Настоящее совершенное время.

Present perfect tense

1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. I have already done my work.

2. We have already written our term papers.

3. They have come back today.

4. My father has just left for his native town.

5. I have just got this letter.

6. We have never been to England.

7. I have not seen my friend since the holidays.

8. I have not finished my work yet.

9. We have never been to England.

10. I have not watched TV since Sunday.

11. My mother has not answered the letter yet.

12. Are you hungry? – No, I am not. I have already had my dinner.

13. We have not read any books by this writer in the original.

14. I have been very busy lately.

15. Sorry, I have forgotten to bring you the book.

16. He has got a big family.

17. I have got something interesting to tell you.

18. I have got no news form him yet.

Измените по лицам глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях.

1. I have been to Kiev this year.

2. I have never read this book.

3. I have not finished my drawing yet.

Поставьте на правильное место в предложении наречия и обстоятельства, заключенные в скобках.

1. We have passed our examination (just).

2. They have finished their research work (already).

3. My sister has been a good pupil (always).

4. She has been late for classes (never).

5. We have not taken our exams (yet).

6. I have met my sister (already).

7. This student has worked hard (this term).

8. He has told us about his scientific work (never).

9. Have you passed any of the examinations in advance (lately)?

10. Have you done your morning exercises (yet)?

11. He has rung me up and invited me to the theater (just).

12. The ballet Giselle has been a success with the audience (always).

Дополните следующие предложения.

1. ... since I was a boy.

2. ... since the first of September.

3. ... since I entered the Institute.

4. ... since he rang me up two days ago.

5. ... since yesterday.

6. ... since he graduated from the University.

7. Since we came here ... .

Закончите предложение, используя глагол из списка.

(have/has+the past participle of the verb).

Break buy finish do go go lose paint read take

1. Are they still having dinner? No, they have finished.

2. I ... some new shoes. Do you want to see them?

3. Is Tom here? No, he ... to work.

4. ... you ... the shopping? No, I’m going to do it later.

5. Where is your key? I don’t know. I ... it.

6. Look! Somebody ... that window.

7. Your house looks different. ... you ... it?

8. I can’t find my umbrella. Somebody ... it.

9. I’m looking for Sarah. Where ... she ...?

10. Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks. I ... it.

6. Задайте вопросы по образцу, начиная их с Have you ever...?


1. (Paris?) Have you ever been to Paris No, never.
2. (play / golf?) Have you played golf? Yes, many times.
3. (Australia?) .... No, never.
4. (lose / your passport?) ... Yes, once.
5. (sleep / in a park?) .... No, never.
6. (eat / Chinese food?) .... Yes, a few times.
7. (New York?) .... Yes, twice.
8. (win / a lot of money?) .... No, never
9. (break / your leg?) .... Yes, once

Глядя на ответы Анны в предыдущем упражнении, напишите предложения об Анне и о себе.

1. Ann has never been to Paris (Ann) / I have been to Paris twice.(You)

2. Ann has played golf many times (Ann) / ... (You)

3. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

4. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

5. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

6. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

7. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

8. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

9. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

Мери 65 лет. У нее была интересная и насыщенная событиями жизнь. Напишите предложения о тех вещах, которые она сделала.

1. (she / do /many different jobs) She has done many different jobs.

2. (she/ travel / to many places) ... .

3. (she / do / a lot of interesting things) ... .

4. (she / write / ten books) ... .

5. (she / meet / a lot of interesting people) ... .

6. (she / be / married five times) ... .

9. Вставьте gone или been.

1.He’s on holiday at the moment. He’s gone to Spain.

2. Where’s Jill? She’s not here. I think she’s ... to the bank.

3. Hello, Pat. Where have you ... ? I‘ve ... out.

4. Have you ever ... to Mexico? No, never.

5. My parents aren’t at home this evening. They’ve ... out.

6. There’s a new restaurant in town. Have you ... to it?

7. Paris is a wonderful city. I’ve ... there many times.

8. Helen was here earlier but I think she’s ... now.

Закончите предложения.

