lot of them. In a year or two we shall have a special building for laboratories.

II. Переведите предложения на русский язык и объясните употребление времён.

1. When we finish our experiment, we shall be able to make a report about it.

2. If we divide a lump of salt into smaller lumps and then subdivide them into still smaller lumps, we shall get a single grain of salt in the end.

3. If the works much at his English he will pass his exams well.

4. We shall apply the new method when conditions are favourable.

5. As soon as we receive the necessary data we shall inform you.

6. They will achieve good results provided they operate under new conditions.

7. Unless he is busy he will come to the meeting.


To be + participle II (3 f N), (V + ed)

  PRESENT am   written (measured)
  PAST was   written (measured)
  FUTURE shall be   written (measured)
will be


I. Сравните следующие пары предложений и переведите их на русский язык.

1. The teacher asks the students many questions. The students are asked many questions. 2. He told them an interesting story. He was told an interesting story. 3. She visited by her friends. She was visited by her friends. 4. The rector will receive you at 3 o’clock. You will be received on Wednesday. 5. They will show us a new film tomorrow. They will be shown a new film tomorrow. 6. He asked to show the first-year students the new equipment of the laboratory. 7. I told them to buy tickets. I was told to buy tickets. 8. I often invite my friend to the theatre. I am often invited to the theatre. 9. he helps me with my work. I am often helped with my work. 10. I often see him in the library. He is often seen there.

II. Измените следующие предложения, сделав центром высказывания объект действия. Переведите на русский язык предложения.

1. Our scientists solve many important problems. 2. Yesterday Petrov translated a difficult technical text. 3. The teacher will correct his translation next week. 4. The students of technical institute study drawing, strength of materials, elements of machines and mechanic. 5. He looked for his English text-book everywhere. 6. They solved all the problems in time. Our institute trains competent specialists for the national economy. 8.Pump is delivering fuel to the injector. 9. The teacher told the student to draw a cylinder of the engine with piston at the top of its stroke. 10. They examined the motor every day. 11. They apply new methods in their work.

III. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на глаголы, требующие после себя определённых предлогов:

to look at – смотреть на

to look for – искать

to look after – присматривать

to look through – просматривать

to work at – работать над

to wait for – ждать кого-то

to refer to – ссылаться на

to rely on/upon – полагаться на

to experiment on/upon – экспериментировать над

to speak about(of) – говорить о

to pay attention to – обращать внимание на

to listen to – слушать

to take care – заботиться

to send – посылать

to send for – посылать за

to act on/upon – влиять на

to deal with – иметь дело с

Помните, что подлежащее при сказуемом в страдательном залоге может переводиться на русский язык существительным (местоимением) во всех падежах кроме родительного.


1. He was listened to with great pleasure. 2. The documents were sent for a week ago. 3. This poet is much spoken about. 4. The child was looked for everywhere. 5. Her children will be taken care of. 6. You are always waited for. 7. The picture was attentively looked at. 8. This book is often referred to. 9. This plan was carefully worked at. 10. The secretary was sent for.


1. The modern scientific forecasts of weather can be fully relied upon. 2. Friction in an important force that must be dealt with in nearly all motion. 3. A gas may be looked upon as the vapour of a liquid with a very low boiling point or very great vapour pressure. 4. At technical institute drawing is paid great attention to. 5. All the possibilities of the new machine were spoken of at the last sitting of the design circle.

IV. Определите функции слов с окончанием “ed”. Переведите на русский язык предложения. Помните, что слова с окончанием “ed” могут быть глаголом в Past Indefinite или причастием II. Причастие в функции определения переводится страдательным причастием, оканчивающимся на -мый, -ный, -тый.

Пример: 1. Last year our factory produced a great number of Spare parts.

(В прошлом году наш завод выпустил много запасных


2. We received the required equipment.

(Мы получили требуемое оборудование).

1. Iron and steel are both produced from iron ore. 2. The steel produced by our plant is of high quality. 3. For very low – temperature work gases are the only substances that can be used. 4. The 2 very important types of thermometers used in industrial processes are electrical in character. 5. We used both types of thermometers in our work. 6. Our laboratory will be provided with all necessary instruments. 7. The instruments provided by our plant are very accurate. 8. The first sputnik was created in Russia. 9. The atomic space station created provides important information on space. 10. Soviet scientists and engineers created the first spaceship in the world.

V. Определите время и залог сказуемого и переведите на русский язык.

1. The subject of electricity will be discussed at the next lesson. 2. The air is warmed by the sun, not directly by sun’s rays but due to the fact that the earth absorbs the radiation from the sun, convert this into heat and then transfers this heat to the air by convection. 3. The positive particle in the nucleus was given the name of the proton. 4. They use all the latest scientific achievements in their work. 5. The research of the properties of these metals is done at one of the Moscow institutes. 6. All these metal parts are cut automatically. 7. In future machine-tools will be made faster and more precise. 8. We were shown a new alloy which will be used in modern technology. 9. A special group worked at the system of television control.

