Medical Assistance / A Visit to a Doctor

1. Тематический словарь

health – здоровье headache – головная боль heartache – боль в сердце toothache – зубная боль backache – боль в спине earache – боль в ухе bad pain – сильная боль stomach – желудок; живот to complain of – жаловаться на sore throat – боль в горле cough – кашель to run a high temperature – иметь высокую температуру bad cold in one's head - сильная простуда to suffer from – страдать от blood pressure – кровяное давление to consult a doctor – обратиться к врачу to examine – осмотреть to feel one's pulse – проверить пульс to test one's blood pressure – измерить кровяное давление to take one's temperature – измерить температуру to sound one's heart and lungs – прослушать сердце и легкие to test one's eyes – проверить зрение to check one's teeth – проверить зубы to have one's chest X-rayed – сделать рентген грудной клетки to prescribe – прописать (лечение), выписать (рецепт) treatment – лечение pill – пилюля tablet – таблетка medicine – лекарство at the chemist's – в аптеке complication – осложнение to follow one's recommendations – следовать рекомендациям weakness – слабость insomnia – бессонница memory loss – потеря памяти liver – печень patient – пациент to cure – излечивать disease – болезнь advice – совет to have a good rest – хорошо отдохнуть to take long walks – много ходить пешком Eat at pleasure, drink with measure, and enjoy life as it is. – Ешьте вволю, пейте в меру и наслаждайтесь жизнью. to be well – хорошо себя чувствовать to smoke – курить cheerful – бодрый healthy – здоровый  

2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по теме “Medical Assistance / A Visit to a Doctor”:

1. Have you ever had complications after a disease? Which did you take harder, the disease itself or the complications after it?

2. What do you usually do for a headache?

3. Have you ever had your chest X-rayed?

4. What symptoms of flu do you know?

5. How often do you go to the dentist to check your teeth?

6. What must one do to keep in good health?

7. When does one go to see a doctor?

8. Where do we get the medicine which the doctor prescribes?

9. How long does it usually take you to recover from cold?

10. Have you ever been operated on? Was it serious?

11. Do you agree with the saying "Health is the greatest wealth"?

3. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова (текст Б):

healthy; complained; followed; recommended; medicine; easy.

An old gentleman came to see a doctor. The man was very ill.

He 1_____ of weakness, insomnia, memory loss and serious problems with his heart, lungs and liver.

The doctor examined the patient and said that no 2_____ could cure his disease. Do you want to know what the doctor's advice was?

First of all, he told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and have a good rest. He also advised him to eat more roast beef, drink two glasses of red wine every day and take long walks. In other words, the doctor 3_____ to follow the rule: "Eat at pleasure, drink with measure, and enjoy life as it is." The doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldn't smoke more than one cigarette a day.

A month later the gentleman came into the doctor's office. He looked cheerful and 4_____. He thanked the doctor and said that he was now a different man. He was very well again. He said that he had 5_____ all the doc­tor's recommendations.

"But you know, doctor," he said, "it's not 6_____ to begin smoking at my age."

4. Прочитайте и переведите следующие диалоги:

Диалог № 1

Traveller (T)

Doctor (D)

D: Well, what’s the matter with you, Mr. Miller?

T: You’d better ask me what is not the matter with me, doctor. I seem to be suffering from all the illnesses imaginable: insomnia, headaches, backache, indigestion and pains in the stomach. To make things still worse, I’ve caught a cold, I've got a sore throat, and I'm constantly sneezing and coughing. To crown it all, I had an accident the other day, hurt my right shoulder, leg and knee, and nearly broke my neck. If I take a long walk, I get short of breath. In fact, I feel more dead than alive.

D: I'm sorry to hear that. Anyhow, I hope things aren't as bad as you imagine. Let me examine you... Your heart, chest and lungs seem to be all right. Now open your mouth and show me your tongue. Now breathe in deeply through the nose...

There doesn't seem to be anything radically wrong with you, but it's quite clear that you're run down, and if you don't take care of yourself, you may have a nervous breakdown and have to go to hospital. I advise you, first of all to stop worrying. Take a long rest, have regular meals, keep to a diet of salads and fruit, and very little meat. Keep off alcohol. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time. Have this tonic made up and take two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals. If you do this, I can promise you full reсоvеrу within two or three months.