1. Jill is in London. She has been in London since Monday.

2. I know George. I have known him for a long time.

3. They are married. They ... married since 1983.

4. Brian is ill. He ... ill for a week.

5. We live in this house. We ... here for ten years.

6. I know Tom very well. I ... him for a long time.

7. We are waiting for you. We ... waiting since 8 o’clock.

8. Alice works in a bank. She ... in a bank for five years.

9. I’m learning English. I ... learning English for six months.

10. She has a headache. She ... a headache since she got up.

11. Задайте вопросы, начинающиеся с How long ...?

1. Jill is in London. How long has she been in London?

2. I know George. How long have you known him?

3. Mike and Judy are in Brazil. How long ...?

4. Diana is learning Italian. How long ...?

5. My brother lives in Germany. ... ?

6. It is raining. ... ?

7. Bill is a teacher. ... ?

8. I know Margaret. ...?

9. I have a motor-bike. ...?

10. Linda and Frank are married.

11. Alan works in London.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Have you done your best to master English this term?

2. Have you read any English books in the original yet?

3. Have you ever been to Moscow?

4. Have you attended all lectures and seminars this month?

5. Have you passed any of the credit tests in advance yet?

6. Have you been to the cinema lately?

7. Have you had your dinner today?

8. Have you got a big family?

9. Have you got much work to do this year?

10. Have you ever sung in the shower?

11. Have you ever broken a window?

12. Have you ever been sorry about anything?

Задайте вопросы по образцу.

(you ever / be / to Italy) Have you ever been to Italy?

1. (you ever / be / to South America?)

2. (you / read / any English books?)

3. (you / live / in this town all your life?)

4. (how many times / you / be / in love?)

5. (what’s the most beautiful country your / ever / visit?)

6. (you ever / speak / to a famous person?)

Задайте вопросы по образцу.

(you hear from George recently?) Have you heard from George recently?

1. (you / read / a newspaper recently?)

2. (you / see / Tom in the past few days?)

3. (you / play / tennis recently?)

4. (you / eat / anything today?)

5. (you / see / any good films recently?)

6. (you / have / a holiday this year yet?)

15. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Perfect Tense; перескажите шутки:

A.A young man comes to a house whose owner does not wish to receive him. The servant opens the door and says, ‘I’m sorry, sir, but Master (to go) out’. “Well’, the man answers, ‘I’ll wait for him sitting by the fire’. ‘I’m afraid that’s impossible, sir’, the servant answers, ‘because the fire (to go) out too’.

B. ‘Look, Mummy’, a little boy cries out, ‘what a big lorry (to go) by! It’s as big as a house!’ ‘Oh, dear’, answers his mother, ‘I (to tell) you a million times that you mustn’t exaggerate so!’

C.Mark Twain was once sitting in the Opera House next to a young lady who talked to him all the time, so that he couldn’t hear the music. After the performance was over she invited him to the opera ‘Carmen’ on the following Friday. Mark Twain answered politely, ‘With pleasure, madam, I never (to hear) you in Carmen.’

D. Once, when the Wolf was eating, a small bone stuck in his throat. He ran to the Crane and asked him, ‘Please, help me. A bone (to get) in my throat. I will give you anything if you take this bone out’. The Crane put its head into the Wolf’s mouth and took the bone out. Then the Crane said, ‘Well, I (to do) what you (to ask) me to do. Will you now do what you (to promise) me?’ The Wolf roared with laughter and answered, ‘Be happy, silly animal, that I (not to eat) you. You (to put) your head in a wolf’s mouth, and you (to take) it out safely. I (to give) you life. What else do you want?’

16. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Past Indefinite или Present Perfect.

1. I (to be) never to this city.

2. I (to be) in this city last year.

3. You (to be) ever to England?

4. You (to be) in England last year?

5. We (to finish) already our design.

6. I (to finish) my design last week.

7. I (to see) the dean today.

8. I (to see) the dean last night.

9. When you (to finish) school?

10. You (to read) this book?.

11. When you (to read) this book?

12. I (to see) just him, he must be somewhere here.

13. We (to make) three reports this month.

14. I (to make) the report a few days ago.

15. He already (to graduate) from the Institute.

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