VI. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на время и залог сказуемого.

1. Usually the students are examined in the room 41. 2. At the institute the students are taught many different subjects. 3. The academic year is divided into 2 terms. 4. The children of Sparta were given a military education. 5. In Athens special attention was paid to reading, writing and literature. 6. The boy was told to be back at home at 6 o’clock. 7. The electric lamp was invented by Yablochkov. 8. The telegram will be sent tomorrow. 9. This building will be completed very soon. 10. A new library will be opened in our district next week. 11. Children under 16 are not allowed to see the film. 12. I am often helped by my younger brother. 13. The newspapers are usually brought in the morning. 14. The young workers are trained at the factory how to use the new equipment.


Активный залог to be + participle I Пассивный залог to be + being + participle II
PRESENT   They are discussing a new plan now. (Они сейчас обсуждают новый план)   A new plan is being discussed now. (Новый план сейчас обсуждается)
PAST   They were discussing a new plan when we came. (Они обсуждали новый план, когда мы пришли)   A new plan was being discussed when we came. (Новый план обсуждался, когда мы пришли)
FUTURE   They will be discussing new plan tomorrow at 5 o’clock. (Они будут обсуждать новый план завтра в пять часов)     -

Времена группы Continuous выражают продолжающееся, незаконченное действие, происходящее в какой-либо момент в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.


I. Употребите времена Continuous или Indefinite.

1. She usually (to read) English books in the evening. 2. He (to help) his brother in mathematics when I rang him yesterday. 3. We (to listen) to the classic music on Friday evening next week. 4. They (to have) seminars twice a week. 5. Don’t make such noise, I (to prepare) for my report. 6. Yesterday when I came home my brother (to read) a book. 7. It (to take) her half an hour to get to the institute by tram. 8. When the professor (to enter) the class-room, he (to greet) the students. 9. What you (to do) when I came in. – I (to read) an article on internal combustion engines. 10. At the corner of the street we (to see) a car. The driver (to examine) its engine. 11. Where you (to go) when I met you. I (to go) to Dzerzhinski Square. I (to intend) to visit the exhibition in the Politechnical Museum.

II. Определите функцию Participle I в предложении и переведите их на русский язык.

1. The electric current passing through a wire will heat that wire. 2. Waiting for him I looked through the magazines lying on the table. 3. They remained at home refusing to go anywhere that day. 4. Going into chemical reactions elements entirely change their properties. 5. When moving cold masses of air chill warmer air masses. 6. The mechanic examining the new machine-tool works at this plant. 7. Heating a substance we cause a more rapid motion of its molecules. 8. The changes affecting the composition of materials are chemical changes. 9. Being a good conductor, copper is often used in industry. 10. A molecule is a compound consisting of 2 or more atoms. 11. Our scientists are preparing programs for automatic devices.

III. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на время и залог сказуемого.

1. a) The staff of the laboratory is finishing the work on the apparatus. b) The work on the apparatus is being finished. c) The work on the apparatus is almost finished.

2. a) The plans are usually discussed at the beginning of the year. b) They are discussing the plans of the next year. c) The plans of the next year are being discussed at the meeting.

3. a) While he was having dinner his car was being cleaned. b) Do you know who was cleaning the car?

4. a) The problems were worked at. b) The group of experts were working at the problems. c) These important problems are being worked at in numerous research institutes.

IV. Измените следующие предложения, сделав центром высказывания объект действия. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец : We are translating the articles from English into Russian. – The articles

are being translated from English into Russian.

1. The students are speaking about the Universities of Great Britain. 2. They were watching the TV programmes. 3. The teacher is dictating the task for the test. 4. He was explaining his point of view for some minutes. 5. The Ukrainian scientists are successfully solving important problems of mathematics, chemistry, electronics, medicine and biology. 6. They are introducing automation in building work. 7. They processed the necessary data with the help of a computer. 8. The Soviet State is doing everything necessary to improve the material and communal condition of the students. 9. The monitor of the group is making a report new. 10. Our cosmonauts are making many important observations.

V. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

1.When I came to Baku in 1962 the first Metro line was being built. 2. When questions are being discussed now? 3. Professor N. was being listened to with great attention. 4. Who is being examined now? 5. The experiments were still being made in some laboratories when the new term began. 6. All the way home he was being followed by astrange-looking man. 7. Numerous questions are being considered by the commission. 8. He was being told the news when I entered the room. 9. New metro lines are being built in Moscow in different parts of the city. 10. On Thursdays the foreign students were being shown lecture halls and laboratories of the Moscow University. 11. Modern buildings are always looked at with interest. 12. The experiment was very interesting, it was being watched with great attention. 13. More and more is being learnt about outer space and the conditions for life there. 14. The designers will be making different improvements in the construction of space ships. 15. Within several years nuclear power plants will be generating a great amount of electrical power. 16. The day will be come when space ships will be flying to the planets in the solar system and their satellites. 17. Numerous new instruments are being used in many branches of science and technology.


