Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into your language.

A) 1. The dictionary is mine. 2. He became a pilot. 3. She has received a letter from her father. 4. J tried to do it. 5. The calculation is correct. 6. The book seems interesting. 7. He is reading a book in the library. 8. He continued reading the newspaper. 9. His brother is chief engineer of our plant. 10. Collective farms in the Soviet Union grow more prosperous from year to year. 11. Vast cultural treas­ures are concentrated in Leningrad. 12. A new section of Moscow's Underground Is now under construction. 13. The equipment can be delivered within two months.

B) 1. His intention was to take his examination on Tuesday. 2. He was to take his examination on Tuesday. 3. The seller's duty is to deliver the goods in accordance with the terms of the contract. 4. The seller is to deliver the goods in May. 5. The plan suggested by the engineer was to use a floating crane for the discharge of the goods. 6. The agent was to wait until the price went down. 7. Their proposal is to dispatch the goods by aero plane. 8. The equipment is to be insured with "Gosstrakh".

Ex. 3. Replace the Infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the verb.

1. If it (to be) all the same to me, I (not to come and (to talk) with you. 2. If (to be) there some more of us, it (to take) only a few days to get through with it. 3. Leave a message for me if you (not to find) me in.4. He (not to understand) it even if he (to be given) a broad hint which none other would miss. 5. If you (to come across) an expression that you do not know, write it out, please. 6. You (not to find) the house even if you (to ask) for directions: it has been pulled down recently.

Ex. 4. The Subjunctive Mood (Test)

Choose the right answer, underline it:

a) If John (bought/had bought) a new car, he (would have told/would tell) us about it.
b) If you (brought/had brought) me your exercise-book last Monday, I (would return/would have returned) it yesterday.
c) If he (had tried/tried) to do this exercise, I’m sure, he (would do/would have done) everything correctly.
d) If I (had had/ had) more time, I (would go/ would have gone) there myself.
e) If I (had been/were) you, I (would do/would have done) it last month.

Ex. 5. Insert the right form of the verb:

1.If I ___________(to live) in Britain and ____________(to have) a lot of money, I ____________________(to attend) Hampton School.
2.If I_________________________(to have a headache) last Friday, I__________________(go to school).
3.If Mike______________(to hurry), he _______________(to finish his work) on time.
4.If I ________(to be) you, I ___________________(to choose) ethics[‘eθiks](этика) as an optional subject.
5.If I ____________________(to have) lessons on Saturday, I___________(to have no free time) at all(вообще).
6.If I____________(to be) you, I______________(to stop) talking ten minutes ago.
7.If Bob___________________(to have breakfast) in the morning, he__________________(to be) hungry now.
8.If it_____________(to rain), we_____________(to stay) at home.

Ex. 6. Read the sentences:

1. But for the rain, we would go down to the country
2.But for your help, I wouldn’t have coped with the task last time.
3.But for my promise, I would tell you this.

Список основной и дополнительной литературы

Список основной и дополнительной литературы

Основная литература

1. Н.Н. Беляев «Вступая в мир зодчества», Москва «Высшая школа», 1991 г.

2. Edward Lucie-Smith “A history of industrial design”, Phaidon-Oxford, 1983.

3. С.А. Шевелева «Английский для гуманитариев», (2-ое издание) Москва «Юнити», 2008 г.

Дополнительная литература

1. «Современный город»/ Пособие по английскому языку, Издание второе, Москва «Высшая школа», 1986 г.

2. Н.И. Ажищев, Ф.С. Суэта: Пособие по английскому языку для строительных техникумов. Москва «Высшая школа» 1978 г.

3. «Профессия - строитель» / Сборник текстов на английском языке с упражнениями; Второе издание. Москва «Высшая школа» 1986 г.

4. Е.Н. Безручко «Английский для архитекторов» (Пособие по английскому языку для студентов архитектурных специальностей вузов) Ростов-на-Дону Издательский центр «МарТ» 2002 г.

5. А.И. Бурлак / Учебник английского языка: Для студентов архитектурного и инженерно-строительных специальностей вузов. - Москва «Высшая школа» 1982 г.

6. И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко «Английский язык для технических специальностей», Ростов-на Дону «Феникс», 2004 г.

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