Модальные глаголы

Задание 19.1. Переведите предложения на русский язык и объясните употребление модального глагола can.

1. I am sorry you won’t let me look at the picture once again. But that can’t be helped.

2. These words were unexpected for me, so what could I do or say?

3. I could not possibly let him tell Mother what he really thought of her.

4. “Well, as soon as you are dry, you shall be varnished and framed, and sent home. Then you can do what you like with yourself.”

5. My head was still dizzy, my sight was dim, and my limbs were feeble; I could not soon recover myself.

6. You can’t have forgotten that youassured me most solemnly that nothing in the world would induce you to send it to any exhibition. (O.Wilde)

7. I wish I could belive you were lying : I wish it more now than ever ; since even you cannot explain this mystery to me. (O.Wilde)

8.I canot explanet it to you but I have a subtle premonition of something

terrible that is in store for us all

9.Can it be that Jonathan betrayed her feelings, her devotion , her affection towards the best in his nature?

10.There can have taken place a miracle, for how , otherwise , would they be able to get through it all? How can they have forgotten the hostiliti

separating them for decades?

11. Agnes left a couple of minutes ago and if you had come earlier, you could have caught her.

12. You could have said at last that you did not agree with them. They don’t know him as intimately as you do : you are his brother.

13.Can she have misplaced the jewels ? by all means it is a good idea to warn the police about their loss.

Задание 19.2. Раскройте скобки употрибив необходимую форму глагола и модальный глагол can или could.

1. … this letter (to write ) by Rodger a week ago ? When I saw him last, he did not even mention it to me.

2. Going to a picnic was a great pleasure for everybody; for the ladies …( to talk ) over all there house old problems,the gentlemen…( to discuss) politics without their famely interfering and the children and dogs …(to do ) whatever they liked.

3. How… you (to trust ) this man who has already caused so mush trouble to your fameli by just his presence here ?

4. Your answering machine has spoilt the last recording.I…(not to recognize ) the voice though it seemed fairly familiar.

5. … she already (to study )at the University? I remember her at the age of five ; she was the most amusing child I have ever seen.

6. I ve know him for already fiften years and I am perfectly certain that he… ( not to maan ) that.You … (to misunderstand )him or vice versa.

7. here you are at last ! You … (to came ) earlier : you were informed that I was ill.

8. There is little wonder that he has been imprisoned. I have always suspected that he… even (to murder )someone , to say noting about pilfering.

9. why did not you ask me to halp with your business ? I… ( to do ) something to save your money.

10. … it ( to be ) true that no one knew about the mine there ? The whole boarde … (not to miss ) the information note that had come frome our partner there.

Задание 19.3. Переведите на английский язык употребляя модальные глаголы can/could.

1. Не может быть, чтобы они уже знали об этом вечере. Я только вчера вечером все решил.

2.Неужели Алиса все-таки решила работать учителем? Она так нетерпелива и капризна.

3.Не может быть, чтобы вы там были вчера: я там тоже была и не видела вас.

4.Неужели газеты еще не знают о том, что случилось в парламенте сегодня утром?

5.Неужели все это напрасно и я уже никогда не смогу выступать на соревнованиях и выигрывать?

6.Не можект быть, чтобы его уволили, не объяснив, почему его работой недовольны.

7.Неужели он действительно сделает все так, как обещал тебе? Это так на него не похоже.

8.Неужели он сумеет отстоять свое мнение на заседании совета директоров?

9.Как они могли оставить ее в таком неловком положении? Неужели никто так и не пришел ей на помощь?

10. Не может быть, чтобы вы были не в состоянии выполнить волю своего отца отношении вашего младшего брата.

Задание 19.4. Переведите на русский язык и объясните употребление модального глагола may / might.

1. “Shall I tell you of what it reminded me?” “You may.”

2. This picture may not be ever shown to the public; you must remember it very well.

3. I wanted to be weak that I might avoid the awful passage of further suffering I saw laid out for me.

4. Georgiana said that I might use the guest rooms in her village cottage as well as her conservatory and garsens.

5. You might have telephoned to the embassy and settled everything with the visa so that I might leave this country.

6. You might have gone by the side door: your boots are muddy.

7. Jack might often be seen sitting on the porch with a pipe in his mouth? Contemplating.

8. I asked if he might bring his wife down next Saturday.

9. Aunt Augusta has invited us both for dinner next Sunday but she is afraid you might be bored.

10.There was so much they had shared together and so much more they might have shared that they had not.

11. Joan said that I might take her car whenever I wanted it.

12. “Did she say where she was going?”

“She may have left a message.”

13. “Did she say where she was going?”

“No? but she might have left a message. She knows I am always getting so nervous when she leaves all of a sudden.”

