B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian.

To fall in love with smb./smth.; to have a garden with a stream; to make improvements; to improve; to have a spacious house; to remove walls; to offer a lot of money; to admit smth; to remain in one’s family.

c) Read the article “At home on a train” and explain its title. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form, active or passive.

At home on a train

Pat and Ronald Thomas (not live) in a caravan, but their home (travel) more miles than any other house in Britain! Their house (make) from a pair of Victorian railway carriages, and they (live) there for ten years. ‘I (not want) to live in a train at first,’ admits Pat, ’but when I (see) that this train had a garden with a stream, I just (fall) in love with it. We (buy) it from an old lady, and she already (do) a lot of work on it. But there is a lot left to do and we still (make) improvements.’

Visitors often (surprise) to see how spacious the house is. All the dividing walls (remove), so now the rooms are about fifteen metres long.

Pat and Ronald (pay) £68,000 for their house. Recently they (offer) more than £100,000 for it, but it’s not for sale.

‘I (discover) more and more about the history of this train all the time,’ says Ronald. ‘It (build) in Swindon between 1855 and 1875. We (work) so hard to make it beautiful that I don’t think we ever (sell) it,’ he admits. ‘I hope it (remain) in our family forever’.

D) Here are the answers to some questions about Pat and Ronald. Ask the questions.

1. ….? No, they don’t. They live in a pair of railway carriages.

2. ….? For ten years.

3. ….? An old lady.

4. ….? £68,000.

5. ….? More than £100,000.

6. ….? In Swindon between 1855 and 1875.

7. … ? Yes, they are. They want to make it even more beautiful/

8. ….? No, they won’t. They want it to remain in the family forever.

E) Retell the text.

Have something done – the Causative Passive

Ex. 17. Answer the following questions in the way shown:

“Did Ann make that dress herself?” – “No, she had it made.”

1. Did you cut your hair yourself? 2. Did they paint the house themselves? 3. Did Jim cut down that tree himself? 4. Did Sue repair the car herself? 5. Did you tune the piano yourself?

Ex. 18. Complete the sentences.

We (the house/paint) at the moment. – We are having the house painted at the morning.

1. Your hair is too long. I think you should (it cut). 2. How often (you/your car/ service)? 3. The engine in Tom’s car couldn’t be repaired, so he had to (a new engine/fit). 4. (you/ your newspaper/deliver) or do you go to the shop to buy it. 5. What are the workmen doing in the garden? – Oh, I (a swimming pool/ build). 6. Is it true that many years ago he (his portrait/ paint) by a famous artist? 7. Are you going to (these shoes/repair) or shall I throw them away? 8. I must (my glasses/ mend). They keep falling off. 9. Where do you (your hair/do)?

Ex. 19. Something unpleasant happened to each of these people last week. Make sentences using “have something done”.

Kate (her wallet/steal) from her bag while she was out shopping. – Kate had her wallet stolen from her bag while she was out shopping.

1. Peter (his flat/burgle) while he was out at work. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Woods (the roof of the house/damage) in the storm. 3. Lynne (the radio/steal) from her car. 4. My brother (his nose/ break) in the football match. 5. Fred (his hat/blow off) in the wind.

Ex. 20. Translate into English.

1. Как часто вы подстригаетесь? 2. Мне необходимо срочно отремонтировать часы. 3. Нам отремонтировали дом до того, как мы уехали на Кипр. 4. Я хочу, чтобы этот документ напечатали как можно скорее. 5. Мне только что запломбировали зуб. 6.Когда вы оклеили комнату. 7. Я не починил вчера пылесос, потому что все мастерские были закрыты. 8. Вам уже побелили потолок? 9. Где вы сшили себе это платье? 10. Когда вы, наконец, настроите рояль? 11. Когда вам построили гараж? 12. У него вчера украли бумажник. 13. Я хочу, чтобы мне погладили костюм. 14. Вам надо подстричься.


Правило согласования времен в английском языке представляет определенную зависимость времени глагола в придаточном предложении (главным образом дополнительном) от времени глагола в главном предложении. В русском языке такой зависимости не существует.

Основные положения согласования времен сводятся к следующему:

1. Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в настоящем или будущем времени, то сказуемое придаточного предложения может стоять в любом времени, которое требуется по смыслу:

  he studies English.   что изучает английский.
He says he will study English. Он говорит, что будет изучать английский.
  he studied English.   что изучал английский.

2. Если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени, что сказуемое придаточного предложения должно стоять в одном из прошедших времен. Выбор конкретной видовременной формы определяется тем, происходит ли действие в придаточном предложении одновременно с главным, предшествует ему либо будет происходить в будущем:

    I knew (that)     He said Simultaneous Action Prior Action Future Action
- he lived in Kiev он живет в Киеве - they were waiting for us они ждут нас -hehad been living in Kiev since 1946 он живет в Киеве с 1946 года   - he had known her for two years он знает ее 2 года   - he had already left Moscow он уже уехал из Москвы   - It had been raining as it was wet шел дождь, так как на улице мокро - she had been ill for two weeks она болела две недели   - they would arrive on Sunday они приедут в воскресенье   -theywould be working at 6 в 6 они будут работать   -hewould have translated the article by Monday он уже переведет эту статью к понедельнику  
So a useful general rule is: we move the reported clauses “one tense back” present becomes past, past becomes past perfect, will becomes would

Study how the tenses are changed according to the rule of the Sequence of Tenses.

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru Present IndefinitePast Indefinite

I do … I did …

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru Present ContinuousPast Continuous

He is doing … He was doing …

Present Perfect Past Perfect

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru I’ve done … I had done …

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru Past IndefinitePast Perfect (or stays the same)

I did … I did / had done …

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru Past ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous

I was doing … I had been doing …

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru Past Perfectdoes not change

I had done …

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru will (future) would B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru can could B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru may might B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru must must or had to B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru could have done B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru might have done do not change should have done needn’t have done

Time and place changes:

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru here there

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru this that

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru these those

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru now then / at that moment

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru today that day

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru yesterday the day before

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru the previous day

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru a year ago a year before

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru last night the previous night

B) Translate the following word combinations into Russian. - student2.ru tonight that night

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