Глагол t o b e
Функции Примеры
1. Смысловой глагол He is in Moscow ( Он находится в Москве) We were at the lecture ( Мы были на лекции)
2. Вспомогательный глагол (Continuous Tenses Passive Voice) I am going to the Institute. (Я иду в институт) He was asked difficult questions. (Ему задавали трудные вопросы)
  3. Глагол-связка They are students (Они - студенты) The story is very interesting (Рассказ очень интересный)
  4.Модальный глагол (эквивалент. гл. “must”) She is to make a report (Она должна сделать доклад) The train was to come at 5 o’clock ( Поезд должен был прибыть в 5 часов)


I. Определите функции глагола to be в следующих предложениях.

1. In our scientific age great progress is being made in the study of outer space. 2. Automation is to be introduced into all production processes which is of decisive importance in the rapid economic development of our country. 3. Electronics is becoming very important to engineers working in various branches of industry. 4. Our institute is near the underground station. 5. He is to make his report at the next seminar. 6. Zink is the cheapest metal with a strong tendency to lose electrons. 7. The form of energy most required by us is mechanical energy. 8. Electrical engineering is a branch of engineering, the progress of which has become most manifest during the last century. 9. We are to combine these relations to obtain the general equation of motion of a rigid body.

ВРЕМЕНА ГРУППЫ Perfect (Active, Passive)

to have + Participle II (3FV, Ved) to have + been + Participle II (3fV, Ved)
He has received a letter. The letter has been received
He had received a letter by the evening yesterday. The letter had been received by the evening yesterday.
He will have received a letter by the evening tomorrow The letter will have been received by the evening tomorrow.

Времена группы Perfect выражают совершённое действие, законченное к какому-то моменту в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.


I. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление времён.

1. He has already returned to Moskow.

(Он уже вернулся в Москву.)

2. He returned to Moscow 5 years ago.

(Он вернулся в Москву 5 лет назад.)

1. He came by car yesterday. He has just come by car. 2. They didn’t go to Kiev last year. They have never been to Kiev. 3. I knew him in 1970. I have known him since 1970. 4. They were learning the new English words when I came into the room. They had already learnt the new words when I came into the room. 5. I shall finish the work tomorrow. We shall have finished the work tomorrow by 5 o’clock. 6. The experiment was completed 2 days ago. The experiment had been completed by the end of the month. 7. Her plans are changed every day. Her plans have been already changed. 8. They haven’t received any good results. They didn’t receive any good results when they worked with this type of equipment. 9. The temperature has been maintained at the point of 20 degrees since the beginning of the experiment. During the experiment the temperature was maintained at the point of 20. 10. I have attended the lecture on history since May. I attended the lecture on history in May.

II. Определите сказуемое, его время и залог. Переведите предложение на русский язык.


1. Each new launching of artificial satellites has been connected with the solution of fundamentally new technical and scientific problems.2. Mankind’s dream about cosmic flights has come true.3. The man has made humanity’s age-old dream of flying into outer space a reality.4. By the end of the year all experiments necessary for the completion of our research will have been made.5. Before the first human astronaut went into space, much work had been done with the sputniks, carrying dogs and small animals.6. Careful studies of the transformations of one form of energy into another have been carried out.7. Before 1932 two fundamental particles had become well established as a result of numerous experiments.8. After he had come to London in 1902 the first thing he did was to learn English.9. They had never heard an Englishman speak English before they came to London.


1.When they had come to London, they found that they could not understand a word and nobody understood them.2. The visible side of the moon has been studied ever since Galileo invented the telescope.3. The future of astronautics will be a logical continuation of what has already been achieved.4. He has been offered a very interesting job at that institute.5. The positive results hadn’t been obtained until a more powerful apparature was installed.6. They have already determined the main properties of the substance.7. The first attempts to obtain synthetic materials had been made by scientist by the end of the 19 century. 8. By the time you get into contact with us we shall have done the greater part of work.

III.Определить время и залог сказуемого. Перевести предложение на русский язык.