T: And if I don't, doctor?

D: Then you'd better make your will, if you haven't yet done so!

T: I see. Well, thank you, doctor. I shall have to think it over and decide which in the lesser evil – to follow your advice or prepare for a better world.

indigestion – расстройство пищеварения to catch a cold - простудиться to sneeze - чихать to crown it all – в довершении всего to hurt – травмировать, ранить a tongue – язык to be run down – чувствовать себя уставшим to have a nervous breakdown – быть подвергнутым нервному расстройству to keep off – воздержаться от a tablespoonful – столовая ложка full reсоvеrу – полное выздоровление to make one’s will – составить завещание the lesser evil – меньшее зло  

Диалог № 2

Wayne fell off his bicycle. He's in the casualty department at the local hos­pital. Dr Singh is examining him.

Doctor: Hello, Wayne, isn't it? You've had a bit of a fall. What were you doing? Going too fast?

Wayne: Yes, doctor. I fell off going round a corner.

Doctor: You'd better get undressed then, and we'll take a look at you. Mm. That's a nasty cut. I'll have to put a couple of stitches in that.

Wayne: I've got a cut here too, doctor.

Doctor: It looks worse than it is. It's only a graze. The nurse will clean it up for you. It'll sting, but that's all. Now, does it hurt anywhere else?

Wayne: I've got a pain in my arm. It's very sore, and it feels stiff.

Doctor: Well, there's nothing broken, but you've bruised your shoulder, it'll be sore for a few days. Now, did you bang your head at all?

Wayne: Yes, I did. I fell onto the bike, but it doesn't hurt now.

Doctor: Did you feel dizzy?

Wayne: No, not at all.

Doctor: Look up there, I'm just going to shine this light in your eye. No, that's fine. I'll just do the stitches, and the nurse will put a dressing on it. Then you can go


the casualty department – отделение скорой помощи to put stitches – наложить швы a cut – порез a graze – царапина to sting – жечь stiff – оцепеневший to bruise – поставить синяк to feel dizzy – чувствовать головокружение  

5. Составьте диалог по теме “A Visit to a Doctor”. Используйте следующие слова и словосочетания:

I am not feeling well. – Я плохо себя чувствую.

I am very ill. – Мне очень плохо.

Is there a doctor here? – Здесь есть врач?

Please, call a doctor. – Вызовите, пожалуйста врача.

Can I request a doctor house call? – Я могу вызвать врача на дом?

I’m not a resident of the area. – Я не местный житель.

I have an eleven o’clock appointment. – Я записан на 11 утра.

I have got a headache. – У меня болит голова.

Do I have to go to the hospital? – Мне придется лечь в больницу?

What shall I take for it? – Какие лекарства мне принимать?

When shall I see you again? – Когда мне снова прийти к Вам?

Вопросы к зачету (I семестр)


1. My working day.

2. My day-off.

3. My flat.

4. My family.

5. Seasons and weather.

6. Climate and weather in Murmansk region.


1. Meeting of old friends.

2. Introducing a new friend.

3. Talk about weather.

4. Talk about flat.

5. Talk about usual working day.

6. Talk about last day-off.

Вопросы к зачету (II семестр)


1. My working day.

2. My day-off.

3. My flat.

4. My family.

5. Seasons and weather. Climate and weather in Murmansk region.

6. London (parts).

7. London (places of interest).

8. The system of education in Great Britain.

9. The system of education in Russia.

10. Meals

11. Sport in Great Britain.

12. Great Britain (territory, population, geographical position).

13. Great Britain (industry, culture, political system).


1. Talk about family.

2. Meeting of old friends.

3. Introducing a new friend.

4. Talk about weather.

5. Talk about flat.

6. Talk about usual working day.

7. Talk about last day-off.

8. Asking the way (around London).

9. Asking the way (around Murmansk).

10. In the department store.

11. In the food supermarket.

12. In the restaurant.

13. Discussion your visit to London.

14. Talk about Great Britain.

Лексические тесты

I вариант

1. – Excuse me, I must be going. Thank you for a nice party.

