I. Choose the correct variant

1. Loans like these…usually… .

a) are repaid b) pay c) be paid

2. Вероятно, Петр не будет доволен, узнав, что его деньги используются в обороте. a) will satisfy/ be used b) is satisfied/ is used c) will be dissatisfied/ is being used

3. Гарантийное письмо выдано всем клиентам. a) has been given b) was given c) was gave

4. They undertook to eliminate all the defects which…found. a) will be b) would have been c) would be

5. He confirmed that when he had been in the port of unloading, only the tanker chartered by their competitors… . a) to be discharged b) was discharged c) had been discharged

6. Из-за непредвиденных обстоятельств груз вчера разгружали поздно вечером. a) was being unloaded b) was unloaded c) were discharging

II. Respond it in Passive, if possible, and translate into Russian as it is; then ask a few questions.

1. The microchip revolution is making a huge impact on modern business. (special)

2. People called the earliest forms of computers mainframe. (disjunctive)

3. Now our firm is going to introduce onto your market microcomputers are obviously much smaller in size, cheaper and more flexible in operation than the previous model. (alternative)

4. The more you invest money in banking, the more profit you’ll gain from its circulation.

5. The firm will have conformed the freight of the necessary vessel till their representative is inspecting the goods on the premises of the Sellers. (general)

6. The vessel led to the nearest port of loading. (special to attribute)

III. Translate into English and then say also in Active.

1. Текущие каталоги и прейскуранты тщательно изучают по получении.

2. Срок гарантии увеличили на 3 и 24 месяца соответственно.

3. Автомобиль могут собрать в Англии из деталей, произведенных в Японии или Германии, которые, в свою очередь, изготовлены из сырья, вроде каучука из Малайзии; железа из Швеции и хромния Зимбабве.

4. Когда бы ни приходилось им разгружать или погружать товары, дополнительные издержки покрывались покупателями.

5. Сейчас назначают самые низкие цены на этот товар за последние 2 года.

6. Их заместитель директора отклонил предложение от наших конкурентов до того, как рекламировали нашу новую модель на последней выставке сельскохозяйственного машиностроения.

Test 4

I. Translate into Russian and say it in Passive:

1. Yesterday they signed a contract on delivery of raw materials from India in 3 lots.

2. While they were eliminating the defects in the finish, the engineers were carefully considering the capacity of the new model.

3. Unless you can dispatch the goods in the time specified in the contract, our firm will have to require reimbursement of extracharges.

4. The bookkeeper is opening a divisible irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of The firm Smith and Co with the Moscow – Minsk bank for the partial value of the goods right now.

5. The chief personnel manager has just reconsidered the responsibilities of all servicemen in our shop.

6.Before you ensured our tools against damages in transit, the manager had got a new guarantee period, extended by 3 months.

II. Translate it into English as it is and then say it in Active:

1. Только вчера к вечеру от тестов на территории Вашего завода отказались. (альтернативный)

2. По сравнению с предыдущим кварталом продажи увеличены благодаря тому, что 10 дней назад были снижены цены. (разделительный)

3. Когда вас уведомят об изменениях в условиях поставки, вся информация будет передана тотчас главному менеджеру по продаже.

4. Пока в прошлый четверг грузополучателями отправлялась копия аккредитива, грузоотправителям поступило более выгодное предложение. (общий отрицательный)

5. В соответствии с пунктом 3.2 по контракту №324 все издержки на складирование, хранение и транспортировку должны быть покрыты покупателями. (специальный)

6.По просьбе наших постоянных покупателей должны будут пересмотреть цену и обсудить увеличение скидки.

III. Choose either Active, or Passive and translate into Russian:

Last month I (to visit)…Siberia with a colleague in search of an original and profitable investments. After a 13-hour flight from Moscow, we (to land)…in the region of the Siberian gold mines. The next day we (to visit)… a gold mine. It (to lie)…at the bottom of a small valley, cut by a river. Two shafts (to rise).. up to the level of the surroundings hills. There (to be)…a large crusher, a processing plant and some administrative buildings. The mine (to be)…old. Built in the 50-s. It (to run down)… .An out-of-date technology (to use)…and only about 80% of the gold in the ore (to extract)…if modern western gold mining technology (to use)…, 85-95% of the ore (to extract)… . The production (can, to increase)…simply by upgrading its processing machinery. This (to mean)…a reasonable investment. However, we (to be)…sure if the government (to let)…us export the gold which we (to extract)… .

After careful consideration of the opportunities and the risks included, we (to decide)…that the company (can, to put)…at present enough capital into this venture to make profit. For the next 2 years we (to go)…for less lucrative but safer investments.

Test 5

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