Cultural differences. Body language

1. Standing with your hands on your hips is a gesture of defiance in Indonesia.

2. Carrying on a conversation with your hands in your pockets makes a poor impression in France, Belgium, Finland and Sweden.

3. When you shake your head from side to side, that means «yes» in Bulgaria and Sri Lanka.

4. Crossing your legs to expose the sole of your shoe is really taboo in Muslim countries. In fact, to call a person a «shoe» is a deep insult.

Physical Contact

5. Putting a child on the head is a grave offence in Thailand or Singapore, since the head is revered as the location of the soul.

6. In the Oriental culture, touching another person is considered an invasion of privacy, while in Southern European and Arabic countries it is a sign of warmth and friendship.


7. Be on time when invited for dinner in Denmark or in China.

8. In Latin countries your host a business associate would be surprised if you arrived at the appointed hour.

Eating and Cooking

9. It is rude to leave anything on your plate when eating in Norway, Malaysia, or Singapore.

10. In Egypt, it is rude not to leave something.

11. In Germany and Great Britain, margarine and butter are used.

12. In Italy and Spain, cooking is done with oil.

Other Social Customs

13. InSpain, there is a very negative attitude toward life insurance. By receiving insurance benefits, a wife feels that she is profiting from her husband's death.

14. In Western European countries, many consumers are still reluctant to buy anything (other than a house) on credit. Even for an automobile, they will pay cash having saved for some time.

An Illustrative Example

Tone of Voice is no less important. A person lowers voice asking for a favor or showing a positive attitude to business, to partners.

Eye Contact. In China keeping an extended eye contact while doing business can give a wrong expression. Try to avoid it. In China there is a belief that avoiding eye contact is a sign of respect.

Status. A person's position or statuses are more important in Asia, especially in China than in America. In China or Japan when business persons meet the first thing they do is a business cards exchange. It allows knowing the rank, post or status of each other and establishing the proper relationship in China and the USA.

5. Discuss these points:

1. What nationality do you think is easier to communicate with? Say, if it is easier for you to communicate with British people than with French people. Explain why.

2. How can we avoid making culturally related business blunders?

3. Give some examples of cultural differences between the two cultures you are familiar with. How could these differences lead to problems in business relationship?

Список рекомендованої літератури

1. Business English. Бизнес-курс английского языка / Под ред. Е. И. Кобзарь, Н. А. Лешнёвой. – Харьков: Парус, 2007. – 152 с.

2. Агабекян И. П. Деловой английский. English for business. Серия «Высшее образование». – Ростов н/Д: «Феникс», 2004. – 320 с.

3. Андрюшкин А. П. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учебное пособие. – 3‑е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2008. – 332 с.

4. Барановська Т. В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. — Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ „ВП Логос-М”, 2006. – 384 с.

5. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Частина II: Навч. посіб. для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263 с.

6. Богацкий И. С., Дюканова Н. М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Словарь-справочник. Под общей ред. Богацкого И. С. – 5-е изд., испр. – Киев: ООО «ИП Логос», 2004. – 352 с.: ил. (Серия «Вас ждет упех!»).

7. Буданов С. І., Борисова А. О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128 с.

8. Дарская В. Г., Журавченко К. В., Лясецкая Л. А., Памухина Л. Г., Чопрова Е. Г., Шах-Назарова В. С., Шелкова Т. Г. Новый деловой английский. New English for Business. - М.: Вече, 2005. – 672 с.

9. Карпусь И. А. Английский деловой язык: Учебное пособие. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – К.: МАУП, 1996. – 208 с.

10. Мёрдок-Стерн С. Общение на английском: телефон, факс, E-mail, деловая переписка: учеб. пособие / Серена Мёрдок-Стерн; пер. с фр. И. И. Максименко. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 142 с.

11. Науменко Л. П. Business English Course: Бизнес-курс английского языка. – К.: А.С.К., 2005. – 448 с. – Англ., рус.

12. Шевелева С. А. Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс: Учебник. – М.: ЮНИТИ, 2000. – 438 с.

13. Хачатурова М.Ф. Английский язык для деловых контактов. – К.: Аконит, 2002. – 335с.


про Методичні рекомендації з курсу “Ділова англійська мова” для студентів немовних факультетів

А.В. Воробйова, Є.Г. Єремєєва, Є.О., А.В. Чуба, Н.В. Шевельова-Гаркуша

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