1. A scientifically based plan for the national economy coordinates the development of all branches on a national scale.2. These districts will become a major centre of gas extraction.3. In 1979 the census recorded a population of more than a million in eighteen cities.4. The employment bureau has a lot of information as to what specialists are needed at enterprises in the district.5. If, for example, a woman wants to work park time, she will be offered such a job.6. When the engine had been examined the driver started the car.7. The flexible line that has been recently developed at our plant has greatly improved the production process.8. They have already applied new methods in their research.9. Radio engineering, electronics and television have already found great application in industry, transport and medicine.10. Our shop is producing come new chemical apparatus.11. In present-day organic chemistry new compounds are being synthesized daily.12. This invention was spoken of at the meeting of our scientific society.13. Modern buildings are always looked at with interest.14. The experiment was very interesting, it was being watched with great attention.15. Complex calculations were followed by experiments.


Функции Примеры
Смысловой глагол (to have+ существит.) Our plant has modern equipment. Наш завод имеет новое оборудование
Вспомогательный глагол (to have+3fV(Perfect Tenses)) They have concluded a long-term contract. Они заключили долгосрочное соглашение.
Модальный глагол (to have+инфин. to) Extra-mural students have to combine study and work. Студенты-заочники должны сочетать учебу с работой.


I. Определить различные функции глагола « t o h a v e»и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. An electron is very small and it has a very small mass.2. No one been able to see an atom, not even under the most powerful microscopes.3. In the application of electronic instruments the engineer must have knowledge of characteristics.4. The first cosmic flight shows man’s abilities have no limit, man has only to use his intelligence in order to create conditions under which his talents can develop.5. It has been found all the great variety of substances known to chemistry are different combinations of chemical elements.6. Almost all these substances have been found an earth and a great many have been discovered spectroscopically in the sun and the stars.7. In arranging the elements in the periodic system Mendeleyev had to leave gaps. 8. The had to do a good deal of work last month. 9.In summer she has to take her entrance exams.


Модальные глаголы Эквиваленты модальных глаголов PRESENTS PAST FUTURE
can- могу, мочь (физическая возможность, умственная способность) To be able(to) Быть в состоянии, мочь can could -
am is able(to) are I can read. I am able to read was able(to) were I could read. I was able to read shall be able(to) will I shall be able to read.
may- могу (допустимость совершения действия: разрешение или отказ) To be allowed(to)- иметь разрешение may might -
am is allowed(to) are He may take it. He is allowed to take it. was allowed(to) were He might take it. He was allowed to take it. shall be able(to) will   He will be allowed to take it.
must - должен to have (to)- быть вынужденным в силу обстоятельств   to be (to)- быть обязанным в силу плана или договора must - -
have(to) has(to)   am is (to) are He must meet him. He has to meet him. He is to meet him. had (to)     was were (to)   He had(was) to meet him. shall have(to) will     shall be (to) will He will be (have) to meet him
should must to have (to) to be(to) ought to to be obliges(to)     долженствование
can to be able(to) to be unable(to)   Физическая, умственная возможность
may to be allowed(to) to be permitted(to)   разрешение
need необходимость


I. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

1. Он умеет говорить по-английски. 2. Я мог бегать очень быстро, когда я был мальчиком. 3. Я могу помочь им.4. Эти книги можно взять в библиотеке. 5. Я должен ехать туда завтра. 6. Я должен встать рано. 7. Ты можешь взять эту книгу. 8. Они должны выучить этот урок. 9. Можно я открою окно? 10. Вам не нужно приходить так. 11. Вы должны быть осторожнее.

II.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.


1.You should increase the width of the bridge.2. Control may be simply mechanical, electrical, electronic or a combination.3. Bacteria may exist even on good products without any harmful action.4. One ought to remember that Lodygin was the first inventor of the incandescent lamp.5. You need to go to the chemical laboratory to carry out this experiment.6. Thus we were obliged to use gaseous heavy hydrogen for our experiments.


1.You ought to know that since all meridians and the equator are great circles, the minute scales on these elements of the map may be used to measure lengths.2. One ought to be careful when experimenting with inflammable materials.3. Careful attention must be paid to the construction of this unit.4. One can calculate the distances between ions crystals if ionic is known.5. We need materials capable of working in diverse condition for this experiment.6. We also need machines that would trace the entire process of machining.7. What we need is not merely manipulators which can take up a workpiece and pass it on, but robots which can identify objects, their position in space, etc.

III. Скажите и напишите следующие предложения в Past Future Indefinite.


She must read this book.

She had to read this book.

She will have to read this book.

1. The scientists must study the composition of this substance. 2. The engineer must know well the properties of engineering materials. 3. The giant molecules must be composed of large numbers of smaller units. 4. We must use a telescope in order to see certain stars. 5. Everybody must study his specialty very well. 6. We must widely use computers in different branches of science and engineering. 7. A meteorologist must make about one million of operations for the accurate forecasting of the weather. 8. A computer must give information.


She can play tennis well.

She could play tennis well.

She will be able to play tennis well.

