Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной. Образец: They are working.


Образец: They are working.

Are they working?

They aren’t working.

1) You are doing that exercise correctly.

2) He is looking for the book which he lost.

3) All the birds are flying south.

4) The sky is getting very dark.

5) They are laughing at what you said.

6) They are travelling in Europe at present.

7) Helen is taking dancing lessons at the country club.

8) Mr. Evans is writing a series of articles on the economic situation.

9) Ann is doing well in her studies at present.

32. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме Past Continuous:

Образцы: 1) They (eat) dinner when we came.

They were eating dinner when we came.

2) It (rain) when I left home.

It was raining when I left home.

1) When you telephoned, I (have) dinner.

2) The baby (sleep) soundly when I went to wake him.

3) She (talk) with Mr. Smith when I saw her in the hall.

4) The accident happened while they (travel) in the South.

5) When I got up this morning, the sun (shine) brightly.

6) At seven o’clock, when you telephoned, I (read) the newspaper.

7) Mary (play) the piano when I arrived.

8) Helen fell just as she (get) off the bus.

9) The wind (blow) hard when I came to work this morning.

33. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме Future Continuous:

Образец: At ten o’clock tomorrow morning she (have) her music lesson.

At ten o’clock tomorrow morning she will be having her music lesson.

1) I (wait) on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow morning.

2) It probably (rain) when you get back.

3) If you come before six, I (work) in my garden.

4) At this time tomorrow afternoon I (take) my final English examination.

5) If we go there now, they (have) dinner. But if we go later, they (watch) television.

6) At this time next year he (study) at the university.

34. Заполните пропуски относительными местоимениями who, whom, which. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) The film ... we saw last night was not good.

2) She is the girl ... I saw at the party yesterday.

3) This is the kind of exercise ... I like best.

4) Was it Helen ... said that?

5) The book ... I read last night was very interesting.

6) Is this the book ... you lost?

7) The teacher with ... I studied English last year no longer teaches in our school.

35. Заполните пропуски соответствующими артиклями. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) ... man whom Mr. Smith telephoned this morning is here now. 2) ... book which I am reading now belongs to John. 3) There is ... pencil on the desk. 4) She is ... good teacher. 5) Is this ... book which you need? 6) I want to buy ... new briefcase. 7) ... good book is always a pleasure for me. 8) It is ... good idea. 9) ... picture painted by the student is beautiful.

36. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами: of, about, down, for, in, with, to, at. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) Не thanked me ... my interest ... the matter. 2) This book belongs ... our teacher. 3) We all went ... a walk ... the park. 4) Nick usually sits ... this desk. 5) I make many mistakes ... spelling. 6) The man walked quickly across the room and sat ... . 7) She spends a lot ... time ... her English. 8) We read ... the accident ... the newspaper this morning. 9) They told me ... their trip ... the North.

37. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов с помощью суффиксов -еr, -or, -ment, -ation, -ion. Переведите существительные на русский язык:

Образцы: 1) to teach – учить; teacher – учитель

2) to inform – информировать; information – информация

to introduce, to work, to develop, to collect, to visit, to write, to contribute, to educate, to wait, to settle, to approach, to complete, to create, to build.

38. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных с помощью суффиксов -able, -ible, -al, -ic, -ful. Переведите прилагательные на русский язык:

respect, nation, pay, wonder, care, skill, advice, comfort.

39. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных с помощью суффикса -lу. Переведите наречия на русский язык:

bad, quick, correct, sudden, loud, easy, free, especial, careful, secret.

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