14. “What has happened to the dog? It is not here.”

“Mom may have taken it round for a walk in the park.”

15. She gave a shrug of impatience. “this affair may well fade into nothing.”

Задание 19.5. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму глагола и модальный глагол may / might.

1. “Who is this elegant woman walking in the garden together with Annie?”

“I don’t see from here but it … (to be) her nother.She is always so exquisitely dressed.”

2. “… I (to smoke) here?”

“yes? It’s perfectly all right with me – I never mind people smoking.”

3. “I think we … (to go) skiing to Austria next February. I hope we’ll do, Jacob is so keen on skiing.”

4. Where is Val?”

“I am not certain… I thing he … (to play) squash. Let’s go see if I am right.”

5. “Where is Valera?”

“I have heard something about his love for plants and flowers. So he … (to go) already to the Botanic Gardens wothout waiting for us.”

6. Take your camera. There you … (to come across) something worth remembering.

7. “Why is he impatien about returninh home as soon as possible?”

“He … (to hear) from his family and (to learn) something that makes him return in a hurry.”

8. Don’t turn off the lignt: father … (to come back) after dark.

9. “Why are you whispering all this when you can say it all alound: we are alone. ”

10. “… I (to look) around? The place is very pretty. ”

“Yes, you … But don’t forget that dinner is served here at seven. ”

11. Joan did not approve of Michael’s behaviour; she thought: “He … (to behave) in a more appropriate way: he knows it is difficult for me to justify his way of life. ”

12. “Where do you suppose he is now? ”

“He … (to be) in New York. ”

13.You are welcome to come with me. You … (to notice) things that I miss.

14.“Molly, do you know where Mum … (to put) her address book? ”

“No, though I think it … (to lie) still in the hall. ”

Задание 19.6. Переведите на ангийский язык употребляя модальнык глаголы may / might.

1. – Могу ли я позвонить из вашего офиса?

– Да, конечно можете.

2. На этой выставке можно увидеть полотна выдающихся художников старой школы.

3. – Могу я поговорить с ним?

- К сожалению, он отсутсвует. Что я могу ему передать?

4. Может быть, не все еще потеряно и они успеют предупредить его.

5. Возможно, он будет презедентом страны. Мне очень этого хочеться: он заслуживает это.

6. Зачем ты поехал в горы? Ты же не умеешь даже стоять на лыжах.

7. Из окна можно было увидеть как птицы кормят своих птенцов.

8. В Москве на главных улицах можно увидеть множество людей со всего света.

9. Возможно, я простила бы его, но он не просит у меня прощение.

10. – А чем он занимается ?

- Возможно, он в эту минуту он занят изобретением вечного двигателя, а может быть, и ничего не делает.

11. Все может произойти, но не теряйте присутствия духа. Возможно, вы правы.

12. Может быть, и его пригласят на ужин. Он собирался присоединиться к нам?

Задание 19.7. Употребите в правильной форме глаголы can / may. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. You … use my car tomorrow since I do not need it: I am staying at home.

2. “… I come in? ”

“Yes, do, please.”

3. You … not smoke here. Look, there is a “No smoking” sign over the door.

4. You … not do it without your parent’s consent.

5. You … go now; but remember what I have told you.

6. I … not tell you about it. I have promised to keep this secret.

7. You … not watch this film until you have completed your homework.

8. No one … sit down while the King is speaking.

9. Nigel said that I … stay in his apartment while he was in New York putting his affairs in order.

10. The colonel said that I … come and see him whenever I thought I had important information for him.

Задание 19.8. Переведите на русский язык и обьясните употребление модального глагола must.

1. “No, Basil, you must tell me,” insisted Dorian Gray.”I have a right to know.” (O.Wilde)

2. Dorian shook his read.”You must not ask me about that.” (O.Wilde)

3. I must part with you for my whole life and I must begin a new existence amongst strange faces and strange scenes. (Ch.Brontё)

4. Since I haven’t seen anything, the vision you had must have been unreal. (Ch.Brontё)

5. That woman was – must have been Grace Poole. (Ch.Brontё)

6. I always have a warm corner for Roberta. I must try and find her before I go abroad.

7. “When does Mr.Jonson come back?”

“Next month.”

“You must be missing him terribly then.”

8. Mrs.Cromwell took us around her yacht. There was no doubht that it must have cost her a fortune.

9. “Pull yourself together,” I said. “You must be imagining all this.”

10. This house must have been pretty long time ago.

11. Once a professional, one always must be a professional.

12. I haven’t seen her for ages. She must have changed since then. I am sure I won’t recognize her.

13. It must have been the golden hair that penetrated her with a sort of glowing and made her look like a fairy.

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