1. They can show their achievements. 2. This example can illustrate these figures. 3. The first electronic computer can work very quickly. 4. Theory cannot exist without practice. 5. A robot can simulate the functions of a human being. 6. These self-learning cybernetic systems can collect various data. 7. An automatic pilot can control an air-plane. 8. The machine can solve differential equations. 9. Water can exist as a gas and as a solid.


You may take this book.

You were allowed to take this book.

You will be allowed to take this book.

1. They may continue the experiment. 2. We may divide electronic computers into two groups. 3. A computer may transform any new information into a more useful form. 4. The molecule may overcome the force of attraction. 5. The worker may measure the efficiency of the motor. 6. This scientists may investigate new means of production. 7. He may use these scientific books for his report.

IV. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы эквивалентов

модальных глаголов.

1.Using radioactive isotopes, biologists and agriculturalists will be able to carry out research impossible by any other method.2. Today machines have to withstand such tremendous stresses and to be able of such complex motions that complicated and specialized calculation taking hundreds of factors into account are needed in the design of quite a simple machine like a motor-car engine.3. In the shortest time possible we are to start production new generations of machines and equipment, which would allow us to increase productivity several times and to find a way the application of advanced technologies.4. Our laboratory has to launch a new programme this month.5. This scientist was allowed to take park in all-union conference on automobile designing.6. The technologist is to solve practical problems.7. She is allowed to use this new device for testing her design.

V.Перевести на русский язык, обращая внимание на сочетание модальных глаголов с P a s s i v e I n d e f i n i t e.

must + Indefinite Passive (be + P II) = нужно + инфинитив
should = необходимо
must +be read = нужно + прочитать
should = необходимо
can + Indefinite Passive (be read) = можно + инфинитив (прочитать)
cannot + Indefinite Passive (be read) = нельзя + инфинитив (прочитать)


1. All the preparations should be completed in a week.2. The engines should be made as simple as possible.3. Electricity can be transmitted over long distances.4. The TV set should be taken to the shop.5. Nature gas can be used instead of gas made from coal.6. Heat cannot be weighed.


1. At ordinary temperatures and over temperature intervals which are not too great, specific heat may be considered constant.2. Surface tension may be expressed in any of energy per unit of area.3. Careful attention must be paid to the construction of the diagram and to algebraic sing when using this equation.4. Heat is a form of energy and must be measured in the units in which energy is measured.5. Parts for this submarine could not be ordered, they had to be designed, nothing could be copied from another ship’s engine, for this was first of its kino.6. The oil may be stored in the tanks from which ships called oil-tankers carry it to many countries.

VI.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сочетание модальных глаголов с P e r f e c t I n d e f I n I t e.

must   должно быть  
may might + Perfect Indefinite (have + P II) = возможно
  He may have read the article. Он, возможно (должно быть), прочитал статью
can could +not + Perfect Indefinite = не может быть
  He cannot have swum the river. Не может быть, чтобы он переплыл реку.
could might + Perfect Indefinite = мог (ли) бы  
  He could have swum the river. Он мог бы переплыть реку
should ought + Perfect Indefinite должен был бы (обязан) = следовало бы
  He should have read the article. Ему следовало бы прочитать эту статью.  


1. He cannot have broken the device.2. He must have made a mistake in calculations that the experiment failed.3. This method could have been more effective in our experiment.4. You should have been more attentive, there are so many mistakes in your exercises.5. This law must have been discovered by some famous mathematician.6. This student must have been studing physics for a long time.


1. You should have tested the device more carefully considering its importance.2. When a magnet is broken in two, there will be two new poles, these poles must have existed in the original magnet but without producing external effects since they neutralized each other.3. Our teacher may have used quite a different formula in solving this problem.4. He cannot have forgotten this method of integration.

VII.Перевести на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и их



1. This law must have been discovered by some famous mathematician.2. His theory is to be applied in mathematics.3. He cannot have forgotten this method of integration.4. Our comrades must be now preparing for their exam in higher mathematics.5. The people had to study and learn, to acquire technical skills and to master the art of management.6. All the units of a new tractor can be produced at this plant.7. This scientist was allowed to take part in the all-union conference on automobile designing.8. We were obliged to use gaseous heavy hydrogen for our experiments.9. The engines should be made as simple as possible.10 He must have carried out this experiment.


1. The calculation was to have been done in a precise way.2. Our teacher may have used quite a different formula in solving this problem.3. She may use this new device for testing her desing.4. We shall have to work out an experiment in which we shall be able to keep the particles in the plasma.5. Surface tension may be expressed in any unit of energy per unit of area.6. You should have changed the current strength at all points of the circuit.7. We are to effect a thermonuclear reaction not in the form of an explosion but as a controller and calm process. 8. Many difficulties had to be overcome in the construction of the first space rockets.

