Iv. тексты для аудирования


When we want to know the time, we look at a clock or a watch.

We can see two hands on the face of the watch. One hand is long. It points to minutes. The other hand is short. It points to hours. The hands go round the face. On the face of the watch there are twelve figures from 1 to 12. When the hour hand stands on eight and the minute hand stands to twelve, it is eight o’clock sharp.


We live in Moscow in a new block of flats. Our flat is large and comfortable. It is four-room flat. There is a shop on the ground floor. There is a lift in our block of flats.

We like the living-room best of all because in the evenings we gather there to have tea, watch TV, talk and rest.

In the morning we have breakfast in the kitchen. It is large and light. I spend much time there cooking cakes.

When we got our flat we invited our friends and relatives for the house-warming. They presented us with a picture and a watch.


When you enter the hall of our technical college you can see the time-table on the wall. There are always many students standing near the time-table and looking for the number of the rooms where they must go.

Our time-table includes obligatory and optional subjects. In the first year all the students study general educational subjects, such as literature, sciences (physics, mathematics, and chemistry), social science – history. Later the students begin to study specialized subjects.

We have lectures, practice and do laboratory works.

The time-table includes subjects, the name of the teachers, time and numbers of the room for each day of the week. We don’t go to the college on Sunday. It is a day off.


Come and spend a day in a technical college. It is nearly 9 on a Monday morning, and students are coming to college after Sunday. Some of them walk to college, and others, who live far from college, come by bus.

It is 11 o’clock: time for the big break. It lasts about an hour. First, students have lunch, than they have free time for plays and walks. Lots of students do their homework, so that they will be free in the evening to go out with their friends, or watch TV.

At half past twelve lessons start again. There are many types of lessons in a college: history, geography, economic, informatic, physical training and so on.

Students usually have three lessons a day. So they go home at 2 o’cloc


The four seasons of the year are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Summer is a hottest season in our country. The firs June is the busiest month for students. It is an examination period. In summer most of people have their holidays, which they spent out of the city. After summer comes autumn. Some people like summer better then the other season because of the colorful nature. Students return to their studying.

December is the first winter month. The coldest month is January. In winter the days are shorter and the nights are longer. The air is cold. It snows hard. But if the day is sunny and not windy it is pleasant to sky and skate.

In Spring the nature wakes. All around is shiny and light. And the mood is good.


Moscow, the capital of our Motherland, is its largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial center. It is one of the oldest Russian cities. Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruki. The oldest part of Moscow is the Kremlin. The Kremlin is situated on the bank of the Moskva River. The Kremlin and Red Square are the heart of the Moscow.

Moscow became the capital of the young Soviet Republic after

the Great October Revolution.

The Moscow metro is comfortable and rapid. The first line of the Moscow underground was constructed in 1935. Since that time Muscovites have built many new line and terminals.

There are many institutes of higher education and secondary specialized schools in this big cultural center.

Moscow is famous for its theatres and museums.

Also Moscow has a title of Hero City.

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