Translate the following word combinations into English using the possessive case

книги моей сестры; вопросы преподавателя; сумка Тома; собака господина Брауна; пиджак ее мужа; тарелки и чашки моей квартирной хозяйки; вопросы его жены; имя их сына; свитера этих мужчин; книги этих детей; советы врача.

7.Choose the correct word.

1. This / These trousers are black. 2. That / Those shirt is very nice. 3. That / Those shoes are comfortable. 4. This / These skirt is old. 5. This / Those T-shirt is my brother's. 6. That / Those T-shirt is very small.

8. Insert the correct word.

1. This __________ is easy. a) questions b) homework

2. These ___________ are my neighbors. a) women b) man

3. What are you doing ________ afternoon? a) that b) this

4. Who's ________ speaking? a) this b) it

5. These are my glasses and ________ are hers. a) those b) that

6. We are going to the seaside __________ summer. a) this b) that

7. __________ man over there is a famous politician. a) These b) That

9.Translate into English paying attention to the use of demonstrative pronouns.

1. Это были самые красивые розы, какие я когда-либо видел. 2. Посмотрите, кто это? — Это один из наших студентов. 3. Я где-то видел этого человека. — Это один из наших спортсменов. — Да, теперь я узнаю, это он 4. Кто там? — Откройте, это я. 5. Какие это были чудесные цветы!

10.Write answers to the questions.

1. Whose books are these? (the pupils)

2. Whose house is this? (John)

3. Whose offices are these? (the bankers)

4. Whose flowers are these? (my mother)

5. Whose translation is this? (my friend)

6. Whose shoes are these? (my sister)

7. Whose stamps are these? (Ted)

8. Whose fields are these? (the farmers)

9. Whose discovery is this? (Newton)

10. Whose words are those? (our teacher)

11.Complete the questions. Add in, on or at.

1. Do you sometimes watch TV ____ the mornings?

2. Are you usually at home ____ 7 o'clock ____ the evenings?

3. Do you sometimes work ___night?

4. What do you usually do ____ weekends?

5. Do you usually go shopping ____ Saturdays?

6. Do you go skiing ____ the winter?

7. Do you have a holiday ____ December?

8. Is there a holiday in your country ____ 6 , January?

12.Look at these time expressions.

2 o'clock, Friday, the morning, last Friday, night, Tuesday, March, 1st March, the afternoon, next Tuesday, 1980, Monday morning, this morning, the summer, every summer, my birthday, the weekend, 8.15, tomorrow evening, July, Friday night, 1804, 4th July, the spring, weekends, Christmas, New Year's Day, yesterday afternoon

Do we use these time expressions with in, on, at or without a preposition? Make four lists:

At: at 2 oclock, …

On: on Friday, …

In: in the morning, …

Without a preposition: last Friday

13.Insert prepositions of time.

1. Was Easter ____ May last year? 2. Is your birthday____ summer? 3. I'm going to have a party ____ the weekend. 4. I usually come home ___ three o’clock. 5. I usually take a shower ____ the evening. 6. I usually tidy my room ___ Sunday. 7. I usually wash the dishes ____ the afternoon. 8. I usually go to bed____10.30. 9. I play basketball ___Tuesday and ___Friday. 10. Who was born ____ March? 11. My friend was born ____October. 12. My school starts____8.00. 13. He was born ___ the fifth of June. 14. We have Art ____Monday and ___ Friday. 15. The first lesson ___Wednesday is Music. 16. I get up ____ 7 o’clock. 17. We have New Year____the first of January. 18. ____ end of the year we’ll have no exams. 19. I have studied English ___ four years. 20. We are going to meet ___ half past three. 21. The telephone rang ___ midnight.




Unfortunately being a student means that I don’t have much free time apart from holidays. Sunday is the only real day off that I have from studying. Every evening I have a lot of homework to do and even on Sundays I spend most of the afternoon and evening preparing for my classes in the following week. Besides, I spend much time preparing for my examinations. There is practically no time for television or friends. But I’d like to tell you how I spend my free time when I have it.

For most of my friends, their first priority is to sleep longer than they normally do. But it’s not about me. I don’t like to sleep more than 9 hours, because then I feel even more tired. If it is summer or spring I prefer to go in for sports in the morning in the fresh air, for example, to go for jogging or to play tennis. In winter I like to go skating and skiing. In deep autumn I prefer to stay at home.

I have four wonderful friends and there is a some kind of tradition among us: once a month we all meet together and talk about everything that crosses our minds. It is an excellent opportunity to have a really good chat and a relaxing time.

I don’t have a concrete hobby, which I would devote all my free time. I like to do everything a little. My mother is a perfect dressmaker and she taught me to sew. So from time to time I enrich my wardrobe with modern dresses, skirts and trousers, that I make myself, of course. I also enjoy cooking, especially desserts, ice-cream, cakes, pies, but in fact, I can cook almost every kind of food.

I’m also very fond of reading. I cannot imagine my life without a good book. There are various genres of literature (detectives, thrillers, comics, science fiction, memoirs), and I prefer to read classical novels by Russian and foreign writers.

Well, it is true, that your free time depends on your interests and hobbies. People who want to achieve something in life, to get a perfect education will spend their free days reading or visiting some exhibitions, concerts to enrich their inner world and broaden horizons. Others, less caring about their future life will spend their free time with friends and going to dance every night. But I think, that here should be the golden mean and I belong to it.

Translate the following word combinations into English using the possessive case - Translate the following word combinations into English using the possessive case - Translate the following word combinations into English using the possessive case - Translate the following word combinations into English using the possessive case - Translate the following word combinations into English using the possessive case - VOCABULARY

day off unfortunately to mean free time apart from to prepare (for) besides to spend to feel tired to go for jogging to skate to ski to cross one’s mind excellent opportunity to have a chat a relaxing time a concrete hobby to devote perfect dressmaker to teach (taught, taught,) to sew from time to time to enrich wardrobe modern to enjoy to be fond (of) to imagine various genres to prefer to depend (on) to achieve to broaden to care to belong (to) выходной к сожалению значить, означать свободное время за исключением, кроме готовиться (к) кроме того проводить чувствовать уставшим заниматься бегом трусцой кататься на коньках кататься на лыжах приходить в голову отличный возможность поболтать время отдыха определенное увлечение посвящать отличный, идеальный портниха учить, обучать шить время от времени пополнить гардероб современный получать удовольствие любить, нравиться представить различные жанры предпочитать зависеть (от) достигать расширять заботиться принадлежать


Answer the questions.

1. What type of character are you?

2. Are you an out-going person or not?

3. What is your favourite occupation in leisure time?

4. Have you got a hobby? If so, what is it?

5. How long have you had this hobby? Why do you like it?

6. Is it an expensive hobby?

7. How much time do you spend on your hobby?

8. Is it a common hobby in your country?

9. What is your friend’s hobby? What do passive people do during leisure hours?

10. Why should leisure be refreshment?

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