VIII.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.


1. The calculation was to have been done in a precise way.2. The laws of motion to be analyzed in this text must have been formulated by I.Newton.3. Solutions can be found to many applied problems in solar-energy uses for industry and the home.4. That gas can be turned into a liquid by pressure is known to everyone.5. An important characteristic of radiation is that it can occur in a vacuum.


1. In certain cases the Doppler effect may also be used to detect rotation of a star.2. Reliability must be thought of as a physical property of a device which behaves in accordance with certain physical laws.3. For other machines, the address bus may have to be decoded to produce an equivalent signal.4. A helicopter is able to rise vertically only because its propeller sets a stream of air into downward motion.5. So far we are unable to describe the properties and behave our of particles for the simple reason that we don’t yet know what their properties depend on.6. In order that we may be able to find our how efficient the engine is, we must measure the amount of energy that we put into it and compare this with the energy that it produces.


к теме «модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты»

1. Harmful – вредный

2. incandescent – лампа накаливания

3. inflammable-горючий

4. diverse-различный

5. accurate-точный

6. forecasting of the weather-прогноз погоды

7. error-ошибка

8. trance-след, черта

9. manipulator-оператор, манипулятор

10. submarine-подводная лодка

11. external forces-внешние силы

12. precise-точный

13. device-прибор

14. surface tension-поверхностное напряжение

15. per unit of area-на единицу площади

16. currеnt strength-сила тока

17. circuit-электрическая цепь

18. explosion-взрыв

19. rotation-вращение

20. to detect-открывать, обнаруживать

21. reliability-надежность

22. address bus-ядерная шина

23. to dec de-расшифровать, декодировать

24. helicopter-вертолет

ФУНКЦИИ ГЛАГОЛОВ t o h a v e , t o b e


I. Укажите функцию глагола to have и переведите на русский язык.


1. They have to determine this substance. 2. We have just studied the motion of a body. 3. One should know that a surface has but two dimensions length and breadth. 4. Wait till the cooling system has been filled in with water. 5. Metals are of great importance for our life for they have great number of useful properties. 6. The earth may have a shape similar to the shape of a ball. 7. I have not any idea of how to group these minerals. 8. In the Periodic System all the elements have equal rights.


1. All molecules have the same average energy at any given temperature. 2. In the order to make a shock wave, one has to liberate energy very rapidly. 3. Hooke’s Law states that a body acted upon by an external force has a deformation proportional to the stress. 4. In the last thirty years, vast improvements in size, speed and capabilities of computers have taken place. 5. Current transformers are used wherever high voltage current has to be metered, because of the difficulty of providing adequate in the meter itself. 6. When the physicist has to deal with a new phenomenon, he often has recourse to the idea of the field. 7. He will have to understand engineering tables and formulas and apply them in his work.

II. Укажите функцию глагола to be и переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. All the achievements of modern science are being used in modern production processes now. 2. The industrial development of the nineteenth century was a change towards automatic operation. 3. Mechanization was limited to individual processes. 4. The two cars were traveling at the same rate and reached the place of destination at the same time. 5. Many experiments are to be made to increase the engine efficiency. 6. This gigantic plan is to be completed in the short period of five years. 7. The form of energy most required by us is mechanical energy. 8. There are four factors to consider in the design of this reflector.


1. The laws of motion to be analyzed in text are known to have been formulated by I. Newton. 2. You are to test the behavior of newly-developed plastic in all temperature conditions. 3. Electrical density is the quantity of electricity on each square centimeter of surface. 4. At the start of its flight, while the rocket is moving slowly, the rocket motor is a very inefficient device. 5. If the alloy is to be manufactured in wrought forms, the total percentage of alloying elements is seldom more than six or seven per cent, although in easting alloys appreciably higher percentages are frequently used. 6. When the system of more than one force is to be solved, each force is individually resolved into its component forces. 7. The open end of the tube is connected to the apparatus the pressure within which is to be measured.

III. Укажите функции глаголов to be и to have и переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. One of the most important things for the pilot to know is how high he is flying. 2. A major problem is to better automate inspection, quality, control, information system. 3. We have seen how the electrons are arranged in rings around the nucleus of an atom. 4. Electrons are free to move about in the spaces between the atoms. 5. In the room there were several motors the efficiency of which was to be measure.



I. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на сослагательное наклонение.


1. There could not be modern science without modern technology. 2. They would have sent us information but there was none to send. 3. They gave him the plan of the district lest he should lose his way. 4. In many operations it is important that the frequency of the oscillator be constant. 5. Without the Sun there would be no light, no heat, no energy of any kind.


