Завершите условные предложения, определив их тип по форме глагола в первой части предложений.


1) Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму (Первый тип условных предложений):

1. If I __________________ (go) out tonight, I __________________ (go) to the cinema.

2. If you __________________ (get) back late, I __________________ (be) angry.

3. If we __________________ (not / see) each other tomorrow, we __________________ (see) each other next week.

4. If he __________________ (come), I __________________ (be) surprised.

5. If we __________________ (wait) here, we __________________ (be) late.

6. If we __________________ (go) on holiday this summer, we __________________ (go) to Spain.

7. If the weather __________________ (not / improve), we __________________ (not / have) a picnic.

8. If I __________________ (not / go) to bed early, I __________________ (be) tired tomorrow.

9. If we __________________ (eat) all this cake, we __________________ (feel) sick.

10. If you __________________ (not / want) to go out, I __________________ (cook) dinner at home.

2) Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму (Второй тип условных предложений):

1. If you _______________ (leave) your job, you ________________ (travel) around the world.

2. If you _____________ (be) nicer to him, he ____________________(lend) you the money

3. It _________________(be) nice if the rain ____________________(stop)!

4. If you _________________ (have) a driving license, you _________________(get) this job.

5. My dog _________________ (be) 20 years old today if it _________________ (be) alive.

6. I _________________ (go) to the police if I _________________ (be) you.

7. If people _________________ (not buy) guns, the world _________________ (become) safer.

8. Tom _________________ (not eat) much “fast food” if his wife _________________ (cook) at home.

3) Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму (Третий тип условных предложений):

1. He crashed his car, because he fell asleep while driving. If he __________________(fall) asleep while driving, he _____________________(crash) his car.

2. I lost my job because I was late for work. I ____________________ (loose) my job if I ___________________ (be) late for work.

3. We couldn't go to the concert, because we didn't have enough money. If we _________________ (have) enough money, we ____________________ (go)to the concert.

4. I ___________________ (visit) Sarah yesterday if I ___________________ (know) that she was ill.

5. If you ___________________ (go) with me to Paris last month, you ___________________ (see) the Eifel Tower too.

6. We ___________________ (not get wet) if you ___________________ (take) an umbrella.

7. If Mum ___________________ (not open) the windows, our room ___________________ (not be) full of mosquitoes.

8. Nick ___________________ (not be) so tired this morning if he ___________________ (go to bed) early last night.

4) Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму (Все типы условных предложений):

1. If I __________________ (be) you, I wouldn’t risk.

2. If they had waited another month, they could probably ________________ (get) a better price for their house.

3. If he decides to accept that job, he __________________ (regret) it for the rest of his life.

4. If he hadn't been driving so fast, he ___________________ (hit) the motorcyclist.

5. If he __________________ (be) more careful, he would have spotted the mistake.

6. If she goes on passing her exams, ___________________ (be) qualified to practise as a lawyer.

7. If I pay you twice as much, _____________________ you _____________________ (able) to finish by Tuesday?

8. If only I'd invested in that company, I _____________________ (become) a millionaire by now.

9. If you (to heat) _____________________ iron, it (to start) _____________________ to get red hot and then white hot.

10. If Molly and Paul (be) _____________________ misinformed about the train times, they (not be) _____________________ late.

11. If Ioannis (stay) _____________________ longer at the party, he (have) _____________________ a good time.

12. If the government (lose) _____________________ the next election, the Prime Minister (resign) _____________________ from politics.

13. If we (not go) _____________________ to your friend's party, I never (meet) _____________________ Alan.

14. If train fares (be) _____________________ cheaper, more people (use) _____________________ them.

15. If Molly (get) _____________________ that job she's applied for, she will be delighted.

16. It (be) _____________________ a disaster if it the explosion had happened in the middle of the day.

17. If the talks (be broken) _____________________ down again, there (be) _____________________ a war between the two countries

18. If Ali (know) _____________________ anything about mechanics at that time, I'm sure she (help) _____________________ us.

19. He (have) _____________________ a bad accident last Friday if he _____________________ (not / drive) more carefully.

Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типов.

· E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.:

If you are free, I will come to see you.

If you were free, I would come to see you.

If you had been free, I would have come to see you.

If I (to see) her, I (to be) glad.

If I see her, I will be glad.

If I saw her, I would be glad.

If I had seen her, I would have been glad.

1. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad.

2. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party.

3. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry).

4. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) the examinations.

5. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.

6. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year.

7. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic.

8. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms.

9. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together.

10. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

Завершите условные предложения, определив их тип по форме глагола в первой части предложений.

Например: If the film is boring we … (leave) at once. – If the film is boring we will leave at once.

She would look much younger if she … (be) slim. – She would look much younger if she were slim.

1. If the flight is delayed our guests … (be) late.

2. We would have gone to the beach if the rain … (stop).

3. They will miss the train if they … (not run.)

4. If you had given her the letter she … (tear) it to pieces.

5. If Jack moves too slowly he … (not win) the game.

6. If I lost my job I … (move) to the country.

7. She would invite our kids if they … (behave) themselves.

8. If Tom were more careful he … (not break) things.

9. If she had had a car she … (drive) there.

10. You wouldn’t have got wet if you … (put on) your mackintosh.

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