Answer the following questions

1.What are the responsibilities of land use planner?

2.What are the levels of land use planning?

3.What sectors of economy are considered in National level of land use planning?

4.Which level comprises new developments as settlements, forest plantations and irrigation?

5.What do you know about local level of land use planning?

6. Listen to a conversation between an interviewer and a job applicant. Choose the correct answers. Track 12

  1. What does the applicant make at AGM Industries?

a) low-fat chicken feed

b) high-protein pig feed

c) low-carbohydrate pig feed

d) high-carbohydrate chicken feed

  1. What requirement does the applicant meet?

a) He has one year of experience.

b) He has worked with chickens.

c) He has created special feeds.

d) He has worked for Hillford Farms.

7. Listen again and complete the conversation. Track 12

Interviewer:Good morning. Mr. Jordan, I'm Terry Riley.

Job applicant:1 __________ __________ ____________ you, Miss Riley.

Interviewer:Nice to meet you too. Please, 2 _________ ________ __________ and we'll get started.

Job applicant:Thank you. Did you get my resume?

Interviewer:Yes, I did. It looks very good. 3 _________ _________ _________ your work at AGM Industries.

Job applicant:Well, I work at their 4 __________ _________. I create special formulas for high-protein feed.

Interviewer:Interesting. Now, applicants must have experience with 5 ____________. Have you ever worked with 6 _____________ ?

Job applicant:Yes, in my previous job. It was at Reynolds Farms.



1. Read the words and find their Kazakh/Russian equivalent

Parcel __________________

Data __________________

Management _________________

Right _____________________

Purposes __________________

Assist ____________________

up-to-date __________________

improvement __________________

legal _______________________

establishment ___________________

location _______________________

responsibilities __________________

mortgage ______________________

jurisdiction _____________________

satellite ______________________

implementation _________________

description ______________________

supervise _______________________

Text № 5: What is Land Cadastre

A Cadastre is normally a parcel based and up-to-date land information system containing a record of interests in land (e.g. rights, restrictions and responsibilities). It usually includes a geometric description of land parcels linked to other records describing the nature of the interests, and ownership or control of those interests. It often describes the value of the parcel and its improvements. It may be established for fiscal purposes (e.g. valuation and equitable taxation), legal purposes (conveyancing), to assist in the management of land and land use for planning and other administrative purposes. The Cadastre enables sustainable development and environmental protection. Cadastral Re-form is concerned with the improvement of cadastral systems.

The Land Cadastre encompasses such information as land resource capacity, land tenure, land ownership and different land uses. The Cadastre provides:

- information identifying those people who have interests in parcels of land;

- information about those interests, e.g. land duration of rights, restrictions and responsibilities;

- information about the parcel, e.g. location, size, improvement, value.

Land tenure is concerned with the rights, restrictions and responsibilities that people have with respect to the land. The Cadastre may record different forms of land tenure such as ownership, leasehold, easements, mortgages and different types of common, communal or customary land tenure.

The Surveyor undertakes different roles in different countries in relation to the establishment and maintenance of the Cadastre. The Surveyor may be responsible for:

- cadastral surveying and mapping;

- recording of cadastral information;

- land valuation;

- land use planning;

- management of both the graphic and textual cadastral data bases ;

- resolving land disputes;

- custody and supply of cadastral information.

Modern technology, such as up-to-date survey instruments, satellite position fixing (Global Positioning System – GPS), aerial photography and photogrammetry can offer new possibilities to increase the speed and lower the costs for cadastral reform. Computer technology can usually provide better access to information, better manipulation of cadastral data, better quality, and better legal and physical security. To fully utilize modern technology it is important to have trained personnel and facilities to maintain the equipment. Unfortunately this infrastructure is not found in many countries, thereby limiting the use of modern technology.

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