1. They recommended that thorough laboratory tests should be conducted before the system is installed in the airplane. 2. Later developments in physics have shown that the electron cannot be accurately considered as if it were in orbital motion about nucleus. 3. It is necessary that you should know that the selection of the proper metal or alloy for a given use is an important part of the practice of metallurgy. 4. He proposed that this fact be used to define a temperature scale which would be independent of the properties of any particular substance. 5. Mendeleyev found it necessary to alter some atomic weights in order that the elements should fall into positions in the periodic system assigned to them by their chemical properties. 6. Such specialized tubes may usually be analyzed as though they were two or more separate tubes.


Тип Главное предложение Придаточное предложение
I тип – реальное условие Shall/will + Indefinite Infinitive Форма глагола в Present Indefinite
The reaction will proceed if the temperature is low. Реакция будет проходить, если температура будет низкой.
II тип – маловероятное условие Should/would/could/might + Indefinite Infinitive Форма глагола совпадающая с Past Indefinite
We should test the device if we got it. Мы бы проверили этот прибор, если бы получили его (сейчас, вскоре).
III тип – нереальное условие Should/would/could/might + Perfect Infinitive Форма глагола, совпадающая с Past Perfect.
The plant would have carried out the plan, if the new device had been introduced. Завод выполнил бы план (тогда), если бы новый прибор был внедрен.


I. Определите тип условного предложения. Переведите на русский язык.


1. If the laboratory gets new equipment, we shall test it. 2. If the circuit is closed, current will flow it. 3. If the wire is thin, much heat will be generated when current flows through it. 4. If highly durable metal alloys have not been developed, there would be modern rockets and aviation today. 5. If there were no friction we could not even walk. 6. Provided the laboratory continued this experiment, it would take them 3 years to complete it. 7. Were there no loss of energy by friction, the motion would continue indefinitely once it had been started. 8. If the bar magnet were broken in two, it would still retain its magnetism. 9. We all realize that if it were not for the friction between our shoes and the floor, we could not walk. 10. If the Earth neither rotated nor revolved, one side would always have and the other side would always have night. 11. If the conductor had been moved slowly, the galvanometer deflection would have been smaller.


1. Were there no loss of energy by friction, motion would continue indefinitely once it had been started. 2. Had you a more delicate instrument than the compass, you recognize smaller electric or magnetic changes at greater distances. 3. Were the molecules separated slightly the force between them would be attractive. 4. Should the falling body stop all friction would disappear. 5. If Michurin had used only method of artificial selection, he would not have fulfilled his gigantic task. 6. If the whole cylinder would have to be of sufficient strength to withstand the high initial steam pressure. 7. The solar constant is the quantity of energy measured in calories, which would fall in one minute on an area of one square centimeter at the Earth’s surface placed perpendicularly to the radiation, if the Earth had no atmosphere and was at its mean distance from the Sun.

II. Переведите сложные предложения, в состав которых входит бессоюзное условное предложение.

Помните, что бессоюзное условное предложение можно определить по порядку слов. На первом месте в таких предложениях стоят вспомогательные глаголы should, would, could; were, had.

Перевод предложений следует начинать словами «если бы».

1. Should the falling body stop all friction would disappear. 2. Were friction removed walking would be impossible. 3. Were test data available the calculation of the parameters for designing a rocket motor would be made from these data. Should an electrically neutral atom attain an additional electron, the negative charges would predominate, resulting in a negative ion.

5. Should the engine fail, the airplane would have to make a forced landing. 6. Had the first satellite been placed into a much higher orbit, it would have been of far less use, as the point of greatest interest is the manner in which its movement is affected by drag. 7. The gondola of Explorer II stratospheric balloon was made of magnesium metal and it weighed 450 lb; had it been made of steel, the weight have been a ton.

III. Используйте, где возможно инверсию и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. If you had asked a reputable scientist in 1930 whether large-scale atomic energy were possible, his answer would have been probably not. 2. Provided all the data of the experiment had been important, they would have been tabulated. 3. If friction could be entirely eliminated, a body set in motion or a level surface would continue to move indefinitely. 4. If we discover that the moon is appreciably radioactive it will provide further proof of the hypothesis of the moon’s origin. 5. Unless the temperature rises, the speed of the motion of the molecules will not increase. 6. If we could compare the energy to be found inside the atom with other known power sources, the enormous store of the energy of the atom could be fully appreciated.

ГЛАГОЛЫ s h o u l d w o u l d

    Вспомогательные глаголы Future in the Past He said that he would read it. Он сказал, что прочитает это.
Аналитическая форма сослагательного наклонения If the weather was fine, we should go there. Если бы погода была хорошая, мы бы пошли туда.
  Модальные глаголы Should – долженствование You should come to see him. Вам следовало бы навестить его.
Would – отказ выполнения действия (в отрицательных предложениях), повторность действия в прошлом. The boy wouldn’t follow her advice. Мальчик не последовал её совету.


