Text 3. Automobile, car rental industry



Transportation transition, horse-drawn carriages, private automobile ownership, travel habits and abilities, car rental industry, to change fleet size, perceptions, enhanced trip experience, recreation vehicle, the hassles, the cornerstone, whitewater rafting, basics, rural areas, communities, the interstates, scenic byways

Assignment 3.1 Read and translate the text:

Transportation transition from horse-driven carriages to private automobile ownership changed travel habits and abilities more than other factor in tourism, giving families more freedom of movement. No longer were people tied to rail and coach schedules. Before the automobile travel patterns were very predictable, and resorts and hotels were built along rail line and ports. The automobile introduced a more freedom unstructured pattern of travel movements never seen before. Motor hotels, motels and attractions sprang up along the highways and enjoyed success.

The car rental industry is highly competitive and profitable. Car rental agencies have in-town and suburbs locations. But 80 percent of all car rental business takes place at the airport because will pay more for a car rented at an airport location than for the one rented from the same company in town. The car rental business is rather dynamic because of its ability to change fleet size and structure rapidly. Most major car rental agencies get a majority of their rental reservations through travel agents rather than walk-ins. marketing strategies in the car rental industry include specialized vehicles, fly and drive programs and pricing differences such as unlimited mileage for a flat flee.

The automobile will continue to be a popular mode of travel as long as perceptions of its benefits continue. People travel by car rather than by public transport because of low cost, especially for three or more people, convenience, flexibility in departure and travel times, route, stops, enhanced trip experience, easier luggage transport with less restriction, assured transportation on arrival at the destination and the opportunity for a relaxing and private atmosphere different from everyday business.

RV (recreation vehicle) travel has all the advantages of the automobile plus the convenience carrying one´s home along on the trip. RV travel eliminates the hassles and often even the expenses of hotels and restaurants. The RV traveler can experience the great outdoors without really leaving the conveniences of modern-day life, in some ways providing the best of both worlds.

Automobile travel in Europe and in the United States has a very high percentage of all vacation travel and continues to increase. We should first of all discuss family vacation trends. The family travel destination are closer to home and shorter. The weekend mini vacation is popular and growing even though the weekend vacation is still the cornerstone of the auto travel market. Families are being drawn to camping, educational trips and theme parks as well as adventure trips like whitewater rafting and ecotourism trips. The theme of going back to basics has increased travel to rural areas and communities. It has drawn the traveler of the interstates to lesser-known areas and communities. Scenic byways have become popular transportation routes for family travelers and increased tourism dollars in rural communities.

Assignment 3.2 Answer the following questions:

1. What changed travel habits more than other factors in tourism?

2. What were travelers tied to?

3. Where were resorts and hotels built before automobile?

4. What did the automobile introduce?

5. Where did motor hotels, motels and attractions spring up?

6. How long will automobile continue to be a popular mode of travel?

7. What are the latest family vocation trends?

8. Why do people travel rather by car than by public transport?

9. What are the advantages of RV travel?

10. Why are the weekend mini vacations popular and growing?

11. What kinds of trips are families drawn to?

12. What have become popular transportation routes for family travelers?

Assignment 3.3 Use the appropriate words from the list:

all the advantages, educational trips, horse-driven carriages, a very high percentage, the conveniences, flexibility, mode of travel, a more freedom, predictable

1. Transportation transition from … to private automobile ownership changed travel habits and abilities more than other factor in tourism, giving families more freedom of movement.

2. Before the automobile travel patterns were very …, and resorts and hotels were built along rail line and ports.

3. The automobile introduced … unstructured pattern of travel movements never seen before.

4. The automobile will continue to be a popular … as long as perceptions of its benefits continue.

5. People travel by car rather than by public transport because of low cost, convenience, … in departure and travel times, route, stops and enhanced trip experience.

6. RV (recreation vehicle) travel has … of the automobile plus the convenience carrying one´s home along on the trip.

7. The RV traveler can experience the great outdoors without really leaving … of modern-day life, in some ways providing the best of both worlds.

8. Automobile travel in Europe and in the United States has … of all vacation travel and continues to increase.

9. Families are being drawn to camping, … and theme parks as well as adventure trips like whitewater rafting and ecotourism trips.

Assignment 3.4 Match the beginnings and the end of the sentences:

1. Transportation transition from horse-driven carriages to private automobile ownership changed a. for family travelers and increased tourism dollars in rural communities
2. No longer were people tied b. along the highways and enjoyed success
3. Motor hotels, motels and attractions sprang up c. the automobile plus the convenience carrying one´s home along on the trip
4. People travel by car rather than by public transport because of d. to rail and coach schedules
5. RV (recreation vehicle) travel has all the advantages of e. a very high percentage of all vacation travel and continues to increase
6. The RV traveler can experience the great outdoors without f. travel habits and abilities more than other factor in tourism, giving families more freedom of movement
7. Automobile travel in Europe and in the United States has g. the weekend vacation is still the cornerstone of the auto travel market
8. The weekend mini vacation is popular and growing even though h. low cost, convenience, flexibility, enhanced trip experience, easier luggage transport with less restriction and the opportunity for a relaxing and private atmosphere
9. Scenic byways have become popular transportation routes i. a popular mode of travel as long as perceptions of its benefits continue
10. The automobile will continue to be j. really leaving the conveniences of modern-day life, in some ways providing the best of both worlds

Assignment 3.5 Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Изменение способа передвижения повлияло на привычки и возможности путешествующих людей больше, чем любой другой фактор в туризме, предоставив семьям большую свободу передвижения. Люди больше не привязаны к расписанию поездов и автобусов.

2. До автомобиля маршруты путешествий были весьма предсказуемы, а курорты и отели строились вдоль железнодорожных линий и недалеко от портов.

3. Автомобиль представил больше свободы и незапланированных маршрутов. Вдоль дорог появились отели и мотели.

4. Путешествие на автомобиле по Европе и США составляет очень высокий процент от всех перевозок и продолжает расти.

5. Короткие поездки на выходные всей семьей становятся все популярнее.

6. Поездки с ночевкой в кемпинге, образовательные туры, парки развлечений, экстремальные виды путешествия и экотуризм также являются популярным видом семейного отдыха.

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