Find the Nominative Absolute Participial Constructions, analyze what their elements are expressed by and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Protoplasm is organized and divided into cells, each cell having an individuality of its own.

2. The chromatin network in the cell is composed of a definite number of chromosome threads, the number being constant for each species.

3. Flagella are longer and less numerous than cilia, each cell usually possessing only one or two.

4. Through the continuous increase in the number of cells, an organism grows until it reaches its adult size, its cells differentiating at the same time into the various tissues and organs that make up its body.

5. In a process called cytokines, the cytoplasm of the cells is divided into two parts, each containing one of the newly formed nuclei.

6. Erythrocytes are non-nucleated cells whose sole function is that of transporting oxygen. They are the most numerous of the formed elements of blood, the number in domestic animals varying greatly among different species.

4.20 Translate the text into Russian, paying attention to the Participles:

Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Systems

With few exceptions, protoplasm is organized into microscopically visible units called cells. Cells are the smallest living units (except for the viruses). They are variously shaped, have a considerable range of size, and associated in different ways. They all have structural features in common.

In some instances single cells constitute entire organisms, every cell carrying on all the life processes. Small numbers of cells may be associated in colonies. In these colonial groups all cells appear similar and have the same function. In other aggregation of cells there is often division of labour, particular cells being more соncerned with some life functions than with others. This division of labour becomes increasingly important in the higher forms of life which have great structural complexity.

In these higher plants and animals the cells are organized into tissues or groups of cells with similar structure and functions. Combinations of tissues make up organs with more or less distinct functions. In the animals, which are functionally more complicated than plants, the organs are associated in systems or groups of organs that are collectively responsible for certain functions.

Translate the following sentences into Russian and substitute the Absolute Participle Construction by clauses and vice versa.

a) 1. The temperature and air conditions being favourable, the plant begins to grow. 2. The supply of food provided by wild plants and animals having become insufficient, primitive man began to grow plants.3. Good storage conditions having been provided, the seeds retainedtheir good quality and viability.

b) 1. After more favourable conditions had been created, the plants grew to a greater size. 2. Nowadays people know a great number of plant species and the best know among them are the most useful to man. 3. As the day was warm we decided to plant some fruit trees.

4.22 Translate into Russian:

1. The chemists have developed new polymers, some of them having a high degree of strength. 2. The conversation was interesting, many students taking part in it. 3. Medium temperature between 200° and 250° С having been maintained, a new artificial substance was obtained.

4. In the cells there is often division of labour, particular cells being more concerned with some life functions than with others. 5. Already about 350,000 different kinds of plants have been studied and named, new kinds being discovered each year. 6. The temperature of the tissue rising dangerously, water will evaporate through the mesophill cells. 7. Conifers being beautiful trees, many people like to have them around their houses to decorate the landscape. 8. The botany-zoology system grew up naturally as biological science developed, the emphasis during its early years being placed on structure and relationships.

Note the use of verbals in translate them into Russian.


Everyone has seen animals in cages even though they may not like the idea. Believe it or not cages plants also exist. They are the Wallemi Pine, possibly the world’s oldest plants, and have been kept for breeding and research purposes. The Wallemi Pine, which flourished in Australia before continental drift made for a drier climate, was discovered in 1994, after having been thought to be extinct for between 20 and 40 million years. It had previously been found only in fossilized form.

The present specimens, discovered in the Blue Mountains in New South Wales, have been dated to over1,000 years old. It is hoped that the 38 genetlcally identical plants will thrive, despite the danger of disease which would arise from their sharing the same DNA. One thing for sure, the Wallemi Pine will not be able to escape from their cages.




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