I. Укажите функцию глаголов would и should в предложении, переведите.


1. Landing lights should be installed on an airplane. 2. Space exploration would be literally impossible without the aid of the computers. 3. He said that he would show the delegation the new model of the ship spoken of everywhere. 4. Since nature does not have these vital things man should create them. 5. It is necessary that an engineer should know the properties of engineering materials. 6. I should like to know the corrosion resistance of this material. 7. we know that we should return soon.

1. We tried hard to set the engine in motion, but it wouldn’t start. 2. It is desirable that the stator and rotor inductances should be as low as possible. 3. The rate of our progress in different fields would be impossible without a complete knowledge of the properties of various engineering materials, without the development of new materials and old materials with new properties. 4. A deep knowledge of the properties of engineering materials would not only be needed by engineers to prevent machine breakage, but such knowledge would be also necessary in order that these materials should be used most economically. 5. Should the resistance of the materials be taken into account, the breakage of machine would not take place. 6. He decided that in the most suitable materials in the construction of this machine he would consult materials engineers.


к теме «Функции глаголов to be, to have, should, would»

1. to recourse – обращаться

2. average – средний

3. dimension – измерение

4. voltage – напряжение

5. insulation – изоляция

6. rate – скорость

7. destination – назначение

8. density – плотность

9. alloy – сплав

10. wrought – выделанный, отделанный

11. percentage – процентное содержание

12. casting – литье, отливка

13. to resolve – разлагаться

14. rest – покой

15. to ignite – зажигать

16. injected fuel – введенное топливо

17. inductance – индуктивность

18. rotor – ротор, якорь

19. stator – статор

20. resistance – сопротивление

21. material – материал


к теме «Сослагательное наклонение. Условные предложения»

1. to install – устанавливать

2. oscillator – генератор колебаний, вибратор

3. to alter – изменять

4. mean – средний

5. wire – провод

6. sufficient – достаточный

7. deflection – отклонение

8. to fail – выходить из строя

9. forced landing – вынужденная посадка

10. drag – торможение



I. Проанализируйте следующие сложные предложения и определите виды придаточных предложений, которые входят в их состав. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. A hundred years after Newton discovered the law of gravitation, Columb found a similar dependence of electrical force on distance. 2. That the study of Brownian motion can lead to a determination of the mass of a molecule is not astonishing. 3. When pressures are given in atmospheres, standard atmosphere of 760 mm of mercury is implied. 4. Spectroscopic measurements show that atomic radiation contains a series of sharp frequencies called spectrum lines. 5. The most important property of electromagnetic waves is that they convey energy. 6. Shadows are formed when solid bodies intercept the rays of light from a source. 7. When a particle moves around a circle with uniform velocity the to and from motion of its projection on any diameter is called a simple harmonic motion. 8. Light quanta differ from every wavelength, whereas quanta of electricity are always the same.


1. Whether other substances but uranium possessed the property of emitting radiations was of great interest to scientists. 2. The problem which greatly interested the scientists was whether other elements besides uranium possessed the property of emitting radiation. 3. That water boils when sufficiently heated is well known to everybody. 4. What we call radioactivity is the property of emitting radiation possessed by some substances. 5. Whether radium radiations were more active than pitch blend from which it was obtained was not known at first. 6. A very important problem confronting our scientist is how thermonuclear reactions can be controlled.

7. How the Curies discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity is well-known fast.


1. The presence of bacteria most process waters contain may load to the formation of slime with consequent slime spots in the paper which chemicals and water successfully remove. 2. The quality of the paper is determined to a great extent by the quality of the water and in particular, the colour of paper is seriously affected by the coloured impurities in the water the fibers are washed in during the pulping process. 3. The cosmic rays which originate in the depths of the universe spend many millions of years in flight almost at the speed of light before they arrive at our planet. 4. Ionization by X-rays generally involves one of the inner electrons. 5. Thomas Edison’s invention of electric light bulb was the most momentous development of all because it led to the creation of an electric power system which has since reached into nearly every corner of the world. 6. The application of electricity has grown to the point where most of us lead “electrified lives”, surrounded by a variety of devices that use electric energy.


1. Kirchhoff showed that bodies which are good radiators of a given colour when hot, are also good absorbers of the same radiation when cold. 2. The ideal gas law is valid only at low pressures where the distance between the molecules is so large that a molecule is effectively a mass point and the forces acting between molecules can be neglected. 3. The second law of the thermodynamics deals with the question in which way any physical or chemical process involving energy changes takes place. 4. Any object when it is viewed by reflected light, will appear to have some definite colour if it reflects that colour well and other extremely poor. 5. For telescope or a microscope the resolving power is indicated by the minimum separation of two objects for which they appear distinct and separate when viewed through the instrument.

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