Тема 16. Типы вопросительных предложений

1. Общий вопрос Задается ко всему предложению в целом. Требует ответа «Да» или «Нет». Do you speak English? – Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. 2. Альтернативный вопрос Обозначает выбор из нескольких лиц, предметов, действий. Требует союз or. Do you speak English or French? – I speak English. 3. Специальный вопрос Вопросы к каждому члену предложения. Начинаются с вопросительного слова: who– кто, what – что, какой, which – который, whose – чей, when – когда, where – где, куда, why – почему, how – как, how much/ how many – сколько, how long – как долго, how often – как часто. What languages do you speak? – I speak English. Но вопрос к подлежащему и определению подлежащего строится по типу утвердительного предложения. Who speaks English? 4. Разделительный вопрос Вопрос требует подтверждения «не так ли?», «не правда ли?». Может строиться двумя способами: 1) +, - ? (1-ая часть – утвердительное предложение; 2-ая часть - краткий общий отрицательный вопрос) 2) -, +? ( 1-ая часть – отрицательное предложение; 2-ая часть – краткий общий вопрос). You speak English, don’t you? – Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. You don’t speak English, do you? – Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.

Task 1. Постройте общий вопрос.

1. He goes to university every day.2. My sister works here.3. They eat a lot.4. We work very hard.5. I come from Russia.6. He comes from Germany.7. They live in the USA.8. He plays chess every evening.9. I visit my parents very often.10. His father works at an office.11. She gets up at seven o’clock.12. They play tennis very often.13. We go to the cinema on Saturdays.14. He wants to become a pilot.15. My brother watches television every night.16. I read newspapers every day.17. Her father finishes his work at six o’clock.18. Nick goes to bed at nine. 19. He goes to school by bus.20. We skate once a week in winter.

Task 2. Выберите подходящее вопросительное слово: Who / What / When / How / Where / Why. Задайте вопрос к выделенному слову.

1. Jack phones Ann. 2. Kate likes sweets very much. 3. We can start work on Monday. 4. The lastexercise is the easiest. 5. Nancy usually eats at a restaurant. 6. Mike is upset because he isn’t invited to the party. 7. They go to the institute by bus. 8. Nick visits his friend in the hospital.

Task 3. Вставьте подходящее вопросительное слово.

1. … do you usually do after classes? 2. … is the telephone? 3. … don’t you wear this dress? 4. … do they get to school? 5. … does your brother go on Fridays? 6. … do you like to read? 7. … is she so happy? 8. … much is this bag? 9. … often do you visit your grandparents? 10. … car is this? 11. … do you usually go to bed?

Task 4. Постройте общие и специальные вопросы.

1. They earn a lot of money. (how much) 2. She is an engineer. (what) 3. She has got a car. (who) 4. Tom plays football every day. (how often) 5. Nancy came home at 7 o’clock yesterday. (what time) 6. You have got 2 children (how many). 7. His story was interesting. (whose) 8. We will meet next Friday. (when) 9. They worked hard last month. (how) 10. We were at the cinema yesterday. (where) 11. He can drive a car 24 hours without a stop. (how long) 12. They are the best parents in the world. (why).

Task 5. Задайте альтернативные вопросы, так чтобы ответами на них были следующие реплики.

1. I prefer coffee. 2. Lily is a student. 3. Tom works at the office. 4. I go to work by bus. 5. He has got a dog. 6. We live in London. 7. They work. 8. Mandy is a manager. 9. This is my daughter. 10. She studies English.

Task 6. Переведите на русский язык.

1. It isn’t cold outside, is it? 2. It is Friday today, isn’t it? 3. They aren’t programmers, are they? 4. We are late, aren’t we? 5. He loves you, doesn’t he? 6. She doesn’t like pop music, does she? 7. You want to pass the exams, don’t you? 8. They don’t play football, do they? 9. He can’t speak English, can he? 10. She can dance, can’t she?

Task 7. Постройте разделительные вопросы.

1. He works in a bank. 2. They didn’t see him last week. 3. They attend classes regularly. 4. She watched TV yesterday. 5. Kate doesn’t play tennis. 6. You don’t like animals. 7. He is in his office. 8. They weren’t happy. 9. We are good friends. 10. Nick was at work. 11. He isn’t a doctor. 12. They aren’t serious. 13. We can drive. 14. You haven’t a visa. 15. We will take exams soon.

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