– Thank you for coming. ___ in touch.

a) keep

b) get

c) be

2. She is a very ___ student and writes fantastic stories.

a) sensible

b) imaginative

c) hard-working

3. ___ is the sister of someone’s mother or father.

a) An uncle

b) A cousin

c) An aunt

4. I always ___ forward to my next working day because I like my studies.

a) wait

b) see

c) look

5. Unfortunately I can’t take ___ from housework on Sunday.

a) a vacation

b) a holiday

c) a rest

6. I am going to give ___ party on Sunday.

a) a home-worming

b) a house-warming

c) a flat-warming

7. ___ damaged several houses.

a) The fog

b) The storm

c) The smog

8. – Will it take me long to get to Trafalgar Square?

– Oh, no. It’s no ___ at all.

a) distance

b) way

c) space

9. ___ is something you buy for less than its usual price.

a) A discount

b) A sale

c) A bargain

10. The food you eat between 12.00 and 2.00 p.m. in Britain is ___.

a) breakfast

b) supper

c) dinner

11. ___ is the game when players hit a ball over a net with a wide racket.

a) tennis

b) ping-pong

c) volleyball

12. ___ is a pain in your head for a period of time.

a) Toothache

b) Backache

c) Headache

13. The Tower of London is ___.

a) a museum

b) a palace

c) a fortress

14. The biggest museum, in London is ___.

a) the Natural History Museum

b) the Science Museum

c) the British Museum

15. The Capital of Scotland is ___.

a) Cardiff

b) Edinburgh

c) Belfast

16. The most important river in Great Britain is ___.

a) the Severn

b) the Thames

c) the Avon

17. In law, the Head of the UK is ___.

a) the Queen

b) the President

c) the Prime Minister

18. Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities are ___ in the UK.

a) the new universities

b) the 19th universities

c) the oldest universities

II вариант

1. – Why, Mr. Brown. Never expected to meet you here.

– This is a small ___.

a) planet

b) world

c) town

2. You are so ___! One minute you are cheerful the next minute you are miserable.

a) moody

b) intolerant

c) impatient

3. ___ is someone who is the child of your aunt or uncle.

a) A brother-in-law

b) A cousin

c) A sister-in-law

4. On ___ the alarm-clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins.

a) week-days

b) days of the week

c) weekend

5. I think that everybody must have some of sort ___.

a) rest

b) break

c) vacation

6. A ___ is the level of a building that is the same as the ground.

a) ground floor

b) first floor

c) second floor

7. Forecasts warn of thick fog and ___ visibility. Be careful!

a) good

b) well

c) poor

8. Excuse me, could you tell me ___ to the Brutish Museum?

a) the direction

b) the way

c) the track

9. I would like to have something from this ___.

a) shopping list

b) list of shopping

c) shopping card

10. Food you eat at a specific time of the day, e.g. breakfast, dinner is ___.

a) dish

b) meal

c) supper

11. ___ is the game between two teams in which the players try to kick a ball into a net at each end of the pitch.

a) Volleyball

b) Basketball

c) Football

12. ___ is someone who is trained to treat your teeth as a job.

a) A patient

b) A doctor

c) A dentist

13. St Paul’s Cathedral is ___.

a) a museum

b) a palace

c) a church

14. The financial and business centre of London is ___.

a) the West End

b) the City

c) the East End

15. The UK is made up of ___ countries.

a) four

b) three

c) two

16. The warm waters of ___ influence the climate of the British Isles.

a) the North Sea

b) the Irish Sea

c) Gulf Stream

17. The British Parliament consists of ___ chambers.

a) three

b) two

c) four

18. ___ usually combine all types of secondary education.

a) Comprehensive schools

b) Grammar schools

c) Technical schools

III вариант

1. – Hi, Ann. I haven’t seen you ___.

d) since ages

e) at ages

f) for ages

2. He is ___ and will do anything to get what he wants.

a) ambitious

b) easy-going

c) cheerful

3. ___ is the brother of someone’s mother or father.

a) An uncle

b) A cousin

c) An aunt

4. I am not ___ that is why it is difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter.

a) a late riser

b) an early riser

c) a riser

5. I often ___ guests on my day off.

a) receive

b) get

c) see

6. We live in a new 16-storeyd ___ of flats in Strogino.

a) house

b) home

c) block

7. There was a gentle ___ on the beach, just enough to cool us.

a) wind

b) breeze

c) gale

8. – Excuse me, is there a bus from here to the Monument?

– Yes, any bus will take you. There is ___ just over there.

a) a bus station

b) a station

c) a bus stop

9. – Can I try this blouse on?

– Certainly. ___ is in the right-hand corner.

a) The counter

b) The fitting room

c) The cash desk

10. General word for things you eat is ___.

a) dish

b) meal

c) food

11. To many Englishmen ___ is both a game and a standard of behaviour.

a) football

b) cricket

c) tennis

12. ___ is an illness, marked by running at the nose, high temperature etc.

a) heartache

b) insomnia

c) cold

13. ___ is the geographical center of London.

a) Trafalgar Square

b) Westminster Abbey

c) Buckingham Palace

14. The official residence of the Queen is ___.

a) The Tower of London

b) Westminster Abbey

c) Buckingham Palace

15. The British Isles consist of ___ large islands.

a) three

b) two

c) four

16. The longest river in Great Britain is ___.

a) the Severn

b) the Thames

c) the Avon

17. The UK is ruled by the elected government with ___ at the head.

a) the Queen

b) the President

c) the Prime Minister

18. ___ charge fees for education.

a) private schools

b) technical schools

c) grammar schools


Основная литература

  1. Богацкий, И. С. Бизнес-курс английского языка / И. С. Богацкий, Н. М. Дюканова. – Киев Логос, 2004. – 352 с.
  2. Бонк, Н. А. Английский язык шаг за шагом : курс для начинающих. В 2 т. Т. 1: учеб. пособие для неязыковых вузов / Н. А. Бонк. – М. : РОСМЭН, 2006. – 558 с.
  3. Бонк, Н. А. Английский язык шаг за шагом : курс для начинающих. В 2 т. Т. 2: учеб. пособие для неязыковых вузов / Н. А. Бонк. – М. : РОСМЭН, 2006. – 380 с.
  4. Голицынский, Ю. Б. Великобритания / Ю. Б. Голицынский. – СПб. : КАРО, 2004. – 480 с.
  5. Дроздова, Т. Ю. Everyday English : учеб. пособие для гуманитар. вузов / Т. Ю. Дроздова. – СПб. : Антол, 2007. – 284 с.
  6. Павлов, Е. К. Английский язык для вузов : учеб. пособие / Е. К. Павлов. – М. : Городец, 2005. – 96 с.
  7. Письменная, О. А. Английский для международного туризма : учебник / О. А. Письменная. – М. : АЙРИС ПРЕСС, 2005. – 384 с.
  8. Рушинская, И. О. Английский язык для студентов гуманитарных факультетов : пособие по разговорной речи / И. О. Рушинская. – М.: Флинта, 2005. – 184 с.
  9. Шевелева, С. А. Английский язык для гуманитариев : учеб. пособие для вузов / С. А. Шевелева. – М. : Юнити, 2008. – 397 с.

Дополнительная литература

  1. Acklam, R. First Certificate Gold Coursebook / R. Acklam. – Longman, 2007. – 167 p.
  2. Harris, M. Opportunities Pre-Intermediate : Students’ Book / M. Harris. – Longman, 2006. – 156 p.
  3. Harris, M. Opportunities Intermediate : Students’ Book / M. Harris. – Longman, 2006. – 150 p.
  4. Hartley, B. Streamline English Connections / B. Hartley. – Oxford University Press, 2005. – 145 p.
  5. Hartley, B. Streamline English Destinations / B. Hartley. – Oxford University Press, 2005. – 150 p.
  6. Paran, A First Certificate Gold Practice Exams / F. Paran. – Longman, 2008. – 160 p.

Учебное издание

Английский язык

учебно-методическое пособие для организации самостоятельной работы студентов первого курса нелингвистических специальностей

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